Prologue: Alone And Cursed

Kiss My Curse Away


PROLOGUE: Alone And Cursed



Broken pieces of mirrors were everywhere, spreading on the floor of cold and expensive marble tiles, almost covering the whole room and it was the last piece of mirror he had, now none could be found in his castle. His bloodied palms covered his face, the disgusting skin he itched to scratch and tear. 

"What you had, never appreciated." 

"What you saw, never did you take your time to savor." 

"The only thing you love, is inflicting pain." 

"And now, the time you had, is up." 

"Like the screams of the people you killed, is all that's going to come out of your mouth. Your ugly heart will now truly reflect your appearance."

He wanted to scream, to curse everyone and the one who made him this way, but the only thing coming from his mouth were groans and struggles of unfinished jumbles of words and unclear sentences, not forming anything understandable, like how a toddler would talk. It frustrated him to no end, he pulled his brown strands of hair in distress as his furry tail swooped to the side and thumped against the fabric of the carpet.

"A beast." 

After years of not talking, not communicating in any sort of form using his mouth, he has developed a liking towards art, something he never took interest in before, something he would always passed by without a blink, but now, he learned that it was much more than that. 

He stood up, albeit a little hunched, and went to the other side of his room where it was still clean, not a single piece of glass invaded because this, he wanted to keep this a place where he couldn't see any of his reflections, he wanted it to be kept with only him and his imagination, wishing it would be like that all the time. It wasn't like this before, long ago, all he could do was stare at the perfection he deemed as himself in the mirrors he ordered to be placed around the whole compound.

He placed a grip on one of the many wooden pencils within his long and elegant fingers that were covered with fur and ends connected with long and uncared fingernails. From his broad back, all the things even a blind man can see were long and uncountable wide scars, burnt marks, slits, cuts, along with healing holes. All the scars overlapped each it was hard to tell which one came first, all of it made the skin go bumpy and uneven, everyone would've thought it was an utterly disgusting and sickening thing to see.

And he kept his best to hide it from everybody. 





"Yes, mother?" A young boy stood up and placed the watering can on a windowsill. He rubbed his wet hands on the fabric of his trousers and made way to the kitchen where a beautiful woman in her forties was cooking.

"Could you get me some ingredients? I'm making a medicine for your sick grandpa. The markets should be open by now." A list of different things on a note was shoved in his hands as he open the door after kissing his mother goodbye. As he stepped outside, the warm breeze of spring greeted his bare skin as he took his time to enjoy the morning. He jogged to the main town, where streets of shops and stands were aligned, he greeted most of the people there until arriving at one particular stand. He heard some old ladies gossiping nearby, Sehun paid no attention but their loud voices made it hard to ignore.

"Did you know?" 

"What, what? Tell us!" 

"Last week, Mr. Kang's stables reeked of blood, it turns out, all his horses were gone, and there were bones everywhere! It must be the work of a beast."

"You mean..." She lowered her voice and stopped, as if it was a forbidden word.

"Ssh! Do not say, but I do believe it was him." 

Gasps soon filled as they continue to talk but then changed to other topics. Sehun shook his head and decided to greet the lady, 

"Good morning Mrs. Park!" He smiled warmly at the elder who melted at the sight. Sehun was loved by the whole village, he was the type of boy that helped people with all his might, who greeted the elders and made time to chat, played with small children and teach them some games, overall, he was a sweet apple pie the villagers found pride in. 

"Why, good morning sweetie! What can I get for you?" She rubbed her hands on the apron and returned a smile to the young boy. 

"Hmm," he read the list, "I need two basket of purple berries, one coconut oil and some bananas." He looked up to see the woman frowning. 

"I'm sorry, we ran out of berries. You can come again tomorrow, I think they'll deliver more, okay?" He patted his head in a friendly manner. They bid goodbyes and Sehun walked over when the thought of his mother looking at him disappointedly. He clenched the plastic bag of some ingredients and decided to saunter to the forest at the far end of the streets. He knew all kinds of berries grew there and people can actually pick them without having to pay, it's just the scary aura emitted from the dark place that kept everyone from climbing the fence.

Being the brave boy he was, he strapped the plastic to the loop of his belt and crawled over to the top before landing swiftly on the other side, where overgrown plants and tall grass tickled his legs. He bended down to tie his shoelaces, to prevent from accidents. After walking for minutes, he spotted some bushes up the hills and jogged there, glad to find those in a short period of time. 

