t r u t h

When the innocent fall for the naughty


Eunhyuk p.o.v

Im doing this because I don’t want Donghae to be hurt anymore. I want him to be happy. His a sensitive fragile boy. I must protect him, no matter what. I know if I told anyone about this, they will say Im taking advantage of Donghae but frankly IM NOT!

It hurts seeing him being insulted and he just stood still, letting people put s on his face. Donghae and I are bestfrieds.Everyone know that. I know people thought like what-the-heck? School hottest boy has a baby as his bestfriend? But none of you know him. So shut the hell up!

While I was thinking of a way to protect Donghae forever, Hanna came. I thought she wanted to continue the paws fight but Im wrong. She confessed to me! She said she likes me. OMG. Who would date a witch? Shes a . Seriously... -,-

She said if I accept her, she will apologize to Donghae and will never ever disturb him again. I accepted her. After all, shes going to England. We will not like be lovers directly. It’s indirectly. Shes in England and Im in Korea. I could cheat easily. Like she would know!

Donghae should not know about this, I SWEAR. If he finds out, he will say that Im a backstabber. But, this is for his own good! He cant blame me for anything. I want to protect him and that’s it! Donghae and I have the same dream. To be a singer. We will make it come true. I know it will. Im good at rapping and dancing and his good at singing and dancing. We’re a perfect match!

“Hyukjae!” Donghae waved and smiled at me. I smiled back and he quickly rushed to me.

“I have good news!” He said happily. Jumping up and down, wanting to tell the great news which I already know. I pretended I didn’t know and raised my eyebrow. “What?”

“Hanna apologized to me and she said she wanted to start it all again! Can you believe that? She’s actually being nice to me! FOR THE FIRST TIME!” Donghae grinned. I faked a smiled and make a shock face.

“YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!” I narrowed my eyes.  He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Dude, dreams do come true!” He smirked. I faked a laughed and nodded. “Yeah. THEY DID RIGHT?!”

“Shes going to England” Donghae said. I nodded my head and rolled my eyes like it’s not a big deal.

“Well. Good then! She will not bother our life forever and ever. I hope she learns manners there” I shrugged. Im not kidding. That girl needs her manners check. At least she needs to learn how to say thank you and Im sorry. It will really help her.

“Hyukjae! How could you say it will be good? If shes at England and Im at Korea, how could we be together?” He pouted. I shrugged again. “How about using this opportunity to chase our dream as a singer and maybe change your image? You always want to do that”

His eyes shined and grabbed my hands. “You’re a genius! When she’s back, I will proof to her that Im a true man!”

Okay. Now I just gave him hope. What type of friend am I?

“We will be super duper popular and our names are known by everyone. We’ll be famous around the world and we’ll sing in a concert and have our own fan club and millions of fans calling our name. It’s a dream come true!” Donghae sighed.

Okay. Too much hope... At least he wouldn’t know this secret and he will never know… 


first! sorry for the boring and slow chapter~):

its kind of hectic lately.. -,-

after this chapter, donghae and eunhyuk will not be 18 anymore..

they will be in their age which is 25..^^ #7 yrs later

of course, all of you know that super junior is very popular around the world~ (:

lets just see what will happen when donghae meets his first love, Hanna and Eunhyuk is stuck in the middle?^^

Comment and subscrisee!!:DD

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haethrusts #2
LMAO. Does Donghae still like her? She should start changing though :/
~Donghae's reply~<br />
@Vokuleyez: *pouts* its not funny~ Hanna is so mean to be back thenn.. i have the full right to be scared of her!!><<br />
~Eunhyuk's reply~<br />
@Vokuleyez: im with yaa! this boy is a timid ratt!! ahahaha!! >:DD<br />
haethrusts #4
WHOA WHOA WHOA SHE'S WITH EUNHYUK?! whoa. I need more deets. Update soon! :D
redexovelvet #5
this story is interesting... :))