Late Night Tea

Easy Breezy

When I finally got into the lounge, I threw myself onto the couch, not much caring how I landed.  The day had been so long. Between running back forth from the office to the practice room (terrorizing my brother and gushing over Sehun in the process) to spending several hours in the design department with the coordinators on a wardrobe for the boys, I was utterly spent. And I wasn't even done yet.

Groaning, I picked up my phone and dialed my brother's number. It rang a couple times before he picked up, “Chen, overlord of the world speaking.”

I chuckled, “Yah, overlord, get your members ready to go. I'm driving you back home in fifteen minutes.”

“Is that Noona?” I heard a voice ask in the background, “Ask her if we can stop and eat out tonight!”

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and grabbed my jacket and bag out of the closet, “How about this, if you all are in the van and behaving in ten minutes than I'll think about stopping and picking up something along the way.”

Loud cheers answered me and I had to pull the phone away, wincing, “Yah! I said think, not for sure!”

There was some rustling on the other end and my brother's voice filled my ear again, “Leave it to me! We'll be ready!”

I shook my head and ended the call, sliding my phone into my back pocket. I had to stop and check in with Hyunkun to get the keys and call the other driver to get ready ebfore I could head in.

Walking through the halls that were now memorized from my constant traversing them through the day, I quietly entered the manager's office.

The man I was looking for was chatting away on his phone in Mandarin, but smiled when he saw me, quickly digging into his desk drawer to pull out the keys. Holding the phone away from his mouth he quickly asked me to pick up some coffee on my way back, handing me his charge card, “And if I know the boys, they'll want you to buy them food. Use that as well.” Company credit cards, eesh. Briefly, I wondered about how much the boys had already gotten Hyunkun to spend on them. That was a terrifying thought. 

Snapping back to reality, I nodded and bowed slightly before waving goodbye and stuffing the keys in my jacket pocket. I waved goodbye to some other managers that I had met through the day, smiling politely. Everyone there was exceptionally easy to work with, just as long as you didn't screw with their work, you were fine.

As I got into the elevator, texting the other driver his instructions, I thought about the big project I was told the boys were going to be doing in the fall. Their own television program. I smiled, the show was to show everyone what the boys' daily life was like and I could already imagine the mischief they were going to get up to.

The doors opened and stepping out, I spotted Lay standing by the main entrance. I walked over, waving as he looked up and smiled at me. I was just all smiles today for this guy, wasn't I? I blame the black magic dimple.

“Yah, what did I tell you about being in the van and ready to go?” I teased, hitching my bag higher up on my shoulder, “So quick to disobey instructions.”

He chuckled, “If my watch is correct, which it should be, I still have five minutes to get to the van. Plenty of time.”

I scoffed, smile still on my face, “Troublesome dancer types.”

He raised a brow, “If I remember correctly, you're a dancer yourself.”

“Exactly. I have firsthand experience.”

“Oh you're trouble alright,” He chuckled, shaking his head, before something over my shoulder caught his attention, “Ah, see?” He pointed to Sehun, who was strolling towards them, “Now we can go to the van.”

I sent a smile to the younger boy before turning back and pouting, “Troublesome.” Sehun threw his arm around me, grinning.

“You didn't have wait for me Noona!”

“For some reason I don't feel comfortable letting you wander the building by yourself.” I deadpanned, leaving out the fact that I hadn't actually waited for him.

“Hyung said that too.” The boy pouted slightly while pointing at Lay, “Does no one trust me anymore? I am an adult.”

Lay yanked the younger boy after him, throwing a wink back at me while I coughed to cover my chuckle, “We know Sehunnie, we just worry about you a little.”

“What does that mean?”

“We don't trust you to wander the halls.”




Midnight found me in the dance studio, setting down my messenger bag after changing into looser clothing. I had finished my work about a half and hour ago, and after clearing everything with Hyunkun I had headed towards Exo's studio (with his permission to use it, of course). The room was dimly lit, shadows clinging to my form as I made my away across the room to the stereo to plug in my phone, pointe shoes slung over my shoulder.

The sound of a piano filtered through the speakers as I moved back to the center of the room and began to stretch absentmindedly, thinking about all the information I had taken in that day. They boys were undoubtedly busy, and it was going to get even busier in the coming months with all the promotion and performances they had coming up, let alone that television program.

I bent over, letting my forearms brush the floor as I stretched my lower back and legs. It was going to be tough, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. I'd be traveling all over Asia with my brother and the other eleven dorks; if that didn't spell fun, I didn't know what did.

Finished stretching, I laced up my pointe shoes, smiling at the feel of them, excitement coursing through my veins; my body's reaction to dancing. I stood up and stared at my reflection. my hair was down, a little wild and reaching the middle of my back; now chestnut brown. I had dressed in black leggings and loose faded green tank-top and gray leg warmers hugged my calves.

Breath in. Out. I was moving, letting my limbs flow out like water as I balanced easily en pointe while watching myself in the mirror. It was here that I felt at my best, seeing the lines of my body that my many teacmys told my were gorgeous; limbs stretching out while reaching for a perfect extension. My pride had always lay with my dancing, it had come naturally to me the way singing had been natural to Jongdae and I had always used it as my release when I needed to focus and unwind. Finals week at the university barely saw me out of the studio where several friends quized me while I danced.

The door opened behind me and I finished my last pirouette, shocked out of it, and blew my hair out my face. I turned towards the door and saw my brother lean against the door jam, smirk on his face.

“So what was that about getting eight hours of sleep, dearest sister?”

I laughed, “Sorry, I just felt like going a round before leaving. Focus my thoughts a bit.” I shut the music off, “But what are you doing here? Actually, how did you get here? I have the van.”

He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck, “I just didn't want you to be working too late. You need your rest, too.” He coughed, “And, uh, I got Joonmyeon to give me a ride.”

I smiled while pulling my shoes, throwing my pointe shoes into my bag, “That poor man must be run ragged watching all of you boys.” I straightened up, bag over my shoulder and pulled my hair up in a bun, “But I appreciate the thought, regardless.” I walked over to my brother, pulling him into a tight hug, “Saranghae, Oppa!”

I felt him wrap his arms around me and one of his hands ruffle my hair, “Yah, don't be cute. You're in trouble for staying out so late.” The threat fell flat with his affectionate tone, but I nodded anyways. He moved back and pulled at my cheeks, ignoring my protests, “Come on, let's get back and get to bed.”

I nodded, slapping his hands away when it pulled on my cheeks more, “Right, poor Suho is probably waiting for us.” I puId him out the door, “See, now I feel bad. You could have just called me.” Though I had to admit, it was a littel adorable that he cared about s so much that he would drive Jongdae out in the middle of the night to make sure I got home. 

He ignored me, taking my wrist, leading me to the elevator, and pushing the button leading to the parking garage. We arrived relatively quickly and jogged over to the car, Jongdae jumping into the passenger seat.

I fished my keys out of my bag, “I'll follow you guys back. I still have to take the van back home so we can get back here tomorrow.” Suho nodded from the drivers seat before looking to the back of the van.

“Lay, how about you drive back with my? I doesn't quite know the way back to the dorm yet, right?” I nodded shepishly and Suho smiled brightly back at me.

The back door opened and Lay clambered out, face hidden by the hood of his sweater, and I smiled. I was confused as to why he had come to pick my up when he could rather be sleeping, but grateful anyway.

I turned back to Suho, “Thank you for coming to pick me up, you really didn't have to.”

He shrugged, “We just wanted to make sure you got home all right. We can't lose our PA on the first day, what would people think of us?” he winked at he end, grinning at me.

Rolling my eyes, I gestured for Lay to follow me to where I had parked after I had dropped the boys off the first time. He followed my quietly, eyes drooping slightly from his tiredness. Reaching the van I unlocked it and they both climbed in.

“Um,” I began, “Thank you Lay, I'm sorry that you had to come get me like this.” I wasn't really, but it's the thought that counts, right? Plus, he was adorable when he was tired.

The older boy shook his head, “It's not a big deal. I was still awake when they were leaving and needed something to tire me out. Driving does that so I came with.”

I nodded, pulling out of the complex and out onto the road behind Suho, following carefully, “But thank you, regardless.”

He hummed quietly in response, “Maybe next time I'll get to see you dance.” He commented, voice drowsy.

Changing lanes, I smiled, “I'd like that.”

He hummed again, and when I looked over quickly he had fallen asleep with his head against the window. 




