Love In Seoul [RP based Story]


                                  Yukwon x Hyelim

Minutes after B-bomb and Sohyun left the others, Yoseob and Daehyun bid goodbye to the other two as they head back their own home. Without B-bomb, Sohyun, Yoseob and Daehyun, the remaining walk was hella awkward for Yukwon and Hyelim. Yukwon cleared his throat, breaking the silence. Hyelim turned her head and looked at him with curiosity.

"Sorry for what happened earlier?" Yukwon said. Hyelim blinked at the guy and smirked lightly
"Thought you never apologize to anyone." 
Yukwon didn't know what to say so he just shrugged it off. Hyelim looked straight ahead and smiled. "You know, you don't have to act like a badass guy around me or my friends." Yukwon looked down at her and stared at her.


"Hanging out with you and that B-bomb guy seemed nice, to be honest."


"Yeah. You don't seem so cold-hearted either. You know, spending time with you like this." 


"Besides, you're friends with those bratty twins. So i guess you can't be that bad right?"

Hyelim looked up at the red-headed male and smiles softly before walking ahead. Yukwon was stunned at her words and remained silent. He didn't know what to say. No one has ever said those words to him. Everyone seemed scared of him and his coldness but this was the first time someone told him that he seemed 'nice'. Right. Yukwon thought. He smiled at himself and caught up with Hyelim.

Yukwon placed both his hands in his pocket and walked lazily beside her. "How about you, huh?" "What about me?" Hyelim asked. "You don't seem like a bad person either. What's your deal? Do you act like you're some strong person in front of everyone but deep inside, you're this weak hearted person who doesn't want anyone to know she's sad?" Yukwon interrogated. Hyelim took it wrongly and glared at him, offended. "Just because I somewhat complimented you, doesn't mean you can say these kind of stuff to me."

"I-I didn't mean it like that."

"I'm sure you did."

"I just meant..."


"I just wanted to know why you act so strong and independent..." Yukwon muttered. Hyelim looked at him and sighed. "Whatever. Everyone has their own story." She walked ahead, leaving the other dumbfounded. She was right. everyone has their own story, even him. He, again, caught up with her as he nudged her shoulder lightly. "What's yours?" He asked. "What's your story?" Hyelim shrugged him off and continued walking with a blank expression. "We're not in a relationship for you to know what it is. If you're curious, go ahead and ask Sohyun or the twins." Yukwon completely understood that it was confidential so he just stayed silent and nodded. "Sorry. Are you upset?"

"Nah. It's alright. Sorry for bursting."

"It's fine. You know, you're really pretty. Don't get all upset, aight?" Yukwon stretched his hands up and crossed it over his head, walking comfortably. "You look pretty when you smile."

Hyelim blinked and hid her blushing face. "I'm not pretty. I'm handsome." She flipped her short hair confidently, trying not to be awkward with the compliment.

"Guess you are." Yukwon winked at her and chuckled. "Say, wanna go to a beach with me?"

"At this hour?"

"Why not?"

"Why not."

Hyelim shrugged and minutes after, she found herself standing on white sand with him. They walked along the shore with only the sound of waves occupying the silence. It was calming and nice. The wind was fresh and both of them relaxed.

Yukwon stopped walking and faced the sea. Hyelim did the same and smiled ahead, inhaling the scent of the sea. "It's been a while since I saw the waves." Yukwon nodded slowly, listening to her. "Glad that i could bring you here then. " He grinned. "I always come here. I like the sound of waves, or basically water flowing." Hyelim laughed and sat on the sand, bringing her knees up to her chest, hugging them. "That makes the two of us. It's pretty calming."

He sat beside her with his legs stretched out and hands behind his back, supporting his weight. "Hmm, I guess so. Well yeah maybe I should drag you to the forest where I hang out by just 'cause there's a waterfall." He laughed lightly at his own suggestion, thinking if she ould really agree to that stupid idea. Hyelim laughed along as she randomly draws shapes on the sand in between them. "Waterfall huh? Never seen one up-close before." She confessed. He smiled at her and chuckled. "Well, I guess I could take you there sometime. Probably for fun, if you wanna."

"I'm already excited." She grinned.

"Just prepare cause I will probably drag you whenever!" He laughed and stood up dusting the sand off his pants. He stretched out his hand to her. "You hungry?"

Hyelim grabbed his wrist with both her hands, pulling herself up and dusting her skirt and legs. "Starving."


"Welcome to Prettiful Cone!" Bomi greeted when she heard the bell on the door ring. She looked at the new customers and smiled at them. Hyelim returned back the smile but Yukwon kept his poker face on. "This place is so....cheery." He muttered to himself. The two friends walked up to the counter and ordered. "One Vanilla cone for me!" Hyelim grinned. She turned to Yukwon and nudged his side lightly. "Oh. Uh. Melon."

Bomi grinned and punched the orders into the cash register. "That would be $10." She beamed. Yukwon handed her the bill and payed for the two ice creams. "Please proceed to the claiming area and Sungyeol will bring your ice creams in a jiffy!" Bomi exclaimed. The two friends nodded and did what she said.

In less than two minutes, they were greeted by Sungyeol with their ice creams in his hands. "One Vanilla and one Melon is here" He said in a cheery voice. The two blinked at his hyperness and awkwardly took their respective ice cream from him. "Um. Thanks." They both bowed and left the place as Sungyeol and Bomi waved at the two. Sungyeol pouted andplace his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.  "I liked the gay guy who visited earlier better. He seemed nice." With that, he earned a smack on the head. "You don't say anything like that to the customers 'jagiya'" Bomi said. "This guy looked kind of hot." She grinned but this time, she was the one who got smacked in the head. "YA!"


After getting their desserts, Hyelim and Yukwon walked around the area while eating. They were about to head back to their own houses when they saw two familiar figures sitting on a bench, laughing. "Who-- That looks like...." Hyelim squinted her eyes at the two people.

"Isn't that B-bomb?!" Yukwon exclaimed.
"Sohyun too?!" Hyelim followed.

They both saw the interaction between the two. Both their minds became blank at the scene. They both saw B-bomb wiping his face on Sohyun's shirt and the way he grinned at her as she frowned at his actions. They both saw B-bomb's little dance that made Sohyun laugh. They saw how happy they were. They saw how their feelings for each other is starting to develop.

Hyelim and Yukwon looked at each other and blinked.

"Yeah that's gross." they said in unison. With those words, they continued walking back to their houses.



....... Guess I won't be keeping their badass attitudes lol



( h a r l e q u i n. )

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Chapter 5: LMFAO I'm laughing at the Gyuby moments. XD
Chapter 6: update soon juseyo <3
Chapter 5: laughing XDDD
otl this is so funny
Chapter 4: Update juseyo \o/
Grinning while reading it lmFao <3

Chapter 4: Jajaksknsmslksks you followed my suggestion <3
Chapter 3: I'm laughing tbh. XD ( Chapter 3 )
Chapter 3: /5everwaitingformycameo lmao
that pic of mine is fab xD <3

- snow white
Chapter 2: I made a cameo through a text message XD;
~IU o/
trinity_oh #10
Chapter 1: But I am nice and innocent =))