Chapter 2- where everything begins

Love changes people

Chapter 2-Where everything begins

He was still looking at her till she turned and their eyes met. 

Niki POV
After 2 hours of mother tongue continously, school had ended for Niki. She was glad that it was over cos no one could stand having two hours of a subject that they dont even like. 

She walked down the stairs talking to her classmates and waved goodbyes as she was walking the other way to meet her friends. Along the way, she saw a group of juniors cornering a single guy behind the science lab. Being a caring person, she stepped in hoping to help the guy. But, things got worst, for Niki and the victim. The group called other people to back them up while Niki pushed the guy behind her to protect him. 

They began to brush Niki's shoulder that made her stepped back. The leader grabbed hold of her wrist and pushed her to the side while the others grabbed the victim and began to bash him up. She tried to loosen the guy's grip and accidentally slapped him. 

He turned and glared at Niki and raised his hand. Niki shut her eyes as a reflex action and tried to shield herself with her free hand. 

But then, she didn't feel anything but heard a guy's voice instead. She took a peep and saw a tall brown haired guy grabbing the arm that wanted to hit her. It was the same guy earlier that she made eye contact with. 

All he did was glare and that made the bullies run away. The victim got up and thanked her for helping and even get into trouble because of him.  

She asked about his injuries and whether he is okay. He reassured her and walk off. She turned to look for the guy that helped her but he went off already. She ran towards the guy's direction and caught up to him.

Hyunsik POV
Hyunsik was at the courtyard smoking his time away with his friends. None of them ever goes to class.

 The last bell rang and it was a sign that it was the end of school. Hyunsik finished his last puff before signalling to others to get going. 

As usual, he walked at the back of the group as he didn't like fool around with his group of friends. He was still thinking about the incident that happen during recess. The girl's image could not escape from Hyunsik's  mind. 

His thoughts were stopped as he bumped into his friends at the front. "Hey! Why did you guys stopped?!" Hyunsik raged. 

All Ilhoon could do was point at a group of people bullying a guy and girl. Hyunsik ordered them to ignore the group and carry on walking. 

"Hey, isn't that the girl who bumped into me during recess?" Peniel words caught Hyunsik's attention. 

"Maybe i should be prince charming and help her out?" Minhyuk joked. 

Hyunsik unconsciously rushed towards the scene when he saw the guy raising his hands preparing to hit her. He grabbed hold of the guy's hand, and glared at him. It only took a split second for the guy and others to flee leaving the two people behind.

 He stood there and watched the victim thanking the girl and all the girl did was to attend to his injuries. He walked off with a slight feeling of happiness and was stopped by a tap on the shoulder. He turned and saw the girl huffing and puffing as she tried to catch up to him. 

"erm.. Thanks for earlier! Things would get worse if you didn't step in!" She said after catching her breath. Hyunsik nodded. 

"My name is Niki." The girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. 

"Hyunsik." He took her hand and returned the shake.

 He kept looking at her eyes and got snapped out of it when a group of girls went towards him making him let go of her hand as a reaction. "Come on Hyunsik. Didn't we agree to go hang out today after school?" Suzy asked while wrapping around his arm with hers. 

"Looks like you're busy now and i got to go so see you around?" Niki said and left. Hyunsik watched as Niki slowly walking away till she was out of his sight. He look at his hand that shook hands with Niki and clutched it to his chest. 

"Niki? What a cute name." Hyunsik thought and chuckled. 







Okay honestly, this isn't going anywhere but i will try to make this a better fanfic okay??

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magandyukobf #1
Chapter 1: Ohh *.* love it!!
Nice story ^^
Kitty16 #3
Chapter 4: I really want to read more!!
Kitty16 #4
Chapter 4: What no more !!! Btw I am loving it so far hyunsik is my ultimate bias of all time !! So PLEASE DO CONTINUE THIS. STORY