

The sound of chirping birds indicated the sun had shone brightly outside. It was a new day with a refreshing and clear sky which would bring a joy to most people in the city – but not for one person. For the past few weeks, heavy rain and windstorm covered the entire city without giving a good sign of a better weather. The bad weather made people hard to do their daily routines. Some of the companies also chose to pause their business when the storm rage on. 

When most of people let out a relief sigh, Luhan still had to battle with his own struggle. 

Luhan opened his eyes as slowly as possible. The room was dark, only a ray of light from the small gap of the curtain that lightened up the entire room. Luhan blinked a few times before he finally realized of his condition. He wasn't any better than yesterday, he was worst than yesterday. 

The room was completely a mess – empty cans of alcoholic drink were scattered around on the floor, cigarettes could be found everywhere around the room and clothes were thrown away carelessly. It was more like a massive shipwreck than a bedroom. Luhan didn't give a single care about it. He let his own room full of trash, making it unpleasant to be seen. 

Luhan stared blankly at the ceiling of the room. He reached out his hand to the side of the bed, to touch something or someone but it was empty. He was all alone. 

He stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. His hand ruffled his hair, creating it to be messier than before. He squeezed his eyes tightly and held his breath for several seconds. A few minutes had gone just like that, Luhan finally stood up and lifted up the curtain. The shining light brightened up the room but not his heart. He could now see the room clearly yet he didn't do anything about it. 

"Oh my gosh! Luhan! Clean this mess up now! When will you be a cleaner guy for once? There are clothes everywhere. Is it that hard for you to fold your own clothes and put them on the wardrobe instead of throwing them away?" Mei complained as she picking up all the clothes from the floor. "Come on, Luhan! I'm not your housekeeper. I don't want to come here everyday and clean your messy room." 

Luhan just woke up from his sleep when his girlfriend came in. She was always complaining about how messy his room was and how lazy he was. Sometimes it was tiring and annoying for him. He was a guy after all so it was normal to have a messy room. 

"Luhan! Wake up!" Mei shook his body to wake him up. "It's 10 already!" 

Luhan smiled under his blanket and then pulled her over until her face was a centimeter away from his face. Mei was surprised. 

"Give me a morning kiss first." Luhan seductively spoke. He showed his mischievous smile to her. 

Mei moved away from him quickly before he could do anything. She felt her face blushing. "G-get up!" Mei tried to be fierce but she couldn't hide her shy and shuttering words. 

Luhan smiled at her girlfriend. "You are cute." 

Mei held her smile and walked out from the room with blushing cheeks. "I'll cook some breakfast for you. Hurry up!" 


Luhan walked over to his bathroom, which was located on the other side of his bedroom. He unintentionally kicked several cans and stepped on cigarettes. He stood in front of the mirror. There were some cracks on it but, again, Luhan didn't care. He saw his own reflection on the mirror. He had eye bags under his tired eyes. His face looked older than it seemed. There was no emotion and expression on his face, nothing. 

He did a long shower where most of time he used to recall his past memories. After that, Luhan opened his closet and picked up random clothes. Before he closed the closet, his eyes locked at the empty space beside his pile of clothes. He stared at it for a moment with the pain ached in his heart. 

Luhan came out from the bedroom and dragged himself to the kitchen. He had lost his appetite but he forced himself to eat regularly. There was nothing inside the refrigerator or in the drawers when Luhan tried to find something to eat.

"I make you some pancakes and your favorite coffee!" 

Luhan looked at the food served on the table with cheerful smile. Morning was his favorite time. He always started his day with delicious food served by his caring girlfriend.

"This is so delicious! You should live with me, Mei! So you can cook every morning and night." Luhan said as he eating his breakfast. 

Mei smiled. "I always sleep here every weekend, isn't it enough?" Mei always spent her weekend with her boyfriend. They would watch movies together until they fell asleep on each other embrace or they would go out and having a romantic date. 


