Chapter Four

Ramyeon Boy


The next time my eyes open, it happens to be 3 in the afternoon, 3:18, to be exact. As normal as that could be, I happen to be in Tao's condo, all alone. Which was really odd, he was here when we took a nap after a heartful breakfast and a childish pillow and tickle fight. Where we just happened to lay down and snuggle against each other and soon sang ourselves to sleep.

I sit up, my back bones cracking by itself as I do so. When the corner of my eyes spot a blue sticky note on the door of the room, I stand and stretch before going to look at the sticky note that was dangling onto the door with the air conditioner blowing strongly against it.

' I found out that since you'll be living here for quite a while, and my fridge is strip from food, I thought while you were sleeping peacefully, I'll go out for some grocery shopping. I'll be back around 3:30 or so.. Earlier or later, Im not very sure. But if you have anything you want to eat specifically, please do tell me so I can buy it next time.


I nod, although there isnt really a reason to do so, but once I got the nodding over with, I went straight into the bathroom and gave my face a good wash before setting out to the living room, where the only tv in the house was. Drowning myself to the loud noise coming from the tv, I ignore everything else around me, including the door opening and closing before I realized Tao had return from his trip to the grocery store.

"Welcome back," I let out, his eyes now trained on me as he sets the bags on the ground, in front of the kitchen entrance.


I go back at staring at the tv, the show now difference from before. The couch underneath me dipped as Tao joined next to me. 

"Is this all you've been doing since you've woken up?"

I nod, slighly dizzy but soon regain myself. Tao nods and rests his back while closing his eyes. When the doorbell rings, I stand up before he could and race the door faster than he did. He joined me, walking up behind me the resting his head on top of mine lazily. 

When the door opened to reveal my mother instead of my father, I was slighly taken by shock. 


She sends us a greeting before asking if she could come in, which both Tao and I, not so gladly accept. 

"Your father, Baekhyun, doesnt want you anywhere near this, thing. We would indeed like for you however to join your brother, Baekbom, on his trip to Europe with his family. We think that this is what you need. Time away from stuff. Give me a call when you think about it. But even if you dont go, we will not, absolutely not, let you stay here in this trash with this useless being."

Even with all the things that they've done to me, rather than for me, I'd think this is only for them. They'd be up on their feet, bowing for their life if Tao was rich and wealthy.

"I object. You see, this thing, or useless being, is allowing me to stay in this trash, which happens to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. This useles being, has a name. Its Zitao, and I'd like for you to call him by his name, if you please. This trash, is a condo, which happens to be a lot nicer than the hotel you got me for my suppose to be honeymoon."

My mom look at me in shock, which seems to reflect a part of the look that Tao is giving me at the moment.

"I will see to it that you will be away from this poor child. He will hinder you!"

"Hinder me my . He's richer than you will ever be. Without Hyung, even you will not be worth anything in our society." 

She scoffs, eyeing Tao without any shame in her eyes. Tao dejectedly looks to his lap, fiddling with his fingers. I stretch out my hand, softly patting his head, my fingers through his hair. When he looks up at me, I give him a slight smile, hoping he feels better. 

"Byun. Baek. Hyun. What do you think you're doing? Touching this, thing," She says once again, moving her hand up and down indicating her point. 

"One, Im not a freaking Byun. Why? Ask dad. Two, his name is Huang. Zi. Tao. Three, I wish you can get out of here. And dont, DONT, bother to come back."

She scoffs once again, grabbing the purse that happens to be from my brother, and leaves, not turning around to say, "Baekhyun, tell the thing to watch his back."

When she leaves and slams the door shut behind her, Tao breaks down, tears rushing down his flushed cheeks, raising his palm to wipe them away occasionally. 

"Tao, dont listen to her. You're not a thing, alright?"

Although he nods, I know he's still doubting himself. I couldnt help but feel like its my fault. 

"Hyung... Do you not like me either?..."

"Tao! Of course I like you! Im grateful to you!"

He encloses me into a tight hug, his sobs now down to just sniffles.

"Lets just go back into the bed, hmm? I'll cook later, but lets rest for now."

He nods and follows me into his room once again, the guest room now abandoned. 

"Tao... Do you mind... Uhm... Can I sleep in your room instead?.. I-"

"You can. It tends to get lonely, so you can sleep here with me. Its okay. I like your company."

I smile at him, flomping on the bed afterwards. Once he joins me, so does the tickling. I usher him to stop and once he actually does, we lay on the bed breathless. 

The comfortable silence soon made the atmosphere sleepy and we soon cuddle to get warmth and start to drown back into our dreamland.

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Madhatter_pey #1
Chapter 4: It's so cute. I'm literary rolling on my bed smiling like an idiot.
Ramen Girl is one of my favorite movies :3