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"Have you gotten the files?"

"Yes, I have..."

"Good. Keep working on your mission, agent 03."

"I got it."

"Any other thing you need to tell?"



"Yes, sir."

"Then, make sure no one knows about it."

"Yes, sir. You get all you want."




Ra In threw herself onto her bed. She looked at the ceiling above her. So, there are some police working with them,

huh? she thought. But, who? Another question ran through her mind. Why? What's the reason? other one popped up in her





"So, there are traitors between them?" she said, loud enough to be heard all over the room.




She closed her eyelids trying to get an idea what was really going on. She couldn't tell her boss now. She hadn't found the

exact answer why police was also involved. And since she hadn't known it yet, she couldn't make report to her boss.




"Traitors?" Jong In came inside. He was behind the door all this time. He heard what Ra In just said.



"You're here? Since when?" she asked in disbelief.




Ra In froze. She didn't expect that her brother would came in her room in such a condition. She stood up all of sudden. She

tried to manage her facial expression so that her brother wouldn't find out that she was hiding something.




"What did you just said?" he asked with a cold gaze.



"What?" she asked him back.



"Who did you mean as traitors? between who?" Jong In asked her once again, exactly as he heard from her before.



"What are you talking about? I didn't say "traitors". Are you sure?" Ra In tried to burry it from her brother as deep as she




"I'm pretty sure. I was behind there. I heard it all so clear. You said "traitors" then." he said with assured eyes.



"I don't know how to answer since I'm also pretty sure I didn't mention it." she explained. Jong In didn't say any word. He

kept staring at his sister as he was sure that she was really hiding something. "What about we forget it and eat?" another

attempt of her to escape from this awkward silence.



"Hm. Sure. Let's eat." Jong In gave up, which in actual fact that he didn't. He just wanted to find right time to find it out.

He just felt that time wasn't now.




Ra In couldn't even breath now. It wasn't like her brother's style to let off things just like that. He is the kind of someone

who will search anything that makes him curious until the last drop of blood he got. She was pretty sure that her brother

might already suspicious about her. She wished it wouldn't be any worst that her brother heard all her conversation with her

boss just before. If he really heard it then she would get a severe penalty from CIA.




"I'll cook then! You should try my cooking!" she suggested.



"No, you don't have to. I already bought something from nearby store. I'll wait you outside." Jong In left the room.




After Jong In went out, Ra In was still looking at the door. She couldn't believe it that she was such a to be that

careless not  realizing that her brother was there. She had to be careful from now on. She finally walked out the room with

heavy steps after did her hair.  She didn't know but suddenly her mood changed drastically. She got a bad feeling, but she

didn't know why. As she entered the dinning room, she got the answer why.



"What's he doing here?" she said. Her eyes pointed to Tao who sitting calmly behind the dinning table.



"Who? You mean Tao? He's my friend." Jong In replied.



He knew that Tao and Ra In were dating long time ago before she moved to US. But, one thing that he didn't know, the

reason why both them broke up. Jong In once wanted to ask her, but he then realized it wasn't his business. He'd better

leave them both and let them solve everything that hadn't run well.



"So, are you joining us or not?" Tao asked with a fierce glare.



Ra In laughed sarcastically. She knew it that she shouldn't be that surprised of his presence. She and him were over. So,

why need to feel b

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Chapter 2: Tao is perfect to be a policeman^^