In-Between Two Worlds [One-Shot]


poster made by We Got Fired ! Isn't it beautiful?


No….only you. There’s only you…," Luhan answered him, his eyebrows twitching nervously. Fear was bubbling up his throat. Something was wrong. Something was very off. How come he suddenly couldn’t remember what he thinks he forgot? Sehun only chuckled some more and glided his finger down Luhan’s jawline to his neck. He grabbed the slip of film that was around it. Luhan flinched in surprise, as if he knew that that gesture meant danger.









Author's Note: I love both Xiuhan and Hunhan so this story is in no way a kind of bashing towards any OTP. Funny story actually. This story was actually my essay for class. An autobiography to be exact. Dont even ask how this and that even connected to become a crack fic. I don't know.




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endlesskies #1
Chapter 1: awww i really liked this! ;www; im glad selu ended up together! TTTT ty for sharing ♥
Chapter 1: I am crying. This is so beautiful. ;A;

*thumbs up together with my toes as well XDD*

I can't. Omg. Let me applaud you! *applauds* <33