Luhan sat on the couch and threw his head back with closed eyes. The sunlight warmed his face but he didn't like it. He didn't like the warmness of it – it made him lonelier. He preferred dark and gloomy sky, just like his mood, than shine and clear sky. 

He had been living in this apartment since he was eighteen. He moved to Korea and studied here without his parent guidance. He wanted to live in Korea and pursued his dreams. Fortunately, his parents allowed him and sent him off directly. It was hard for the first year, he had to learn the language harder than everyone else and he had to live alone. 

His loneliness soon faded away when he met Mei. She was half Chinese and half Korean. She was the one who approached Luhan first and she was Luhan's first friend in Korea. She was a bright and nice girl. Their mutual feeling brought them to a romantic relationship.

They were a easy-going and happy couple. They helped each other and comforted one another. Mei lived with her parents, not so far away from Luhan's apartment. Mei didn't like to hang out in her house because of her parents so she spent most of the time in Luhan's apartment. She even put some of her clothes there so she didn't have to bring clothes every time she spent one or two nights there. 


Luhan entered his bedroom again. He walked towards a table beside his bed. There was a small black box beside the lamp. He took it and opened it. It was a music box. The harmonized melody played while the two tiny figures started to go around as if they were dancing along the music. 

It was a classic music box. 

It was a special gift. 

It was from Mei, his past girlfriend. 

Luhan took a Polaroid picture of Luhan and Mei from the drawer. It was taken from the same day as she gave the music box.

"Happy birthday, Luhan!" Mei cheered happily. "Make a wish and blow the candles." 

Luhan nodded and closed his eyes. He blew the candle at once after making a wish. Mei didn't miss a chance to take a picture of him blowing the candles as a memoir. 

"I have something for you." Mei admitted. 

Luhan raised his brows. "Really?" 

Mei placed a box on the table and pushed it towards him. Luhan felt so curious and joyful like a little kid. 

"What is it? Can I open it now?" 

Mei nodded. Luhan opened the box and took out the gift. 

"A music box! Mei! I love it so much! Thank you, babe!" Luhan couldn't take his eyes off of the music box. He really wanted to have at least one music box and now his wish came true.

"You're welcome." Mei smiled blissfully. "Let's take a picture together!" 

Luhan shifted to Mei's side and placed a hand around Mei's shoulder while the other hand held the music box.


He put back both the music box and the picture. 

He wished he could rewind the time and make everything right. 

He wished he were a better person back then. 

He wished he fought for her harder.

He wished he didn't cheat on her. 

He wished he could have her back.

Mei bit her lips nervously before she entered his apartment. She had been arguing with herself whether she should apologize to him or not. Lately, their relationship was being tested. They often argued and had a fight. Mei thought it was a usual thing in a relationship. However it wasn't the fight or the arguement that made her worried. It was Luhan who made her worried about her relationship with him. Luhan wasn't the person she used to know anymore. He became colder towards her and distance with her. He would reject her offer to go on a date, he would make an excuse for her not to come to his apartment by saying he was having a sleep over in his friend's house. He changed drastically and Mei didn't know why. 

Mei took a deep breath and then opened the door with her key, which was given by Luhan. She looked around. Everything was still the same like the last time she visited. She walked towards his room and turned around the knob. 

"Luhan?" Mei called softly. 

She didn't want to believe what she saw but her eyes saw everything clearly. Mei felt her hands became cold and sweating and her knees became weak. She didn't move or even blink. Disappointment, anger and hopelessness mixed into one great pain in her heart that made her whole body go numb. 

Clothes were scattered around the floor but this time was different. There was a woman's outfit. 

"Lu-luhan?" She took courage to call him again. 

Luhan heard the call but ignored it. "Five more minutes. Please." Instead of getting up, he pulled the girl, who slept beside him, closer to him. 

It gave another pain to Mei who was stayed still. Mei pursed her lips and held her tears. She was too sad to cry. What should she do now? Run and pretend she knew nothing? 

Mei decided to close the door and let him continue his sleep. Mei never expected a sweet and loving man like Luhan would do such thing. 

What have I done? She thought. 

