It's You

Kiss My Curse Away

Chapter 3: It’s You


As much as you were loved by someone and everyone you knew, there will always be someone who loathed you, someone who can’t wait for you to die. In Sehun’s life, there were always three boys who never took a liking on the fair skinned boy. They were jealous of how much attention was being given to Sehun. Why? Why did many adore him? What was good about Sehun aside from his beautiful looks?

Those boys never took action because Sehun was always surrounded by lots of people, making it difficult for them to do something. But this time, Sehun was by the river alone—which was a rare sight—washing clothes.

The river was far from the village, and a little bit deeper into the forest.

“Look who’s there…” A guy nudged his friend’s ribs. He was hiding behind a huge tree.

“My, my, isn’t it the little snow white?” His friend answered, plastering a sinister smirk on his ugly face.

“Why don’t we say hi?” The third one suggested, in which the other two agreed.


Sehun was whistling a random tune, washing his mother’s clothes when he heard a crunch of a branch behind. He stopped his hand movements momentarily and whistling, but after hearing nothing, he resumed his task back.

“I wish I could bring you home.” Sehun smiled at the little squirrel that was always there whenever Sehun came into the forest. Pinkeu, he named the rodent. The squirrel chirped back, but then it started chirping really loudly.

“What’s wrong, Pinkeu?” Sehun frowned, “are you hungry? Let me get you acorns.”

Sehun was about to turned his back when a hard object knocked the back of his head, and everything became black. The last thing he saw was three pairs of feet and Pinkeu squeaking in panic.



He fluttered his eyes open and instantly, he felt an aching dull pain at the back of his head down to his neck and shoulders. He saw Pinkeu lying helplessly on a rock, only now did it registered to him that he was inside a dimly cave covered by the waterfall. That would explain his shivering body.

“Pinkeu!” He cried, wanting to hug the poor thing, but his whole body was tied by thick ropes.

“Ah, you’re awake.” A sly voice came echoing in the cave.

Sehun widened his eyes in shock when realization came pouring in.

“Taemin…?” He stared helplessly at his neighbor who he had thought was always kind and caring all along. So… it was a façade all along? Sehun thinks bitterly.

“Yes, Sehun-ah?” Taemin inched closer.

“L-let me go!” He glared at his friend.

“Na ah, Sehun-ah. There are still so much things we want to do with you.” He faked a frown.

“W-we...?” Sehun glanced wearily at his surrounding but no one else was there beside Taemin.

He yelped when hands suddenly s around his waist.

“Hi, Sehun-ah.” The sickening voice purred in his ear. “I missed you.”

Sehun’s lips trembled. “G- get away from me!”

“Now, now, why are you so hostile? You used to call my name so affectionately—Woohyuk—Woohyuk.” He bite on Sehun’s ear.

Sehun did remember when sometimes he would play with Woohyuk near the market after school. The Woohyuk he knew was gentle and caring, but he guessed it was all a façade.

Sehun’s body shook as Woohyuk kept spots on his neck, he had never experienced something like this. “P-please, let me go. I don’t even know what I had done to you guys!” angry tears pooled at the corners of his eyes.

“Now, now, be nice, Sehun.” Taemin tsked as he walked over to Pinkeu and picked it up by the tail roughly.

“Release him!”

“Ah, only if you play nice and let us have fun, Sehun-ah.” Sehun shut his eyes and his body shuddered because of the foreign feeling. It was sickening, yet he couldn’t do anything to fight, his head hurt and his body was sore from the tight rope.

He clenched his jaw when he felt a hand grabbed his crotch, rubbing it harshly.

“Do you like that, ? You were always around people, I bet you’ve had filthy in your mouth, huh?” This, time it was not Taemin nor Woohyuk, but a different person. Sehun recognized him as the school bully, Namjin.

Sehun spit at his face and glared. “I’m not scared!”

Namjin stopped from a moment before breaking into a mocking laughter. “Look, guys, the little snow white said he’s not afraid!” He wiped the saliva off.

“You’re very funny, Sehun-ah.” Taemin chortled. “Look at your tail shaking.”

Next there were hands pulling down his shorts, but before it was pulled completely,  Sehun spit on his face for the second time and Namjin looked up in anger,

“Enough, you ing !” He slapped each side of Sehun’s face before pulling his hair up.

“Spit on me again—

And Sehun did. And the consequences this time were not slaps, but a knife.

“Do that again, and I won’t hesitate to shove this down your throat.” To prove that, Namjin pressed the side of the knife to his neck, creating a long slash of red. Sehun winced but hid it to appear strong.

Namjin didn’t move the knife from his neck. “Stay put or this knife will go some place else.” He glanced at Sehun’s torso.

“Boys,” He called, “Do what you have to.”

Taemin and Woohyuk their lips, smirking at their prey. The latter jerked his chin before shoving his tongue in.


But everytime he made noises, the knife was pressed deeper into his skin so he clenched his teeth to suppress the whimpering.

Namjin used his other hand to drag Sehun’s pants until it pooled around his feet.

“My, my, you look hard.” Namjin swipe his tongue across his bottom lip. He lowered his mouth near Sehun’s shaft.

Sehun closed his eyes, waiting for the disgusting moment to be over… but nothing happened. He reluctantly opened an eye and blood pounded his ears. The knife that Namjin used to threaten him was pierced through his neck, precisely on his adam’s apple. Trembling in fear, Sehun dared himself to look at the other two, and the sight was worse.

Taemin’s hand was bend in a strange way and his pupils were dilated, only white. Lastly, Woohyuk’s body was covered in a pool of blood. Not realizing, his ropes were already loosed. After a moment to stabilize his uneven breathing, he stood up, almost falling at the process because of his numb legs.

He gained support from the rocky walls and walked toward the rock where Pinkeu was put, but the rodent was missing, snapping his head in all direction only to leave the cave without Pinkeu in his hands.

He almost lost hope when suddenly he heard a swooshing movement around the trees. It was too fast for the human’s eyes but Sehun was quite sure there was something. Hesitantly, he walked over and saw a trace of blood. It was leaving evidences like trails of breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel.

Being the curious kid he was, he decided to follow the blood traces.



Sehun hid behind the trees, he had finally reached to the point where the blood traces had stopped and he was sure his legs could wobble down any second from almost one hour of walking on uneven paths full of rocks.

A good distance away, he saw something hunched down, its back was facing Sehun.

He felt a sense of familiarity and decided to let go of his fears to step forward. A branch cracked under his shoes and instantly, the thing snapped his head to face whoever disturbed him.

Sehun breathed out in realization before a small smile grazed his mouth.

“It’s you…”







A/N: Hi it's been soooo long I hope you guys still remember this story and hope you enjoyed this chapter! hehe ^^;; 

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Chapter 7: SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE BACK!!!! Man did I miss this!! And yaaayyyy xiuhan came to rescue hun!!! And does Kris have a thing for Sehun? Idk but YOU GO SEHUN!!! Go help your beast!!! He needs you!!! Please do update soon!!!!!!! I missed this ToT
Chapter 7: Yasss update soon
Chapter 7: Welcome back author nim....

And Kris is not his previous self...??? Hmmmmmm.....

And please be careful Sehun, I don't want you to be trapped in between Kris hunting and the beast (Jongin)

Thanks for the updates author nim.....
Galaxy_vobo #4
Chapter 6: Please update.
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 6: intresting ^^
TaoHunL #6
Chapter 6: It's not sehun's fault gosh!! Poor him! I cant waot for the next chapter^^
Chapter 6: Poor Sehun..... I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Chapter 6: I can't believe that the people believe all the lies that the village leader said.
Poor Sehun....

And now they're searching on the beast Jongin..... Oh no.....!!!!!

Σ (゚Д゚;)
Chapter 6: Yeay finally you update this again! So glad to know you didn't abandon this story and left us hanging here :)
And idk but I kind of upset with Sehun, because I thought he was gonna fight for himself with the 'right' way and not just put the blame to the beast (Jongin ) when what it did is just to protect Sehun from the boys that wanted to him!! :((
Now the villager gonna hunt down the beast :''(