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「layout six」┋i'm falling for you - chapter image

     :Opposites Attract:

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Characters:  Eli (UKISS), Yoonji (OC) +more                                                                                       
Title 5/5: I am drawn to the title. It's simple yet, perfect.                                                                                         
Foreword 10/10: Your foreword is probably the best I've read so far. I like the diary entries. I love how you posted that because it was your inpsiration to write this fanfic. Not a lot of authors do that and I absolutely adore you for that!                                                                               
Plot 15/25: This is a typical, nerdy girl and athletic guy story. The 'I don't think he likes me and I don't think she likes me ' is common. For new fanfic readers, I would introduce them to your story, since it's fun, easy to read and the usual plot.                                                                                    
Characters 22/25: Again, it's not original how the girl is nerdy and the guy is sporty. To be honest, I like stories like this. It may be cheesy but thats fine.                                                                               
Grammar and Spelling 16/20: I like when stories change POV but I would reccommend, whenever the story is being told in Hyura's POV, change the font to italics or just switch the font in general. That helps with the reader. Also, make an author's note about whenever it is Hyura's POV, the font is ____. This is just advice, you don't need to follow through. Spelling was very well done. You used simple yet, enough descriptive language to make the story interesting.
Flow 14/15: The flow was flawless. The story didn't jump from one place to another. I didn't get confused by the flow since it was consistant.                                                                                     
Over All Rate and Review 82/100: Normally when I do reviews, I don't continue to read that story but for this one I would have to. I'm so interested. I had a smile on my face while reading and writing this. I don't know why but I am a er for storylines like this. It's common which means a lot of people will enjoy this! I reccommend this fanfic to everyone! Even if they don't like U KISS, you are an amazing author and everyone will melt while reading this. 
 author's note send in your story.
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I requested ^_^
Chapter 7: Thanks for the review and your time! I really appreciate it. I'll take your advice ;)
Chapter 5: I always like details in my stories, and that's how I mainly review other stories as well. It's interesting how you and a different reviewer thought very similarly on my story! Thanks so much for liking it!
Hi. I requested. :)
By the way, it's okay if you deny my request ouo; It's a ... one-shot KaiBaek
I requested ^_^
Hm~ ^-^ I wanna do this when I write a few more chapters of my KyuHyuk fic Crescendo. :P Anyways, if you just wanna check it out for now, here's the link. ^o^
Ninjari_BonBon #8
I would like to request a story review for my story:

A Silent, Blind Love / Deaf Boy, Blind Girl.

Here's the link

I'd appreciate it if you review and comment.

Thank you! (^0^)