Week 2



[00:02] Come home. It's late and I don't have watching you stumble into your building to amuse me.



[00:03] I was just getting into the car, thank you very much. Don't you know it's creepy to watch someone enter their home every night?



[00:03] Watching you stumble in like some dazed puppy is funny to watch, not creepy. How else am I supposed to escape your brother?



[00:04] Maybe going to sleep?



[00:04] Hush. Pick up tea on your way home. We're all out.



[00:04] Of course your highness, right away. Anything else?



[00:05] Drive safe.



I smiled down at my phone before tucking it into my bag and pulling out of the complex. My midnight dancing had turned into a sort of routine for me for the past week. I had convinced Jongdae not to come pick my up every night, instead making him settle for texting him when I was leaving each night. Lay had taken up texting me whenever he was bored, and often tried to discourage me from staying out late so I could come over to the dorm after work and help him cook and hang with the boys. After the first night he came to pick me up we had developed a sort of agreement that he wouldn't let my brother stay up late and in return I would come home when he asked me to. Sometimes.

He also kept complaining about how he never got to see me dance because Hyunkun required them to go back at their designated times. I responded by swatting the back of his head and telling him that whining will make him turn into Sehun. He usually rolled his eyes and tugged on a strand of my hair, making my stick my tongue out at him. I think it's safe to say that our relationship wasn't based off of mature interactions.

I quickly stopped at a 24-hour convenience store to pick up Lay's tea before getting back into the van and speeding towards the dorm. I still wasn't used to being back in Korea after only a week and the differences between L.A and Seoul were steep. I couldn't say I disliked it though, in fact I found I was enjoying myself more here, regardless of the heavy workload that faced my everyday. I knew having my brother nearby lifted my mood, and quickly becoming close to the others was keeping my more than entertained by their antics.

Pulling into the dorm's driveway and turning the car off, I grabbed my bag and the the box of tea that I had purchased and quickly entered the dorm. Lay and Chanyeol were sprawled over the couch, limbs tangled up together. They both looked up at my entrance and grinned.

“Noona!” Chanyeol cried in a huId tone.

I raised a hand in greeting, holding up the box of tea, “Hey, you're still up.” The boy rubbed his neck Iepishly.

“Yeah, I couldn't sleep so...”

I patted the top of his head, “Well, do you want tea while I'm here? Slave driver Yixing made me pick him up some.”

Rolling his eyes, Lay got up from the couch, shoving the taller boy's legs off of his, and headed towards me, “I guess I'll help you, since I made you buy the stuff.”

Chanyeol nodded, amused, “Maybe it'll help me get to sleep.”

I pointed to the TV, “Watching bad dramas isn't helping?”

“Hey, they aren't bad!”

Laughing, I went into the kitchen, Lay following close behind. Grabbing the kettle and filling it quickly, I turned to him.

He was watching me from the counter to my right, leaning forward with his head resting on his folded arms, “How was your practice?”

“Good,” I shrugged, “It's not like I'm working towards anything right now like you guys so it's just for fun, really.” I leaned against the counter adjacent to him, “How was your rehearsal? Everything ready for performances next week?”

He nodded, “Everything is looking good. I don't think we could be more ready at this point, honestly.”

I smiled, wrapping my arms around my waist, “I'm glad. I'm sure you guys are going to be great and everyone will love you and worship at your feet.”

He rolled his eyes, still grinning, “And all because of our hard working staff.”

Scoffing, I pulled the now hot kettle off the stove, “We're not the ones who are going to be up on that stage. This is all you guys.” I poured him a mug and slid it over, he took it quickly, “I'm just excited to see you all on stage live for the first time.”

“We'll try to make you proud.” Lay moved closer and lifted his hand up, ruffling my hair, “Try and get some sleep tonight, no one likes a zombie for a PA.”

I sneered teasingly, “And no one likes a dancer who orders his tired to PA to pick him up tea in the middle of the night, but you don't see me complaining.”

Laughing, he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, “Troublesome PA.”

Blushing I turned around, “Troublesome dancer. Go to bed already!”

He left the kitchen, still chuckling while I stood glaring down at the mug I had designated as Chanyeol's. “Jerk.”

[AN: Thanks so much for reading! I hope it's not too boring for you guys! Let me know by commenting!

Also, thanks to everyone who subscribed!] 

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TaengooLuver #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^