Everyone Has a Story


Everybody has a story.

It may not be a great story,

Or even an exciting story.

But everyone has one that is worth telling,

And to deny one’s story,

Is to deny one’s person and their whole self.





A broken home

A disgrace

Never good enough


Everyone has a story,

Hidden behind a gentle face, or a bright smile.

A story that speaks to depths no one could have ever imagined.

It might be a story of unspeakable sadness,

Or one of unbelievable joy.

But the real question is,

Would you take the time,

To get to know that person,

And listen to their story?

Or would you simply move on with life?

Forget about it?

After all, another person’s sorrows and woes...

 It doesn’t really affect you,

Or your life.

Now does it?



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