Ch.7 Wake Up!!!!!!!~

Everything Always Happens To Me [DISCONTINUED]
Shinwoo’s POV
~Shinwoo’s Dream~
“Hyung palli palli, we’re gonna be late for Hayden’s party!!!!~” She shouted while running in front of me. “Who is she?” I asked myself while walking behind her, It- no it can’t be amber, this girl’s hair is colored and she’s a little skinner and shorter.
“W-wait!” I yelped.
“Hyung~ there is no time for leaving!!” she yelled as she ran up to me and started pulling me.
“Okay okay” I grinned at her cuteness, suddenly we’re running in a grassy field, she giggled as the sun shined brightly on her short reddish-brown hair. Then suddenly again, the bright sun turned black and the soft green grass turned into hard black rock, our running got faster as we got scared.
“Hyung palli I don’t know what’s goin-“ Her sentence was cut off when we hit the edge of a mountain.
“HYUNG!!!!!!!” She screamed as she tripped over the edge, I quickly grabbed onto her hand, I fell to the ground my hand tightly gripping hers.
“H-hyung p-please d-don’t let me go” She pleaded.
“I won’t” I promised. “I’m gonna try and pull you up now okay?”. She nodded. I tried pulling her up but some rock would fall off and loosen my grip. My grip slowly began to slip as our hands got sweaty.
“S-shinwoo h-hyung P-please” She sobbed. I lost my grip and our hands slipped apart.
“HYUNG!!!!” She screamed as she plummeted down.
(Played by Yamor~^^)
~End of Shinwoo’s Dream~
I shot up and woke up in a cold sweat………….who was that girl? I tried to go through the faces of girl I knew but I couldn’t find her. WHAT THE HELL?! I shook my head and grabbed my glasses off my nightstand along with my phone and hopped out of bed. I didn’t even get her name…………I put on my glasses, unlocked my phone and looked at the time; it read 8:56pm. OMO we have to go grocery shopping and clothes shopping! I quickly walked out of my room and went into the living room. I stopped and smiled to myself, Baro and Cammy-ah look so cute and at peace, sleeping together, I sighed and walked over to my adorable dongsaengs and shook them.
“Uhhh~ Oppa I’m tired” Cammy complained as I continued shaking them.
“Come on Cammy-ah we have to go shopping” I explained while shaking Baro, who just groaned.
“Uh~ Fine oppa, May I get dressed in your room?” Cammy asked cutely while rubbing her eyes, I smiled sweetly.
“Nae, Hurry up though, arraso?”
She jumped off the couch and quickly grabbed her backpack and quietly ran into my room. I looked back to Baro who was still sleeping, I shook him harder.
“Ung~ Umma~ five more minutes please” He mumbled still asleep.
“What the- Get up now! You stupid squirrel princess. NOW GET UP!” I shouted while pulling on his arm.
“No~” He moaned. No?......................................................Did he just say no?! Oh Hell Naw! I tugged on his arm and he flipped off the couch.
“Owwwwwwwww ahh~ Wae!~” He groaned while rubbing the back of his head and sitting up.
“Because we have to go shopping, now get up and change. You’re royal squirrely-ness” I teased. He stood up and walked into his room with a frown. I smirked. That’s why you should’ve just woke up the first time. Hmmp~ I walked over to Jinyoung’s room, flipped on the lights to see Jinyoung lying face down on his bed and Gongchan with his legs on the bed and his torso halfway off the bed.
“YAH!!!!!” I shouted. Gongchan did a startled flip off the bed and landed face down on the floor. While Jinyoung just laid there not moving.
“Ung~ Shinwoo hyung wae~” Gongchan whined, Jeez why is everyone so whiney. I rolled my eyes at him.
“Because we have to go shopping remember?” I said while helping him stand up. Jinyoung suddenly shot out of bed, he looked at us with wide eyes and I just gave him a weird look.
“Don’t just stand there we have to go shopping, Now both of you get ready palli!!!” He shouted before running towards his closet.
“Okay~………..” I trailed off while Gongchan looked at his with the same expression.
“I just gonna go get ready hyung.” Gongchan said as we slowly walked out Jinyoung’s room. He quietly closed his door before walking to his own room. “Why is everyone acting so weird?” I thought as I walked over to Sandeul’s room, I opened the door and saw Sandeul and Hayden cuddling in bed. Awwwwwwwww~ they’re so cute~. I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture. “Hehehe I’ll use this to blackmail them later.” I thought while an evil smirk fell on my face.
“Sandeul-ah, Hayden-ah wakey wakey eggs and bacey!” I sang while shaking them. Nothing, okay time to get Cammy and Gongchan. I walked out of Sandeul’s room and went to find the terrible two. I walked into the living room and found Cammy, Gongchan, Baro and Jinyoung all sitting and watching TV.
“Hey Cammy and Gongchan, can you two go and wake up Sandeul and Hayden while I go get ready?” I asked. They quickly stood up and creepily looked at each other before nodding. “Okay~ they are officially creepy” I thought before walking into my room. Get ready for screaming.
