Chapter 28

Early Morning Madness

Rea woke up at her usual body clock.

It was 4 in the morning.
At this time, they she should have been with Yoochun at Han River.
But she didn’t move off her bed.
She was still aching with all she heard from Yoochun.

She knew Yoochun might think she’s being childish but she doesn’t care.
It was better than lying to him that she’s totally fine.

She then buried her face on the pillow.

“Am I being so selfish?”

She then felt so down.
She was only thinking of herself.

How about Yoochun?
He must not be happy with this things happening around.

He needed understanding and not rejection. She told herself.

She quickly wore a jacket and ran to the door.

And just as she opens the door,

She saw Yoochun sitting on the floor in front of their apartment.


Micky quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly.

“Why didn’t you answer my call? Why is your phone off?”
He said pulling her closer.

She didn’t say a word.
Her arms seem like having their own mind as she wrapped them around Yoochun.

His breath was so warm against her neck.

She just closed her eyes.

Having this time with makes her feel better.
She brushed all her heartaches away and thought only of what is now.

She suddenly heard someone laughing.
She looked behind and saw the other boys. They were all laughing.
They then grabbed Yoochun and pulled him away from her.

“You don’t deserve him!” they said.
“What’s happening guys?” She asked.

Slowly the 5 men walked away from her. Their shadows drifting into the darkness.

“YOOCHUN!!!!!” She screamed.

She opened her eyes. She was still in her room.

“It was just a dream.” She told herself as she grabbed a glass of water from the fridge.

‘Yesterday was just a lie that the people needs to hear’. She convinced herself.

“I can’t let him go just like this.”

Maybe scared of what she dreamt off which is Micky leaving.
She decided to go to their apartment and find Micky. She has to talk with him.

She can’t seem to just let him go like that.

Michi woke up seeing Jaejoong sleeping beside her.

He was so handsome when he sleeps.

She then started caressing his face with her fingertips.

She touched his forehead then his pretty nose down to his red lips.

Contented of the man beside her right now, she started to stand up and get off the bed.

Just as she put her slippers on, she suddenly felt a strong hand holding her arm.

“Where are you going?”

He whispered.

She smiled looking at him.

“I was so mad with you just yesterday but now, you completely all those anguish inside me.” She told him pinching his nose.

He chuckled as she did it.

She continued to stand but then Jaejoong stopped him again.

“Yah.. Where are you going?”

She laughed.

“I’ll make you some breakfast.”

Jaejoong seemed not affected with her words and pulled her back to the bed.

“Your lips are more than a complete meal for me.”

He said as he starts kissing her again.

“Jaejoongah… addicted to me already?” she when their lips parted.

“You don’t have any idea,” He answered as he started kissing her again.

Paula woke up with the doorbell, unceasingly ringing.

With heavy feet, she went to the door.
As she opened it she saw so many flowers placed on pots and some were arranged just so well in vases.

“Excuse me Ma’am. Is Miss Paula here?” the delivery man said.

She knew he was a delivery man because of his shirt.

“Yes? It’s me.” She quickly answered.

“I see.”
The man answered as he started putting all the vases and pots inside the apartment.

Awed by the happening, she just let the man do his job.

The man successfully placed all the flowers in the apartment and soon went up to her.

Here’s the card for you Ma’am.

She then thanked the man slowly opened the card.

Good Morning my sunshine! Have you slept well? I wish you did coz I don’t want you to get sick. I just hope this gift made you smile.

She then looked at the bottom part of the card. There was the name JUNSU.

She giggled as she smelled the flowers.
She was so happy.
She wanna run to Junsu that very moment to hug him.

But she refused to do that.
She could feel his love with the presence of the flowers.


Rea passed by Paula as she quickly ran to the door.
She didn’t even recognize the flowers there.

What’s matters most is that she will get to Yoochun the fastest way.

She breathed deeply as she held the knob of the boys’ apartment and slowly opened it.

From the inside there was chaos and loud voices.

“Kyahh! Why are you acting such? Isn’t that way too much?”

“What’s way too much? Mind your own business!”

“C’mon you’d be given the best actors award already! Stop acting now!”

“Shut up or I’ll hit you!”

“So now you’re hitting me? Would you hit your own friend because of them?”

“Shut up!”

“They were just bets! Dating them was just for a bet! Why are you acting like this?”

She opened the door more.
Now the 4 boys were at the living room that was screaming got her attention.


Micky gasped.

She just heard everything. Every little thing that made her heart go and stopped beating.

“We are just bets?”


the heat is on!!!

i hope you like the updates , well what's new? double again. lol.

Thanks for reading guys!!!

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Chapter 80: awwww. this update made my day.. ^_^ IT's so cute since I am all for Rea and Chunnie. It's a bit complicated but worked out fine. I am wondering how you are going to twist this part.. awesome!
Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
hielooo #3
complications.. complications.. >.<

I love how the story is turning up like I'm actually watching everything inside my head..

update soon! ^_^
fallenangel #6
junsu is a real gentleman he would even take care of the baby even if it's not his own ♥ <br />
fallenangel #7
wow finally I read all the 73 chapters :D and Wow :D there were so many twists <br />
I love Jae in this story the most he is so lovely, most of the time i was cursing at Yoochun because he didn't tell Rea the truth but yeah the story still goes on<br />
for junsu the last chapter I read (ch 73) was the cutest ♥ just can love this guy <br />
new reader here. It took me a while to catch up (O_o my precious sleep, you robbed me of my precious sleep, kekeke). This is just so engaging, hope you update soon..
michireicute #9
guys!!!! mianhe mianhe. i dunno when will i update again. i'm in bangkok now. but i swear to finish this one. and the others too! thanks for the support!<br />
whoa..... update soon