New Atmosphere

Falling For Kim Jongin

Summer before senior year...

Sojin's POV

"Tomorrow, we'll join a writing contest. It will be held in the YG Academy," Mr. Kim announced around the classroom where Newsletter Committee is training.

I never got summer breaks. Maybe because I'm the Newsletter Editor, the top position. I can't be gone for a day so even summer breaks, I still practice my category and go to training. I'm honoured though, I always win in writing contests. I'm great, I know. lol at me

And one thing, I'm the only 3rd year student that got to be a Newsletter Editor. I hope it lasts until 4th year though.

"Hey, so how do I use transitions again?" Kai went to my chair and asked. Aish, this boy. I told him almost 34357835 times that you use transitions to connect your paragraphs.

"You use it to connect paragraphs. An example, moreover, in addition, that's transition," I wrote the examples in his notebook while I explain it to him.  I noticed him staring at my face, smiling.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have anything on my face?" I told him as I wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"No, no!" He defended. "Then, what?" I asked him, chuckling.

"Well, it's just that you look so serious about this Newsletter Committee thing, like it's your job, like it's your passion. When I looked into your eyes while you're writing, I see that special glimmer in your eyes, that you really love what you do. And when you explained to me what transition is, you look so calmed and you knew how to explain it to your co-members here. I admire you for that," he saluted. I laughed at him.

"What?" he asked. "It's just that you're so adorable," I said, still chuckling. "Really?" I saw him blush. Aww, Jongin.

"Yeah," I said, wiping the tears in my eyes caused from too much laughing.

"Go back to work Jongin," Mr. Kim commanded him. It looks like Mr. Kim is so serious today, not the usual "funny and adorable" Mr. Kim.

"Yes sir," Kai half-smiled at our teacher coach.

"And by the way, you look so fresh today. Beauty radiating," he whispered, enough for me to hear. I know he's joking because he chuckled a little bit and his lips curled upwards.

"Welcome to the annual 15th Newsletter Committee's Writing Contest, NCWC! Today, before we start, we'll do a roll call for the schools who will join here," the MC said.

"Here we have our own YG Academy! SME Academy! WM High!" The MC's voice slowly and slowly fading. It's not his voice actually, it's me. His voice fading because of my ears, my mind. I can't hear anything from the background. I can only hear is the beating of my own heart.

I'm too nervous for this contest. This is the one of the biggest contest the Newsletter Committee will join and as their Editor, I have the responsiblity to make our school the Champion. After this, we'll have to compete in the National Annual Newsletter Committee Writing Conference (NANCWC) which takes a big leap for us to achieve.

"Hey, hey, Sojin, it's time for us to perform our cheer," Suho shaked me lightly. Oh, I forgot, Suho is our sports column editor in the newspaper. I startled a bit but stood up to perform our cheer. Lay will lead the cheer. It's pretty easy though, that should be alright.




"Essay writers, your contest will be held on Science Building. Please look for your Proctor oppas to guide you, for the Essay we have Hyunseok oppa, the guy in the plain blue shirt," the announcer announced (you don't say). Mr. Kim guided me to Hyunseok oppa and whispered some words of encouragement to my ears which made me feel confident. I can do this, I'm great, I'm a great writer.  In fact, I'm the best.


I hope I win for my school. *insert my le heavy sigh*

"Sojin! You're back! How's the contest?" Mr. Kim asked me, handing me a a paperbag of take-out food.

"It's okay, pretty easy," I smirked casually. "Huh, just be sure you'll win!" Mr. Kim smirked back at me. I nodded.

"Where's Kai?" I asked. I can easily feel it when he's not here. Don't get me wrong, he just has a strong presence.

"He's still on his contest. Few minutes he'll be out," Mr. Kim said to me, smiling evilly.

"What? He's my friend!" I rolled my eyes at my teacher.

"Really? Just a friend?" Ms. Lee, Mr. Kim's co-coach in handling the committee teased me. "Ms. Lee!" I shouted and they laughed.

Ugh, seriously, are they teachers? *i cry*



"Let's play Virusvs.Virus on Mr. Kim's iPad! Loser gets to buy cupcakes for the winner!" I dared Kai. "Sure!" he smirked playfully at me. Let's do this thing!


"I told ya I'll beat ya!" I bro-fisted his shoulder.  I don't know what's that thing called, I know, I'm so hella funny.

"Yeah, whatvever," Kai pouted. I chuckled at his face.

"You know what, you guys look good together," Ms. Lee said, smiling at us.

"What? Us? NOOOO!" We both shouted at the same time. Ms. Lee laughed.

"Yeah, you look cute! QT Sojin and my baby Kai," Eunhye-eonni grinned at us and the whole committee did teasing things like saying "jongjin" and other irritating stuffs.

NOT KAI. I TREAT HIM LIKE A LITTLE BRO. *hides in a corner*


I guess Kai got a little awkward and stayed away from me for today. I hope today's gonna be better because Jongin is really a nice friend.

I sat alone in the bench in the YG Park. Listening to some music will probably make me better.

"Hey, Sojin, problem?" Lay asked, sitting beside me, holding a cup of Coke. "It's just that Kai seems awkward at me now," I pouted and got the bottle of Coke from his hands and drank it. "It's okay, it'll get better tomorrow. Promise, you'll be back to the normal you tomorrow," Lay encouraged me. "Thanks Lay," I patted his head.

Mr. Kim's POV


"Look what you did Jieun! You made the two friends uncomfortable! Suddenly it's all awkwardy and stuffs!" I half-shouted at Jieun, which is Ms. Lee.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know things will be like this," she shrugged. Aish, this co-coach of mine.

"You gave them a new atmosphere," I calmed down. "It'll be okay tomorrow, promise," Jieun rolled her eyes.

She better be sure, or the friendship of the two will be wasted.

Author's Note: Short and lame update guys. I know, sorry. Next chapter, I promise it'll be better. XD

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Choi_Minha #1
Chapter 6: Update soon ~^^
Chapter 2: HAHAHAH This is cute and interesting *imagines me as Sojin* lol. I love it already~ Update soon daughter~ :)
lunable #3
Chapter 2: I love your story..... update soon