Ch.4 The Other Love Story

Everything Always Happens To Me [DISCONTINUED]

~Author's Note~

Sorry Guys I know I take FOREVER to update but I'm a slow writer and A slow typer but since I feel amazing about myself sooooo I will be updating more often :) kekeke enjoy^^


Hayden's POV


After eating Me and Cammy were talking to CNU hyung in he's room. "Yah!!!~" he shouted playfully when cammy toke his glasses from him and put them on.


"Yah~ Look at me, E=Mc2" Cammy said trying to sound smart and posing.


"Hahahahahaha!!!~" I laughed at her and then again when CNU hyung started chasing her.


"Yah~!, give back" he shouted as they ran around his room, "Ai~!!, I quit, Meanie" He said cutely while pouting, he walked back to his bed and sat down still pouting.


"Awwww Kyeopta Oppa!!!"Cammy giggled.


"Ani, I'm mad at you" He announced while turning his back on cammy.


"Awwwwwwww Mianhaeyo Oppa!!!!!!!~" She grinned at him.


"Oppa, you know you look adorkable without your glasses on right ?!?!" CNU hyung looked at her and then at me.


"Jjinja??" He blushed and smiled "who would have thought CNU hyung could be so cute" I thought when Cammy screamed




"Awww Gomawo^^" He acknowledged, As cammy put back on his glasses, "Thank you" he grinned. "OMO, Cammy-ah you made me all tired" he complained.


"Yo hyung can me and cammy use your room, We need to talk" I asked him.


"*Yawns* Nae, you can, I'm gonna go sleep in the living room!" he replied as he began to walk out.


"Gomawo hyung~".


"Yeah, Gomawo oppa!~" Me and Cammy said nicely.


"Nae" he agreed as he walked out and close the door behind him.


"Cammy come here" I said while standing up.


"What?" she asked when she was standing infront of me.


"Sit down, I have something to tell you and ask you" I requested as we sat down on CNU hyung's bed.


Cammy's POV


After me and Hayden sat down, she told me what happened with her and Baro Oppa and also with Sandeul oppa. "Sooo which one do you like??" I asked her, I saw her stop everything.


"............Sandeul hyung" she said shyly, OMO My little girl's growing up, I Thought.


"ooooooooooooo, GURRRRRRLLLL" I roared.


"Shhhhh!!!!!" she shushed me.


"Anyways I wanted to ask what happened between you and gongchan" she smirked.

"Ohhhhhh Nothing" I murmured.


"YOU DIRTY LIAR, I'll go ask gongchan then!!" She shrieked.


"You.Wouldn't.Dare" I dared her.


She smirked then scrambled towards the door. Andwae!!. I quickly grabbed her abdomen and we began to wrestle on the floor while Hayden tries to get to the door.


"ARRASSO, I'LL TELL YOU!!!" I screamed at her, she stopped Moving and went and sat back on the bed, she's freaking crazy, I thought as I stood up and sat on the bed.


"Arraso, So what had happened was......."


~Cammy's Flashback~


"Ohhhh I know Let's see if anyone awake" I heard Hayden say out loud, and why is she awake, ~ Why is she soo loud, I would never tell her that out loud, I'm not that confident.


"Ung!!~ What's wrong " I asked her tiredly, even though I wasn't that tired and I knew hayden doesn't sleep well due to her nightmares.


"Oh I just wanted to see if anyone is awake" She replied.


"Ohhh!!!! Okay, Let's do this" I half screamed half whispered! I really want to see if gongchan oppa's awake >.<, I thought as me and Unnie tiptoed to the rooms.


"Okay you check that one and I'll check this one" she pointed at the doors.


"Right!!!!" I replied, as I walked into one of the rooms.


I slowly walked into the room and quietly shut the door, "Whose in here" I said quietly, I walked further into the room and heard someone singing Someday by U-Kiss.


"You get some right, You get some wrong........*sigh* I can't sleep, Ahhh~ she's sooooo cute" he squealed, who is that?, I thought I kept walking, Until I heard the voice ask.


"Is anyone there?" should I say anything, should I leave, Cammy what would Hayden do??.


"It's me, C-Cammy" I stammered, after I said that, a side table lamp flipped on and I saw gongchan laying on his bed, sightly leaning off it to turn on the lamp.


"C-Cammy-ah?!" he stammered as well.


"N-Nae?!?" I asked, ahhh~ oppa's soo cute^^ with his hair all out of place.


"What's wrong cammy-ah" he questioned.


"O-Oh N-Nothing oppa" I replied.


