Wrong Timing-Reunion

The Next Generation

Before I start, I would like to promote my new story entitled Eye of The Wolf. 

Here's the link to the story.




Chelsea's P.o.V.

I chuckled and smiled at them.

"Okay, oppaaas~" I said and they laughed. After a while, all of us parted on our own ways. Vaughn oppa and I are walking together down the street.

"So, do you like any of them?" He asked.

"Aniyo. It's too early for that, you know."  I said and he left a chuckle. After exchanging a few lines with each other, we reached home. We turned the knob and saw plastered smiles in my parents' faces.

"Wae?" I asked.

"Nothing." They said in unison. Maybe it's  because of the woman who went near us a while ago. 

"We encountered a few boys a while ago." Vaughn said and sat on the couch lazily. I then went towards him and sat.

"Yeah. Six boys. They chased us after we went from the candy shop." I continued.

"Remember that?" Mom turned to look at dad.

"Yeah. Aigoo. That scenario happened to us before. Exactly. I gave Jjeolbae my skateboard and went off to somewhere. Then, they cornered her as I pulled her to escape. Luckily, my gang, EXO came." He said.

"Jinja? Cool~" Vaughn and I said in sync.


Vaughn's P.o.V.


I hate mornings.

I shifted my position in my bed as I turned the alarm of. I went back to sleeping when I felt a force thrown on me. I opened my eyes only to see Chelsea in her uniform.

"IREONA!" She shouted.

"We're gonna be late! Ppaliiii!" She said.

"Okay mom." I replied sarcastically. She went towards me and hit my head hard. I went fully awake and immediately headed for the bathroom.


Chelsea and I are now prepared for school. Dad is currently having his morning coffee as mom is sitting on the chair, just beside appa. We bid goodbye as we grab two sandwiches each, telling them that we are going to eat them on the way. We escaped from the house and walked on the pathway. 

I stopped when she nudged me. She shifted her gaze on my face and brought up a bright smile. Before her, I saw a man who is looking hungry and searching for food. Chelsea knelt down and gave him the extra sandwich she has. 

Everyday, we do this kind of things. Giving help and turning frowns upside down. Then, I saw a child around eight years and wearing a dusty school uniform with pants matching it, somehow ripped. I immediately grabbed the ballpen from my pocket and pulled out a set of papers.

"Here. Study well, okay?" I reminded him and gave him my sandwich too.

"Thank you very much, hyung and noona! I promise to study well!" The little boy said in amazement. I could not measure the happiness he's currently having.

"Thank you very much." The man said and smiled kindly at us and we nodded.

We walked for a bit, only to be spotted by our school principal.

"I saw what you did a while ago. Do you do this kind of things everyday?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Both of us said.

"Keep it up! May God bless you." He said and we said 'thank you's' and such.

Then, we reached the school and separated on our own ways. I heard howls from boys on the opposite side and scream from girls on my side. Chelsea's famous with boys, of course. She's pretty, intelligent, and kind.

Then, classes have started. I took down notes and listened attentively at the teachers. I also participated in group activities and such.

"Hey, Lu Chelsea really is beautiful. I want to court her. But I'll break up with her, eventually." A boy in front of me said.

"How could you break up with her? You can't even match her level." I interrupted.

"How dare you say that?"

"I know her well."

"Since when?"

"Since birth."

"Prove it." 

"I'm Lu Vaughn, the one and only twin of Chelsea. Now if you would excuse me." I said and went out of the room. 


Time went fast, and it's finally dismissal. I opened my locker only to see a few letters.

"Six today, huh?" I whispered to myself.

I immeditaely headed to Chelsea's classroom.

"How many?" I'm talking about the love letters she has received. Not to be rude but, we're competitive towards it.

"Seven." She said. I lost the match today, so I have to buy her ice cream.


Then, I after I bought it, I forced her to come with me in practicing with my gang, EXO. We would be performing on the stage tomorrow.

"Why should I?"

"Because your oppa said so."

Then, after a bit of argument, she finally gave up.

We walked towards the studio and I opened the door. Eleven boys welcomed us with smiles plastered on their faces.

"Sup, Chelsea and Vaughn."

"Harvest Moon? hahaha!"

"Yah! Whatever. Let's practice." I said.

Chelsea's P.o.V.

I watched them as they made a whole run-through in front of me. They sat down and drank water after doing so.

"Guys, some steps feel out of place. Is it alright to change them?" I requested.

"No problem!" They said.

After a while, I helped them in fixing the coreography. It somehow went better than before.

"Omoo~ it looks awesome." Mr. Time Control (Huang Kyung, perhaps?) said.

"Aigoo, you should join us too." Kim Sebby said.

"I won't." I said.

Luhan's P.o.V.

The conversation that happened between the SM employee and us still lingered in my mind. They wanted my twins to join the entertainment. We agreed with it, but it really is hard to be one of them, or us.  Walking back and forth in my office, I heard a call from the phone.


"Mr. Lu, your daughter was kidnapped. This is Suho. Namsan street, Seoul. Fast. I have already grabbed the police's attention."

I immediately dropped the phone and made my way out of the building. I ran and ran, since it was just blocks away. I felt my head became lighter than before, and my feet automatically ran without my  command. 

I'm on the last street, a few steps and I'll face a huge obstacle.

Then, I saw Suho. It's been a while. He's with a little boy, his son, perhaps. I immediately ran and panicked. One of the twins is lost, and I don't know what to do, or where to go. What if something bad happens to her? What if she gets killed? 

"Vaughn's chasing the van with my bike." A kid informed me. I lent them my phone for them to call their parents up. They need to  be fetched immediately.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"We have already stepped foot out the studio when Chelsea was suddenly pulled. They pushed her towards the van and ran." A child said.

"I still have a clear memory of the one who did it. I could sketch it for you."

"I'll be sketching it, Wu. Your drawing's terrible." 

"Whatever, Zhang."

Then, they scribbled something for a while as we entered the studio. The police have called us and they said that they're already finding my child.

After a while, a few parents have entered. I immediately recognized them.

"Lay, Kris, Xiumin, Tao!" I exclaimed.

"Oh?  Look who we have here." Kris said.

"What happened?" Lay asked.

"My daughter got kidnapped."  I said and their eyes widened. They immediately sat down as some of the members enter.

"I missed you guys."

"We too."

"So now. Have you finished the drawing?" I asked the children.


"Wait......is this........Zelo?"

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IrisScarlett21 #1
Please updaaatee!!
darrocesther #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^