´ CLIFF CABIN — apply open
GENERAL MANAGER (23) Though he's worked his way up from Busboy, it's rare that Kris will ever revert back to that unless they're really strapped. Stoic and to the point, despite his questionable people-skills he still keeps everyone else in line. If there's something out of place, you can bet on him noticing it and coming down hard on the person who's at fault and making sure it's put right. Nobody leaves or goes home until everything has been checked. Twice.
HOST (22) Being one of the first faces the people see, it's not surprising that Junmyeon is working up front as a Host, putting his charming smile to good use. A true gentleman, Junmyeon tries to accomodate customers to the best of his ability and can take complaints a little too close to heart. He tends to arrive early to work and rarely leaves on time, he not only enjoys his job but the company of those he works with, most of the time anyway.
HOST (20) After spending months waiting tables, Tao has finally found himself greeting customers instead of taking their orders. Convinced he was far too charismatic to be a waiter, begging Kris for four months straight has finally paid off. Customers do find his demeanor endearing, but not for the reasons he thinks. His awkward korean matched with his genuine effort is oddly working out for him, mistakes included.
WAITER (21) Cute, flirty and fun loving Baekhyun makes for a good waiter and most customers can vouch for that, his smile definitely helps. Though they don't mind that he doesn't stop talking, his co-workers have come close to pushing his face in the sand on more than one occasion to shut him up. The only way to get a less-talkative Baekhyun, they've found, is to put him on shift first thing in the morning- he is not a morning person.
WAITER (21)  Customers want to take him home, and his co-workers want to kick him out. Jongdae is highly skilled in masking the more unpleasant sides of his personality when waiting tables and unleashing his childishly irritating side where the public eye don't see. He can do his job well but will do it all the whilst complaining that he has something better to do or somewhere better to be, there's sometimes no pleasing him.
BARTENDER (23) It's not a permenant job, it's just until I find something else. Two years down the line, the sandy haired heartthrob is still tossing tumblers and salting Margarita glasses. For someone who wasn't going to stay long, Luhan is very good at his job and knows his way around the bar with his eyes closed. Always cool and composed, he still swears he's looking to move on with his ambitions but he's not too convincing.
BARTENDER (22) Yixing's co-workers want to know how he can remember the recipes for dozens of cocktails without reminders but he can forget which shifts he's working each week. Luhan is convinced his dimples are responsible for at approximately 67.4% of the tips he receives, but that could be jealousy talking. The late nights mean he's otherwise a little sleepy, but his shyness and modesty behind the bar is particularly charming. That and his dimples.
SOUS CHEF (23) Something newbies can't seem to grasp is how the teddy-bear-like Minseok can go from being withdrawn and sweet to assertive and stern once he's in the kitchen. Supervising the kitchen when head-chef isn't there can stress him out and get to him as he's stilla little uncomfortable with his new responsiblity after his recent promotion. That aside, it's widely known that Minseok makes a mean Fillet Mignon.
PASTRY CHEF (21) More fond of the early morning shifts than those that finish late at night, Kyungsoo can get quite invested into his job. Once his finished products are on display his serious, concentrated face lifts into a satisfied heart-shaped smile. On the rare occasions that he's needed on a late shift, he feels at a loss and out of his comfort zone but the added pressure can do wonders for his work but he worries far too much.


DELIVERY BOY (21) It got to the stage where Chanyeol spent just as much time at Cliff Cabin as the workers; Kris got sick of seeing him sitting there doing nothing and a few errands later he was being written a paycheck. Now he gets to stay to talk to his friends and get paid for it. He's gradually working his way up to busboy, but he's a little sloppy. When it comes to packing pastries and delivering them across the beach, he's pretty great, if he says so himself. He gets bossed around a little, but you'll rarely see him frown.
PROMOS & ADVERTISING (20)   Kim Jongin is young, lazy and extraordinarily attractive, so these traits are used to the restaurant's every advantage. Give a good looking boy a bunch of flyers and an promise of money and food, what do you get? Lots of female customers. His smouldering gaze and desirable smirk are left on the beach when he's dragged into the kitchen to wash pots and pans or help in the café and  the twenty year old is soon snorting when he laughs at his own terribly immature jokes.
EVERYTHING & NOTHING (19) Sehun is a special case. He's practically joined at Jongin's hip so without one there isn't the other. The restaurant need Jongin, so they contend with Sehun. He was too cold and unenthusiastic when advertising, and he wasn't attentive enough cleaning tables. He certainly doesn't have the people skills for Hosting, and ends up with more food on the floor than the plate when waiting. Sehun goes where he's told but more often than not drifts from position to position with a shrug.


The Host is the first face a customer sees when they walk through the doors and can hold a lot of responsibility in representing the rest of the establishment. Not only do they keep on top of new bookings, they usher customers to and from their tables and always keeping a smile on their face. Their professionalism is counted upon and it's up to them to organise and keep track of the line of people or those who are waiting.
Day Shift Uniform // Evening Shift Uniform 
Waiting tables is a lot more than just bringing food to a table. They're in charge of taking orders correctly or on their head be it if there's something wrong, as well as taking orders for drinks and fetching them from the bar. It's important they remember to check on the table throughout their meal and make sure everything is in order. They must do everything with grace and hast. 
Day Shift Uniform // Evening Shift Uniform 
Primarily the Busser's priority is clearing empty tables and relaying them quickly so that the tables are available for other parties. As they're often considered the bottom of the staff foodchain they can get caught up in numerous odd jobs like polishing silverwear, making after meal coffees, refilling water jugs and on busier occasions help with the dish washing. They work closely with the waiting staff as a team.
Day Shift Uniform // Evening Shift Uniform
It's pretty important that the bartenders, on top of knowing what they're doing behind the bar, have some level of charm or repor with the customers. Confidence is key. They're responsible from everything from draft beer, fine wine, cocktails, flair included! Keeping the bar tidy is one responsibilty but making sure to check IDs when necessary too, and keeping people in check when they've had a little too much to drink.
Day Shift Uniform // Evening Shift Uniform 
SOUS The two Sous Chefs work under the Head Chef and help oversee the kitchen and have an impressive set of cooking skills under their belt. They can't be too friendly in the kitchen as they have to have some authority so things get done.
PASTRY Simply in charge of baking, cooking pastries and desserts for the café and the evening menu. From tartes to flans to cakes, they work more in the day than in the evening as most of their prep is done beforehand.
UNSPECIFIED The other team of cooks that have no set role in the kitchen; they prepare meals under the watchful eyes of the head and sous chefs whilst working under pressure to get the meals out on time without flaw.
All Chefs are required to wear the same
Part of upholding a business is withstanding  the competition of other establishments and maintaining a strong clientel. Advertisment is key to keeping business coming in and sending the youngers out with flyers, vouchers and crazy promotion ideas is proving the best way to get the word of Cliff Cabin out to those who don't yet know about it. Being approachable is one thing but being able to convince others to take you up on what the business you're representing is offering is another. 
Promo Staff have no strict uniform but are recquired to wear a
Cliff Cabin shirt which is available in a variety of colours. 
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´ CLIFF CABIN — this story has reached 70 subs ugh sobbing, I love you all ok ; u ;


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are the layouts from the same shop? syncratic designs?
Chapter 4: just asking, is applications for this closed?
Chapter 6: Gah this second teaser was adorable ;;;;
I freaking love luhan because he's a sassy lil thing
Especially when he is with minseok LOL.

Jongin is incredibly cocky
whyyyyyyyyyy must he be that way
But dude kyungsoo is a sweetheart, I just love him so much here

You can't forget Chanyeol and his ears
That part was perf like im done
Chanyeol is so adorable ;;;

Omg, deadline be coming
What what!
Good luck~
Chapter 4: deadline is almost here ;;
Chapter 6: just found this story and it looks so perf
luhan sassiness and chanyeols ear-
i love your teasers ok ; u ;
gotta finish my application asap
the deadline is coming nearrrrr
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl; deadline is here * ^ *
Chapter 5: OH GOD;
I freaking love Luhan's and Kris' relationship;
the whole thing about the drool and bedroom kinks had me laughing so freaking hard LOL


SEHUN IS SUCH A LITTLE ; whyyyy must you be such a smartass
(oh god i love him!)

I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO of all the evil things to wish on someone!


Poor Jonghyun ;_;