Gongchan's POV

Ung!!!~ I can't sleep I'm kinda too excited, Cammy-ah is sooo cute, I thought while singing U-Kiss sunbae's song "You get some right, You get some wrong" *sigh* "I can't sleep, Ahhhh~ she's soooo cute" I said outloud, I think I'm in love with her, I thought but was pulled out of it by a very soft sound of feet walking towards me, "Is anyone there" I spoke in the darkness of my room was now beginning to scare me.


"I-It's me, C-cammy", Cammy-ah!!!!! OMO did she hear me?!?! I quickly turned over and flipped on my side table lamp, It is her, she's sooooo cute in her pajamas.


"C-Cammy-ah??" I stammered, aigoooo this girl has me stuttering.


"N-Nae?!" she asked, she was blushing alot, She's soooo cute but also beautiful~.


"What's wrong Cammy-ah?!" I questioned. I was getting worried she was getting redder and redder.


"O-Oh, N-Nothing oppa" she replied.


"Are you sure?!" I asked her.


"Nae~" she giggled, Awwww kyeopta!!~.


"Anyways, sooo do you wanna talk about something?" I said shyly.


"Kinda" she replied quietly.


"Okay come sit then" I said while sitting up right and moving my legs out of the way so she could sit down, she shyly walked towards me.


"Come on" I smiled at her and grabbed her wrist softly.


"A-Arrasso" she stuttered and then she tripped over a wire and fell onto me, "Ahhhh~ Oppa!" she yelped and grabbed my neck and I quickly grabbed onto her waist. OMO.


Cammy's POV

"Come on" he smiled at me and grabbed my wrist softly and pulled closer to the bed.


"Arrasso" I stuttered and then I tripped over a wire and fell onto of him. "Ahhhh~ Oppa!" I yelped, and come on I didn't want to DIE!! or squash Gongchan oppa soo I grabbed onto the closest thing.........which was Gongchan's neck, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. Then we paused ..........OMG!!!!!! O.O o-o-oppa i-is h-h-olding m-me, OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!.


"C-Cammy-ah?!" he said shyly still holding me tightly, do I dare look into he's eyes?, I hesitated but looked up at his face, he looked straight into my eyes.


"Cammy, Gwenchanayo?" he asked me, what should I say, noooo I'm just madly in love with your and your face, I thought avoiding his eyes by putting my face into his chest.


"oppa?" I mumbled.


"Nae?" he asked, I still feel his eyes on me.


"Uhhh...............Nevermind" I said, STUPID......No wrong word, BABO BABO BABO BABO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


"Cammy-ah?? I have a question!" he announced.


"What is it?" I asked him."Are you ticklish?!" He asked randomly, I looked up at his face and he was just smiling at me "Nae, Waeyo?" I giggled , he didn't answer he just kept smiling.

Then................................he attacked.


Gongchan's POV

Cammy landed perfectly in my lap and then we paused, and she wouldn't look at me. "Wae?" I thought. should I say anything...........trying never hurts.


"C-Cammy-ah?" I said shyly still holding onto me, she hesitated but still looked up at me, I looked into her kinda big kinda small eyes, they have the most beautiful light brown tint to them.


"Cammy-ah Gwenchanayo?" I asked her, she tensed up and put her face in my chest.


"Oppa" she replied.


"Nae?" I asked her, I wonder what's wrong, I thought while looking at her.


"Uhhh..............Nevermind" she said, OMO Did I do anything, I must have made her sad, I have to cheer her up some how...................ooooooooooooo I have an Idea.


"Cammy-ah, I have a question!" I said excitedly.


"What is it?" she asked shyly.


"Are you ticklish!?" I asked randomly still excited, she looked at me  and I just smiled at her.


"Nae!, Waeyo?" she giggled, I just smiled and slowly unwrapped my arms from her waist but left my hands there.


"Oppa??" She called.


"Nae?" I replied.


"Nevermind" she said shyly.


"Cammy-ah?" I called.


"Nae?" she answered, still looking at me.


"Hehehehe" I giggled then attacked. I started tickling her sides as fast as I could.


"Ahhhhh!!!!~ Oppa!!~" she shakily yelped, "Stop, I'm r-really t-ticklish" she giggled, I kept tickling her until we were both tired and laughing, we fell on our back on the bed facing each other.


"Cammy-ah are you happy now?" I asked her while smiling.


"I was already happy, I just get really nervous" she explained while sitting up criss crossing her legs.


"Bwoh?!, But you kept hiding your face not looking at me." I responded, as I sat up as well, while sitting criss cross infront of cammy, she was looking down.


"It's because of this" next I know, I'm getting attack with a pillow, "PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!" She  shrieked, OMO.


"Bring it on!!!!" I shouted grabbing my other pillow.


