My last 24 hours



ok i know i have to update my other story and this 
story has been rewritting a few times but please,
please, please don't hate me!


I need to get to the city before 12:00am 13th of March 2014


12:00am, 12th of March 2014, I'ts my birthday, i should be happy,
but instead, I'm in my boyfriends arms, a complete mess
finding out that im going to die in 24 hours.
I have hematenesis, a disease where you vomitt blood,
its nothing new, my whole family has it, both of my parents had it, and my brother?
he has it too, but he is stronger, he's in a hospital bed in the city,
unlike my parents, they're in a bed too, if you call lying six feet underground a bed.
sigh...what am I supossed to do. 



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