

The next morning I woke up by the sound of Nakta's alarm. I opened my eyes and growled softly, knowing it was still early in the morning by looking out of the window. It was still dark, no sunshine at all. I sat up straight in my bed, almost bumping my head against the ceiling. I shared a bunk bed with Yano and I slept on the top. I still had to get used to this bed, since we switched rooms just a week ago, and it happened that I bumped my head frequently. Also the other six guys I shared a room with (Sangdo, Nakta, Hansol, B-Joo, A-Tom and Yano) woke up and got out of bed slowly. I looked around myself while I slowly got out of my bed aswell, thinking about last evening. I didn't remember that I went to bed, only that I had been sitting on the couch with Seogoong. I must've fell asleep there, but.. how did I get in my bed?

"Sangdo-hyung~" I called out to Sangdo, who looked up with the most horrible sleepy-face I've ever seen. I chuckled at the sight and rubbed my eyes before asking my question. "I didn't got in my bed myself, right? How did you guys get me in there?" I asked. Sangdo frowned, shrugging a second later. "I don't know. You fell asleep on the couch. I guess Hyunho got you in there but don't ask me how." He answered. I nodded. How the heck got Seogoong me in my bed. I was sleeping on top of a bunk bed. It was impossible to get someone in there while he was asleep. I raised my eyebrows as I tried to imagine how Seogoong got me in there, but I had no idea. 

We heard a knock on the door and all of us looked up. "Are you all awake?!" I heard Gohn asking us. "Yes!" A-Tom answered. "Good. We're leaving for practice in a hour so hurry up a bit." He continued before leaving. I decided to 'forget' my shower for this morning since we were going to practice and will get all sweaty anyways, and just get dressed. I gathered my clothes while listening to Jenissi, Hojoon and Kidoh's fight over the toilet. It happened daily, but it was still annoying that when you had to do your 'things' you had to wait because of a few others being there before you were. We really needed a bigger dorm with two or more bathrooms. We asked for that, but manager-hyung claimed there was no money for that and that they will get a bigger dorm in maybe two or three years. 

"I'm gonna get changed, don't look." I spoke once I gathered all my clothes. I saw everyone around here already a few times, yet I don't want them to see me like that. I was somehow embarrassed. "Don't worry, it's not like we want to see you like that." Nakta said and snickered. I chuckled and gave a small nod, getting dressed as quick as possible. I wore black jeans and a black sweatshirt with a white text on it, I never really readed what it actually said. Once done I did my hair and brushed my teeth once the bathroom was free, then I got downstairs and waited for the others.

We walked to the cars when finally everyone was ready and got inside. I was sitting next to Jenissi and Hansol, which wasn't my favourite spot. Of course they couldn't keep their hands off each other and I tried my best to ignore them, but the giggling from Hansol got quite annoying. "Please do that somewere else, I'm getting sick of this." I complained, looking at my two hyungs next to me who completely ignored me. They probably didn't even hear me. I looked in front of myself at the bench in front of us, which was taken by P-Goon, Seogoong and Yano. "Hyuuung~" I sang, poking the back of P-Goon's back. "Tell them to quit, it's annoying." I complained when I catched leader's attention. "Hm. Let's switch places when going back home, okay?" He suggested. I nodded. We were almost at our destination anyways. 


Once we arrived at the Stardom-building all of us got out of the car. I smiled when the fresh air hit my face, finally being free. Well.. free? I wasn't sitting in that awefull car anymore, so I felt good. All of us walked inside and got to our practice room, starting our rehearsal. We just made a kind-of comeback with Arario but we still needed to practice the dance a bit. So, when we got in everyone put their stuff aside and we started practicing like they expected us to do. 

Two hours later everyone was tired and we decided to quit for today. It was a quite early, usually we would practice four or five hours, but today we all felt like not doing anything. We stayed in the room for a quite while, just talking and fooling around a bit. Since I got sweaty when dancing I decided to take a shower here. "Going to shower~." I sang softly before I got up and hurried towards the big shower near to our practice room. It was meant for more people so they could shower all at once, and it sometimes happened the others wanted to shower on the same time. When that happened I'd make sure I quickly left before anyone saw too much of me. It didn't happen often tho, and since everyone showered this morning I didn't expect someone to come in. Well, at least I guessed everyone showered. I wasn't sure tho.