~Author’s P.O.V~
Cammy and Gongchan creepily walked into Sandeul’s room. “Awwwwwwww they are so cute together~” Cammy thought while looking at the 2 sleeping sibling.
“Hey Gongchan oppa” Cammy whispered.
“How are we gonna wake them up?”
“Let’s belly flop on them” Gongchan whispered excitedly. Cammy smiled evilly. They quickly got in position and as soon as they were gonna jump.
“Don’t even think about it” Hayden threatened still lying there. They froze at the sound of Hayden’s voice. Hayden slowly sat up in bed a shot a glare at cammy and Gongchan, who were still frozen in fear from Hayden.
“Got out or die” Hayden growled. The kids quickly stumbled out the room and closed the door. Hayden sighed then yawned still feeling tired. She looked down and saw a sleeping Sandeul, dreaming peacefully. Hayden smiled at the older boy.
“He’s really cute” She thought while staring at the older boy. She signed not wanting to wake him up. Hayden laid back down and watched the boy sleep; she gently brushed her hand over his cheek. Sandeul’s eyes fluttered open and she quickly retraced her hand.
“Mianhaeyo Hyung” Hayden said shyly. Sandeul sleepily smiled.
“Gwenchana~” He said huskily.
“We have to get up now, I think.”
“We have go shopping remember.” Hayden said while sitting up. Sandeul growled before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
“Arraso~” He mumbled. Hayden chuckled.
“I’m gonna go change hyung” She smiled while hopping out of the bed. She walked out of Sandeul room towards the bathroom but stopped when she felt eyes on her. She turned around and saw cammy and baro smiling playfully.
“What?” Hayden asked. The 2 didn’t reply and just continued smiling.
“Soooooo~ Have fun with Sandeul oppa?” Cammy smirked.
“Yeah~ was it fun? Kissing hyung?” Baro smirked as while. Hayden rolled her eyes and smirked. “I’m sooo gonna mess with them” She thought evilly.
“Yeah actually we had a lot of fun” I winked. Cammy faked a gag and Baro pretended to hang himself.
“Shisus! My ears!!!!” Cammy yelled and ran into the living room while covering her eyes.
“EW! EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! EW! EW! EW! EW! EW! EWWW!!!” Baro shouted while flinging him arms around and following cammy into the living room. Ha………little chumps.
Hayden quickly walked into the bathroom and closed the door. “I wonder~” She thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. “I wonder why Sandeul likes me………I mean I like him too but…….actually I don’t even know if he really likes me……AH! Whatever” She said while grabbing her backpack from the bathroom floor and choosing out her clothes. She chose out her outfit and quickly got ready. Hayden walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where everyone was sitting but Sandeul.
“Annyeong Hayden” Jinyoung smiled. Hayden grinned and sat down next to cammy.
“Whatcha guys watching?” She asked. Cammy quickly put a hand over .
“SHHHHHHHHHHH!~~~ The important part in coming on!” She whispered harshly. Hayden rolled her eyes and looked at the TV screen.
“And you are………………….NOT THE FATHER!” 
Cammy happily gasped while everyone else but Hayden groaned. 
“I KNEW IT!!!!!!  I KNEW SHE LIED!!!!” Cammy shouted. “I TOLD YOU!!!!!!” She yelled to the guys.
“Ung! How did you know?!” Gongchan asked.
“Look at the her! She looks like a liar!!” Cammy pointed out. Hayden stood up and shook her head.
“Okay! One! You guys would watch the Maury Show!!! And Two! I’m gonna go see what’s talking sandeul hyung so long.” She announced.
“Okay hayden! I told you guys she’s a little liar!!” Cammy shouted at the guys. “She’s such a weirdo, Shisus man!!” Hayden complained playfully while walking towards sandeul’s room.
“Hey Hyung!” Hayden shouted as she walked into his room. She saw sandeul and froze. 
“H-HYUNG! MIANHAEYO!!!! She shouted at the shirtless sandeul.
-Little cliffhanger! and I know it's short >~< I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for updating late! School is like “Haha Maybe next time” -______- but yay now that school is calming down, I will try to update every week or every other week! Okay (>^u^)> NAEKKOYA SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!!~ :3-
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You know what I'm just gonna re-format Ch.1&2 :D


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1say16 #1
Chapter 9: update again soon i wonder what will happen next
TheGermCafe #2
Happy late b-day and I know how writersa block feels I've have it right now and I'm really sad because of it^^
Ok I will support your ff excitedly ^-^ Fighting
1say16 #4
i hope u can update ur fic soon if ur not to busy anymore
iFlyInTheSky #5
Ok wow their outfits are chic n awesome! Tami's badass O.o 30 guys at a time?! Damn girl haha
Sorry im kinda new to reading fanfics and, yes its supposed to look like a screenplay
I see some grammar mistakes, but not so many that I can't understand the plot.<br />
But the way it's written is really awkward, is it SUPPOSED to look like a screenplay? Whatever, your plotline is really good. :D<br />
A green left eye....? DANG. >:0<br />
She can take on 30 guys at a time? DANGG. >:0<br />
Update soon.
Oooh. Looks interesting. :D Update soon! ^^<br />