
Kris Wu: The Awkward Life
This was awkward.
This was so awkward for Kris Wu.
He wasn't even doing anything. Soori wasn't even doing anything. They were just in the same room together, and Soori was talking to LuHan. Kris was just sitting.
Staring at Soori.
Feeling super awkward.
Kris didn't even know why. Was it even true? Was it really Soori he danced with the other night? Was it really her? Kris couldn't fully grasp the possibility. But if it wasn't Soori, then who could it have possibly be? It couldn't be anyone else, because as far as Kris was concerned, he had never met any girl who had a voice as similiar as Soori's. So he was just really, really confused.
About everything.
His heart, especially.
Recently, he had just been feeling so different. He wasn't even sure if he liked the different. But why? Why was his heart feeling different? Could he really, possibly like Kim Soori?
Why was it only his heart that was thumping loudly against his chest? Did his other friends really not feel the same way? Why not? Why was it him? Why was it Kris Wu out of all of them?
Kris didn't know.
And he didn't like the fact that he didn't know.
Sure, Soori was beautiful, and he knew she never really meant to be the way she was... It was just how she came out to be. But did Kris really fall for that? Had he really fallen for Kim Soori's awkward charms?
He hoped not.
He desperately hoped not.
It was just weird. Kris couldn't really explain it. He couldn't explain how his heart felt.
"Krease? Krease Wu?"
Krease. Soori could never pronounce his name right. It was Kris, but she said Krease. And it made his heart flutter. He loved the way it sounded when Soori said it. He was fine with his friends, but he was never fine with others saying his name like that. But Soori... Soori had a special way of saying it. Her voice was soft, yet bubbly. Her voice was cute; and he liked the way she said Krease.
Since when did he like it?
"Krease? Krease oppa, what's wrong?"
Soori waved a hand in front of his face. He was out of his trance, and just stared at the beauty that was Kim Soori.
Wait, beauty?
Kris blinked a few times, before letting out a squeak. Soori heard this and giggled a little.
"Krease oppa, what's wrong? You seem out of it?"
Soori's face was unbelievably close to Kris's, and he felt uncomfortable. Right there, her lips were right there. Any closer, and he could kiss her.
So close.
But Soori moved, and her face was no longer near his. And in that moment, Kris couldn't believe himself.
He wanted to kiss Kim Soori.
Kris widened his eyes and shook his head. No way. No way did he really actually want to kiss Kim Soori. That's impossible. But then, Soori was walking away. She was walking away from Kris, and Kris didn't want her to. He wanted her to be right in front of his face again, where he could study her features perfectly and indent her beautiful appearence in his mind forever.
Soori came back with a glass of water and handed it to Kris. She was worried about Kris. Today, he hadn't seem like himself. He was all different, and Soori couldn't exactly pin-point what it was.
Did he find out? Does he know that I'm the girl he danced with the other night? The thought crossed Soori's mind, and desperately she hoped that he hadn't.
Soori was about to hand Kris the glass of water, when she tripped over something and it splashed all over Kris. Not only that, but she fell on top of him as well.
Soori widened her eyes as Kris wrapped his arms around Soori's waste, trying his best to catch her. But the moment Soori realized that, she pushed herself off from Kris.
This wasn't suppose to be happening.
This was not part of the plan.
Soori got herself off of Kris.
"Sorry, Krease oppa. Sorry. I'll—I'll just give you some of Chen's clothes, okay? Okay? I'll be b-back. Here, let me clean this up first. Chen! ChenChen oppa! Can you bring some clothes for Krease oppa? I—I accidentally spilled water all over him! ChenChen op—AH! Ow, ow!"
Soori was frantic. She called Chen to get clothes for Kris, and at the same time, she was picking up the glass shards. But she was too busy panicking, and she wasn't paying attention to the sharp shards, and she accidentally cut herself.
"Ow, ow! Oh my gosh!"
Kris widened his eyes and went straight to Soori. Right away, he pulled her up and dragged her to the bathroom. He washed Soori's hand carefully.
"Where are your band-aids?"
"T—top cabinet, right in front of you."
Kris nodded his head. Both of their hearts were beating fast, and neither even knew why. 
Kris got the band-aid and put it over Soori's cut. He stared at the band-aid for a while, thinking of so many things, before Soori cleared .
"You—you can let go now, Krease oppa."
Kris realized and he immediately let go of Soori's hand. 
"Uhm—uhm thanks, Krease oppa. I'll get clothes for you now."
Soori shuffled out of  the bathroom, and Kris just stood there.
That was just so awkward for him. Everything was just going by so fast and he even forgot that water was spilled all over him.
It was just so awkward to be around Soori now.
Meanwhile Soori was freaking out. She was freaking out.
Because this was not part of the plan.
Hiiii :3 Omg theres a plan. Oh my god there's a plan. Yes. Yes guys, theres going to be a ridiculous plot twist coming up. And let me tell you something, that plot twist will make you all despise Soori. But not only that, but that plot twist will be the most crack-like thing ever. It will be the number one crack in this story XD
Anyways, sorry for the long wait! I kind of got bored XD But I'm back and stuff~ In a way lmao. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! We're starting to see some more caring sides of Kris now :) However, for Soori, I think we can tell that she's slightly changing. She definitely isn't the same girl she was in the very beginning of the story. Please don't hate her too much, because if you remember the last chapter, then you should all know that this isn't the real Kim Soori. So yeah! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)
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Chapter 26: Please update. I love this story!
ceejayaustria #2
Chapter 26: Omg yessssss I miss reading this story!!!
Yonghyunism #3
Chapter 26: Woohooo!! Are you back for real?!! Weee! Can't wait!!
Yonghyunism #4
Chapter 26: Woohooo!! Are you back for real?!! Weee! Can't wait!!
Chapter 26: i miss this lol wb
Chapter 26: Yassssssssss omg i am!!!!! Pls update im like dying, missing the forever awkward Kris and yr story.
Chapter 26: This story is really cute n funny, so I expect to read more of it :D
Chapter 26: I've been secretly waiting for this day, so yes, mi body is ready. (?)
Chapter 26: OMG WTF ARE YOU GOING TO COMEBACK?! I would be so ready for this story's revival ajksdfhaksdh