A sudden cry resonated loudly, coming from the deeper part of the forest and the crows flew to other directions in a panic state. This made Sehun stopped plucking the fruits as he turned his head at the source of the voice, from afar, a scene of a humongous castle perched on top of a hill welcomed his eyesights. It was truly beautiful, but.. Something was missing, Sehun thought it looked lonely and gloomy- something he despised so much. Oh! maybe he can pay a visit some other time, Sehun brightly thought about befriending the people there and maybe eat some cookies together would be great. 

What a naïve thought. 




He looked up to the ceilings of his room, it was 1 in the morning but still, he couldn't sleep and all he kept thinking of is a certain building far from the main town, how thick vines had grew to the walls and along the gates, as if binding it- blocking everyone from entering. He tossed his body around his ragged sheets as his heart kept telling that he shouldn't be here. And he should be out there, doing what he's been itching too from the start he laid his eyes on that castle. 

After a few minutes of contemplating, he found himself tipping ever so quietly with his black cloak on, as he jogged lightly towards the gates of the village. He pushed it slowly, afraid of waking up the gate keeper- after all, it was forbidden to go out at night, the villagers said something about beasts and how they'll eat you alive. Sehun laughed at their weird beliefs, there's no such things. Soon after he passed large trees and dark gloomy paths, he found himself standing in front of a tall and wide wooden gate, his eyes raked over any handles or anything he can pull, but nothing. 

He cried happily inside when he spotted the vines, ah! Sehun was good at climbing, he used to play some climbing races with his friends. He found a vine long enough that grew to the top- until it reached to a window sill. He made his way and jerked the window sill with the remains of his energy and cried happily when the metal slid up, making an opening for him to jump in. 

Sehun dusted his pants and took his surroundings in and realized he was in a bedroom and took tentative steps around, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't a place Sehun would choose to go home to everyday. Sehun knew what he did isn't nice, considering it was a part of invading the other's privacy but he couldn't help it, the thoughts of it haunted him and he wasn't describe as a patient boy. Everything was colored in dark- the wallpapers peeled off and oh, Sehun looked down, shreds of glasses were everywhere! He walked more and spotted.. Papers? And a canvas, tubes of paint and oils didn't go unnoticed. Sehun let his fingers glide through the soft texture of the canvas as he eyes the piece of Art, all kinds of flowers, roses, tulips, daisies, baby's breaths.

Ah, the owner must've like flowers then, Sehun smiled as he traced the outlines of the daisies, it was his favorite flower, but soon- a sudden clash made him jerk his hand away as he turned his head in surprise- only for his face to made a contact with something hot and fur that tickled his nose. 





A/N: hi guys! This is the prologue! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thank you for those who subscribed<3 let me know what you guys think of this! See you guys in the next chapter :) 



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Chapter 7: SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE BACK!!!! Man did I miss this!! And yaaayyyy xiuhan came to rescue hun!!! And does Kris have a thing for Sehun? Idk but YOU GO SEHUN!!! Go help your beast!!! He needs you!!! Please do update soon!!!!!!! I missed this ToT
Chapter 7: Yasss update soon
Chapter 7: Welcome back author nim....

And Kris is not his previous self...??? Hmmmmmm.....

And please be careful Sehun, I don't want you to be trapped in between Kris hunting and the beast (Jongin)

Thanks for the updates author nim.....
Galaxy_vobo #4
Chapter 6: Please update.
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 6: intresting ^^
TaoHunL #6
Chapter 6: It's not sehun's fault gosh!! Poor him! I cant waot for the next chapter^^
Chapter 6: Poor Sehun..... I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Chapter 6: I can't believe that the people believe all the lies that the village leader said.
Poor Sehun....

And now they're searching on the beast Jongin..... Oh no.....!!!!!

Σ (゚Д゚;)
Chapter 6: Yeay finally you update this again! So glad to know you didn't abandon this story and left us hanging here :)
And idk but I kind of upset with Sehun, because I thought he was gonna fight for himself with the 'right' way and not just put the blame to the beast (Jongin ) when what it did is just to protect Sehun from the boys that wanted to him!! :((
Now the villager gonna hunt down the beast :''(