
The Broken ones

One week ago

Sooyoung: "Why are you being so stupid again?! Can't you see its step right step right turn and slide"

Taeyeon: "Well maybe because I have another dance routine then you have! This is my solo part so I dont have to do that you big idiot!"

AJ: "Yah! Stop it! Its not helping that you guys always fight because of something stupid so stop it and just try to do things without fighting!"

Yuri: "Stop yelling jeez~"

Yoong: "Cant you guys stop fighting cant you guys see that this is drifting us apart? We all have our own apartement because we fight so much, we barely talk to eachother and we cant even be in one room with eachother, cant you guys see this is wrong what were doing?"

Sooyoung: "Shut up Yoong, stop acting so innocent"

AJ: "YAH! Dont talk to him like that ugly tall creature!"

Sooyoung: "Your just healous because of my length because people only see me"

Taeyeon: "Okay thats enough!"

Taeyeon tackled Sooyoung and they started to fight. Yuri and Aiden tried to get them apart but instead they alo ended up fighting with their leader and the tallest member of the group. Yoong couldnt stand it anymore and ran out of the practice room searching for their manager. In the room there were only cursing heard and even crashing mirrors. They were sick of eachothers faces and wanted to end eachothers lifes. 

Yuri: "You ugly midget! How dare you call me that?!"

He punched Taeyeon in the face after Taeyeon started to talk about what he hates about Yuri the most and calling him names.

Taeyeon: "Son of a how dare you punch me in the face?! Im your hyung and the leader of this group so show a little respect would you?!"

AJ: "You are the shortest so why would we huh?!"

AJ started to attack Taeyeon now and they were rolling on the floor pulling eachothers hair and punching eachother in the faces.

Manager: "Yah! Stop it!"

Their manager barged in followed by Yoong who had a worried expression on his face. Their manager pulled AJ up and then Taeyeon, he held Taeyeons collar and Aidens collar so they would stop fighting.

Manager: "Are you two out of your mind?! Why would you start fighting here and now? You are friends and look at your faces its all covered in blood!"

AJ: "He started it!"

Taeyeon: "You suddenly attacked me without a reason!"

Manager: "You guys arent little kids anymore so I dont want to hear this things anymore! Go clean up and come to the van outside, I'll ride you all to your appartements"

AJ: "N-ne hyung"

Taeyeon: "Fine"

Taeyeon, Aiden and Yoong walked out of the room and Yuri and Sooyoung wanted to do the same but their manager blocked their way.

Manager: "And what happened to you two?"

He asked sternly, the two boys just hung their head low in shame and their manager shook his ead in disbelieve. When the five just debuted they were like a family but now they are like enemies. They hate eachother and cant stand eachothers present. Their manager took a step aside and the two boys slowly left the room in shame.

Manager: "I cant believe they are acting like this"



Taeyeon was washing his face in the bathroom near their practiceroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. He changed so much since they debuted. When they just debuted he was an innocent 18 year old boy who loved to sing with s and now he is 26 years old and kinda likes to fight with s. When they just debuted he had black hair and he had a cute little ponytail, now he has short brown hair and a badboy image like Sooyoung. His image turned him into a jerk and he hated it but he didnt know what he could do to get out of that image.

Taeyeon: "Dont worry Taengoo everything will be fine trust me"

He softly slapped his cheeks and then exited the bathroom going outside to the van not forgetting to put on hood before going outside. He quicly entered the van and saw that everyone was seated already like always. Taeyeon is always the last one to enter the van, most of the time he is late because he doesnt care about anything.

Manager: "Fasten your seatbelt Taeyeon"

Taeyeon rolled his eyes and fastened his seatbelt before they took off. A few miutes later it was only Aiden, Yoong and Taeyeon left in the van. Taeyeon and Aiden were staring out of the window while Yoong was looking down at his lap. he didnt like the situation where their group was in now. He hated to see his hyungs fight everyday. He misses the dorm. He misses the time when they were having fun in preforming and being with eachother. All those variety shows they did, it was so much fun and he misses it like crazy. He wants everything to turn to normal again. He is afraid that their group will be teard apart if they keep it up like this.

Yoong: "Hyung, AJ?"

Yoong called softly only to be ignored by the two gloomy guys. Taeyeon wasnt in the mood to talk with them and just wanted to go home. AJ was trying to not feel guilty because he was ignoring one of his hyungs. Even if they fight alot he still loves his hyungs like he did before. He used to sleep in Taeyeons bed because he would always get nightmares if he would sleep alone, he would always be eating with Sooyoung and Yoong like theres no tomorrow and he would always work out with Yuri. He missed his hyungs but didnt want to show it off. He felt guilty for hurting Taeyeon. He felt stupid because of what he did an hour ago.

Manager: "Yoong were here, I'll pick you up at 5 am for your photoshoot okay?"

Yoong: "De hyung... Bye Taeng hyung and AJ"

Yoong said sadly and exited the van walking towards his appartement. Their manager started driving again and they were heading towards AJ apartement now. AJ looked at Taeyeon and sighed.

AJ: "Hyung?"

Taeyeon decided to just ignore it.

AJ: "Hyung?"

Taeyeon was getting annoyed by s and didnt wanted to talk to them not even his beloved maknae.

AJ: "Hyung can you please atleast say something?"

Taeyeon: "Just shut up Joseph"

AJ felt his heart drop as he heard what Taeyeon just called him. He hates his real name, Amber Joseph Liu so he changed it to AJ Liu. Taeyeon knows he hates his real name and only calls him by his real name if hes annoyed.

AJ: "Hyung please letsjust talk about it"

Taeyeon just ignored him again and it was annoying AJ.

AJ: "Okay then I will just say it, I miss the real Kim Taeyeon and I know the others do the same. If you wont stop acting like a jerk we will drift apart and I.C.U. wont be existing anymore in a month or so so just stop it already and listen to Yoong once okay? I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

AJ exited the van as they just arrived at his appartement leaving Taeyeon alittle dumbfounded.

Taeyeon: "Just shut up Amber Joseph Liu you dont know anything about leadership and images"













First update wow finally ^^

_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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Chapter 1: update plssssss. :(
Chapter 1: Can't waot for more
And i wonder why why?!?!
circlestain #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^