I undressed myself after grabbing a towel and got into the shower, turning on the water as I took all the time I needed, knowing the others hadn't planned to leave anytime soon. I went with my hand through my wet hair as I looked down at my body. After seeing leader-hyung's abs I felt kinda unsure about my own body. I know I wasn't fat or anything, yet I was kinda jealous at my hyungs body. I should probably train some more. I was thinking about how and when to do that when I heard the door open and snapped back to reality. Oh god. I hoped one of them just wanted to ask me something instead of showering, but when I heard clothes being ped and taken off I knew that sadly wasn't happening. I grabbed the soap and quickly washed myself, making sure I could leave the shower as soon as possible before my hyung or dongsaeng had seen too much of my body.

"You're still in here? Thought you'd be done already." I heard a voice speaking. I turned my face into the others direction once he entered the shower. Of course it had to be the person I really didn't want to meet in here; Seogoong. "No, eh.. I'm almost done so.." I answered him and shrugged slowly, turning my back in his direction so he wouldn't see too much of me. I heard him chuckle behind me, but decided not to react as my cheeks turned red. I need to get out here as soon as possible. 

"Now I see you without clothes, you're pretty small, my little ~." Seogoong spoke. My eyes slightly widened at his comment, feeling his eyes roaming over my back. Was he seriously looking at me? Another reason to get out of here right now. And the 'little ', it was probably my new nickname. I didn't really like it tho. "I'm not your little , don't call me like that hyung." I said with a tune of annoyance in my voice. "Then what do you want to be called?" Seogoong asked me. I frowned at this kind of stupid question from my hyung, shrugging slowly. "Jiho? Xero? Ever thought of that?" I responsed while looking up at him. I shouldn't be doing that, since our eyes met and I looked down straight away, now realizing I wasn't the only one who's in here. I already figured out I had a crush on Park Hyunho, a pretty big one, and now he was standing next to me in the shower, both . Oh god, this is even worse than I thought.. "Nah, how about something that really fits you? Like 'Princess'." He spoke and a smirk appeared on his face. 

I looked up to him with slight widened eyes, raising my eyebrows. "Princess? In which way I look like a 'princess' to you?! I'm not even a girl." I snapped. This nickname was nothing better than the former one. As long I wasn't Seogoong's princess he wasn't allowed to call me like that.. I guess. "You're pretty sassy at times, just like princesses can do in movies..-" Seogoong started. He lifted my chin with two of his fingers which made me wrinkle my nose in confusement. "- and you look like one, you're pretty." He continued. I noticed myself staring at Seogoong and now realized he called me pretty. Why the.. what was going on? I felt myself panicking a bit in this moment and before I knew I hurried out of the shower, drying myself quickly and putting on my clothes before I runned back to the others, leaving a brightly smirking Seogoong behind.


Second one~ I hope it's better than the last one but I'm not sure xD

My next update will be soon~.

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 3: Update please :(
Fatin96 #2
Chapter 5: Please Update !!!!! I really love this story xD
Chapter 5: OMG.updatee ahhhh!!!!Stresss!!
Love the story!
Kim_HyeRin #5
Chapter 5: Love this 2 !!! Can't wait for the next chapter >.< Xero crossdressing is a very good idea ! *-*
KeyboardHero #6
Chapter 5: Xero crossdressing and call Seogoong 'oppa' í just WOW O.O the other member reaction gonna be fun though...
Waaa~~ jiho Will call him oppa omg!!
Really love this!
Sooooo shippable (????)
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH!!!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! update soon :D
Snow_land #9
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD!!!!!! XD this is wonderful
awika2005 #10
Chapter 5: I'm screaming for 'Oppa' Kyaaaaaaaa~~ㅠㅠ
I imagined Xero crossdressing....Wow He's hot...