Your Will is My Command ☆ One-Shot/Story Requests


I’m completely open to any requests, just fill out the form below and post it in the comment section. I don’t know about , but if you are absolutely adamant about requesting it, I guess I could give it a try. It won't be very detailed though, just a heads up.

Lately I’ve been in a major slump. I’ve had no inspiration at all for any of my stories. So I’m hoping this will help out a bit.  

Oh, angst and dark stories are my specialties, but I’m willing to try new stuff to hopefully improve my writing. I'm mainly looking for one-shot requests, but if you have a story Idea, who knows, maybe I'll give it a try.

Don't be hestitant to request anything you wish to see~



  1. You don't need to subscribe, but it would be appreciated.
  2. Fill In the request form
  3.  Comment below when you request and after the story is done. [I would loves some feedbacks plus comments]
  4.  No bashing and be patient! We all have our life to live on.
  5. Check back from time to time to see if your OneShot/TwoShot/Story is done.


  1. Can I request more than once?

Of course you can~ BUT!! Provided we don't always see the same plot.

  1. What groups will you write?

Only Super Junior and Shinee. I’m also open to Idols/You.

  1. Where do I post the form?

In the comments section~

  1. What can I use as a prompt?

You can use anything really; a song, a quote, a passage from a book/movie, an idea you thought of, a scene you want to be included, a sentence you want to be included, a picture even.

It’s really up to you. I am open to ANY ideas.



Group (Shinee or Suju):

Pairings(If any):

Main Characters:


Prompt(If it’s a song or picture, please include a link):

Anything else you want to include:


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Chapter 1: Omo! That was really good <3 Poor Taemin ;-; but at least the made up~ <3
Okay~ I shall request~ ^^

Username: Callmeumma

Group: SHINee <3

Pairing: 2min

Main Characters: Minho and Taemin

Genre: Agnsty-fluff? xD

Prompt: Hm~ 2min are highschoolers, but they are enemies~ They end up having a HUGE argument/fight in the bathroom that somehow leads them up to kissing ê u ê

Sorry >.<""
Update! Lookin forwards