She wanted to cry but not now. She wanted to do one thing first before she left for good. 

Mei walked slowly to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast for him and the girl. She wanted to leave in a good way, in a proper way, not with shoutings and tears. 

Before Mei could finish cooking, Luhan had come out from the room. He had worn his clothes again.

"Good morning, Luhan." Mei tried to hide her pain and forced a smile. "I have made some breakfast for you..." Mei pointed to dishes on the table. Then, the girl came out with only wrapped with a blanket and put her hands around Luhan's waist. "And her too." Mei smiled and turned around. She didn't want Luhan to see her shaking hands and tears. She couldn't hold it anymore. She the tap and washed the utensils she used with trembling hands and tears. 

"Mei..." Luhan called with his soft and sweet voice. 

Mei wiped the tears and closed the tap. She turned around and forced a smile. "Yes?" 

Luhan's eyes were full of regret and guilt. He was walking towards her slowly. Mei looked down. As hard as she tried to hide her pain and tears, Luhan could still see it. He felt so guilty for hurting her. 

"St-stop." Mei spoke with trembling voice. Her cheeks were wet because of the tears. 

"Mei, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Mei." Luhan pleaded. "I can explain it."

Mei shook her head. "No, stop." Mei didn't want to hear his explanation. Everything was explained clearly. 

Luhan kept moving near her but was stopped by Mei's shaking hand. He grabbed and held her hand. "I'm sorry, Mei." 

Mei stood still, she hardly could breathe. She didn't regret coming here. She was relief finding it now than later. She was hurt and broken into pieces. 

She had the rights to hit him, scream at him, scolding him and cursing him but she chose to cry only. It was useless, she thought. It doesn't change the fact that he's cheating on me even if I slap him or shout at him. 

Mei pushed Luhan away and pulled her hand away from his grip. Without saying a word, Mei quickly walked towards the bedroom. The girl was still on her standing position. 

"Go, eat." Mei said to the girl as she passed by. Luhan ran after her. 

"What are you doing?" Luhan furrowed his brows. 

"Taking my clothes back." Mei answered while sorting out all her clothes inside Luhan's closet. 

Luhan stopped her. "No, please. Mei..." 

With one swift movement, Mei walked passed him and grabbed her bag. "Goodbye, Luhan. Thank you for everything. I love you." 


Luhan locked the door and walked out from his apartment for refreshment. He had been isolating himself from the world. His friends had tried everything but no result. 

Although it had been more than two months since the breakup, Luhan still couldn't stop blaming himself. He regretted everything. He regretted for not running after her, he was such a jerk. 

At first, Luhan didn't really feel as guilty and regret as now. He just continued his life normally as they avoided each other as much as they could. 

Luhan decided to move on but it wasn't until he met Mei again. He felt empty all of a sudden. He just realized that he had lost the most valuable and precious person in his life. He missed her so much. He missed her complains, her sweet and encouraging words, her kiss and her touch. He missed waking up and finding her beside him. He missed her love.

It's too late already, isn't it?

Luhan looked up at the clear sky and took a deep breath and let it out. He looked back at the front. There were people lining up, waiting for the light turned to green before they could cross the road. There she was.


She was standing casually but her eyes focused on her phone screen. Luhan never forgot how stunning and attractive she was. She cut her hair shorter but still suited her. He always admired her since the first glance. Luhan never thought that one day, he would lose her because of his stupid mistake.

The next second, Mei lifted her head up and that was it. 


Their eyes met each other. 

How is it??? I hope you like it :) 

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Chocoholic_Exo-L #2
Chapter 1: This is one of the most UGHHH cliffhangers ever.
kiddobii #3
Loveexo1 #4
Chapter 1: OMG sequel please!
Chamalala #5
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!!!????:)))))^.^<3
janefelicia28 #6
Chapter 1: Please please please please please please pleaseeeeeee make a sequel !!!! I'm soo inlove with this story <3<3
Chapter 1: Sequel please omg
Winterberry04 #8
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel.