Leave Me Alone

Kiss My Curse Away

Chapter 2: Leave Me Alone



Surprised, Sehun fell on his , loss for words at what he saw in front.

They were true… there was indeed a beast.

His eyes roamed around and he took what little time he had to indulge the beast’s features. Fierce yet gentle, black eyes that protruded deep into one’s soul, including Sehun’s and sharp fangs protruded from his mouth. The fur was of a golden brown with noticeable streaks of silver if you squint hard enough. Sehun also noticed how soft looking the fur looked, he almost wanted to touch it, to run his hand all over it.

He realized th

“Pretty.” Sehun breathed out, his eyes wide open. “You’re very pretty…” he smiled softly before standing up.

“May I… touch you?” He raised his hand a little, slowly toward the direction of the beast.

The beast flinched hard before he grunted and bared his fangs at Sehun.

“I promise, I won’t hurt you.” Sehun’s voice was so gentle, sounding like a lullaby in the other’s ears.

Extending his hand even further, he managed to caress the beast’s muzzle before a sharp pain shoot through his fingers like thousands of needles.

Yelping in pain, he held his hand against his chest, glaring at the other, he was offended and hurt.

“Why? I won’t hurt you!” Sehun raised his voice a little.

The beast glowered and grumbled again loudly, making Sehun tilt his head in confusion.


“What?” Sehun stepped closer.

“I….s-sai..d. L-l…eave..!”

Any ordinary person with a rational mind would’ve ran for their life now, not wanting to anger the beast. But Sehun was indeed different, once those words left the other’s mouth, it was the honey- filled and tender voice that made Sehun stayed on the ground.

The way every syllable was pronounced like a toddler, and how fierce he was trying to be, how rusted and raspy the sentences splurged out. Sehun the made his mind up.

“You know what?!” Sehun held his posture, “I have came this far, climb the vines to get here, not to get pushed away like an uninvited guest.” He breathed determinedly with his nostrils.

“Although I am uninvited… But, but that’s not the point!” He stomped his feet childishly. “I am not going to leave this place.”

The beast sighed, it seemed like a sigh to Sehun, and walked toward him slowly, Sehun held his place and looked into the other’s eyes.

But not long, he was carried off the ground, mid- air and noticed that the back of his shirt was gnawed by the strong fangs and seconds later, he was back to square one, just where the window reside.

Terrified, Sehun screamed his lungs off, “No! No! Release me! There’s no way you’re going to throw me out! Put me down!!” He struggled against and moved his limbs around to no use, he was way weaker than the other.

“Put me down— AAHHH!”

He screamed and shut his eyes tight as he realized he was thrown out of the window and was soon going to hit the bottom of the ground. Gritting his teeth hard, he braced for the incoming impact……

Only to feel something plush against his back. He froze before blinking.

“W-what?” Looking down, he saw a huge plant, wider than his own body, cushioning his fall. Remembering the culprit, he looked up and saw that the window was already shut close, making him sigh dejectedly, he now had no choice but to go home.




“What idiot is dumb enough to climb the vines of the forbidden castle?” Chen, his friend, snickered.

“Well,” Sehun pouted, “It didn’t say anything about being forbidden... I didn’t know it was forbidden, okay!”

Suho sighed dramatically, “Sehunnie baby! You’re going to get hurt!” He fretted, he was indeed the worrywart mother of the group, but nevertheless, Sehun loved him.

“No!” Sehun shook his head stubbornly, “I’m still going to try!”

“You fool!” Kris, the eldest of the group suddenly shouted, making Sehun flinch a little at how harsh he sounded, he was usually kind and like a caring brother who loved to dote on Sehun.

“Kris hyung…”

“What if you get killed?!” He stomped over to Sehun and dragged him up by his elbow. “You know worried I was?!”


“Stop being so naïve, Sehun!” Kris hugged Sehun tightly, knowing the danger of facing the beast, and Sehun surviving and being able to walk back alive was a miracle itself. Kris didn’t know why the beast didn’t kill Sehun, it should’ve, because after all, Kris’ father was one of the victims.




That night, Sehun was restless, he couldn’t slept a wink, and all that clouded his head was a familiar pair of eyes and soft fur. He remembered what it felt like to touch him, even if it were only seconds because the touch still burned his fingertips. He caressed his bandaged hand before sleeping.


And somewhere along the back of Sehun’s house, hidden deep between the trees, icy blue eyes shone brightly amongst the darkness, watching the boy from the room who couldn’t slept without the flicker of a candle light. 




A/N: haha it's been a looong time! Sorry! ^^ So this is the first chapter! Enjoy!

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Chapter 7: SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE BACK!!!! Man did I miss this!! And yaaayyyy xiuhan came to rescue hun!!! And does Kris have a thing for Sehun? Idk but YOU GO SEHUN!!! Go help your beast!!! He needs you!!! Please do update soon!!!!!!! I missed this ToT
Chapter 7: Yasss update soon
Chapter 7: Welcome back author nim....

And Kris is not his previous self...??? Hmmmmmm.....

And please be careful Sehun, I don't want you to be trapped in between Kris hunting and the beast (Jongin)

Thanks for the updates author nim.....
Galaxy_vobo #4
Chapter 6: Please update.
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 6: intresting ^^
TaoHunL #6
Chapter 6: It's not sehun's fault gosh!! Poor him! I cant waot for the next chapter^^
Chapter 6: Poor Sehun..... I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Chapter 6: I can't believe that the people believe all the lies that the village leader said.
Poor Sehun....

And now they're searching on the beast Jongin..... Oh no.....!!!!!

Σ (゚Д゚;)
Chapter 6: Yeay finally you update this again! So glad to know you didn't abandon this story and left us hanging here :)
And idk but I kind of upset with Sehun, because I thought he was gonna fight for himself with the 'right' way and not just put the blame to the beast (Jongin ) when what it did is just to protect Sehun from the boys that wanted to him!! :((
Now the villager gonna hunt down the beast :''(