Cammy's POV


"Cammy-ah are you happy now?" he asked me, Huh I've never been soo happy, seeing gongchan makes my heart skip beats, seeing him smile makes me blush, he.................I Love Him, but I-I can't tell him t-that until, I have to tell Hayden, so she can help me, I thought while looking at gongchan oppa.


"I was already happy, I just get really nervous" I explained while sitting upright and criss crossing my legs.


"Bwoh?!, But you kept hiding your face not looking at me." he responded as he sat upright and criss crossed is legs while facing me. I looked down because I knew he was looking for an answer,.............what should I tell him??, ooooooo this would be a perfect, too get my pay back, WHY ARE YOU THINKING THAT CAMMY, aigooooo your becoming more and more into hayden everyday, anyways but wait, that would make him forget about the question

"dooo it cammy-ah, dooooo itttttt" My inner hayden started to come out. "come on cammy-ah there's a pillow next to you, grab it and swing". My inner hayden explained, .......................................O-okay, I quietly grabbed the pillow making sure gongchan oppa didn't see me.


"It's because of this" I said quietly then attacked him with the pillow.


"PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!!!" I shrieked, and continued hitting him, I saw him grab the other pillow.


"Bring it on!!!!" He shouted, I whacked him with the pillow hard in his side.


"Ung!!~" he groaned while falling on his back on the bed, OMO I hit him too hard.


"O-Oppa??" I spoke.


"AAAAAAAAAARRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he shrieked and began to swing at me faster, I swinged back but I missed.


"Ha! Missed me" he bragged.


"awww" I said sadly before getting hit not too hard.


"MERONG!!!!!~" I shouted and swinged at him again but he ducks out of the way but was to slow to move out of the way of my second attack, he fell onto the bed and his pillow dropped onto the ground, I started hitting him over and over again.


"Ahhhhhh!!~~~~ Ottokae!!!!" he yelped blocking my hits.


"Surrender!!" I shouted at him. He put his hands up.


"Arra~ You win" he said sadly and hung his head down, I put the pillow down and sat next to him and patted his head.


"Good boy~" I grinned, he smiled.


"Yeah you won Meanie pants" he said playfully angrily.


"Awwww I'm not mean" I said and hugged him.


"see?" I smiled, he giggled. 


"kekekekeke your soft" he told me, OMO he's soo sweet~.


"Awww Jjinja?, You're soft too" I happily replied then giggled, He wrapped his arms around my waist.


"I'm sleepy and I know your sleepy now from beating me up. Right?" He asked.


"Nae" I replied, he grabbes the blanket that was thrown off the bed from us pillow fighting, and puts it over the both of us, he pulls me into a hug and holds me tightly.


"Goodnight Oppa" I said tiredly from all the fun, "Goodnight Cammy-ah" he said tiredly as well, I fell asleep in the arms of the guy I love.

~End Of Cammy's Flashback~


"And That's what happened" I finished telling Hayden, My story, she sat there with a evil smirk on her face. "Bwoh!!!!~" I yelled at her.


"CAMMY AND GONGCHAN SITTING IN A TREE......." She began to shout but was cut off by my hand on , she began to it.


"You know that doesn't do anything" I claimed she stopped and calm down, I let go of and she just looked at me.


"Sooooo do you love Gongchan, Like really love" she asked.


"Nae~" I said shyly.


"Then I'll make sure you guys get together".


"Hayden Unnie..........." I cried I reached over and hugged she just rubbed My head and hummed, Hayden Unnie, Thank You, I thought while hugging her.


Hayden's POV


After all that soft , me and cammy were laying on CNU hyung's bed talking about different things, then we heard the door open.


Cliff hanger!!!!!~ okay I will update on this soon :) like 2 weeks to 17days soon XD lolol, ohhhh and check out my other stories.

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You know what I'm just gonna re-format Ch.1&2 :D


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1say16 #1
Chapter 9: update again soon i wonder what will happen next
TheGermCafe #2
Happy late b-day and I know how writersa block feels I've have it right now and I'm really sad because of it^^
Ok I will support your ff excitedly ^-^ Fighting
1say16 #4
i hope u can update ur fic soon if ur not to busy anymore
iFlyInTheSky #5
Ok wow their outfits are chic n awesome! Tami's badass O.o 30 guys at a time?! Damn girl haha
Sorry im kinda new to reading fanfics and, yes its supposed to look like a screenplay
I see some grammar mistakes, but not so many that I can't understand the plot.<br />
But the way it's written is really awkward, is it SUPPOSED to look like a screenplay? Whatever, your plotline is really good. :D<br />
A green left eye....? DANG. >:0<br />
She can take on 30 guys at a time? DANGG. >:0<br />
Update soon.
Oooh. Looks interesting. :D Update soon! ^^<br />