chapter two : beginning of torture

Pots, Flowers, Love, and Luhan


Luhan's POV


What is that guy doing in here?! My eyes automatically widened when I saw OH SEHUN. Oh, Sehun!

"Me? What are YOU doing in here?" I shot back his question.

"I'm here for the job." he simply answered and turned his eyes to Nara. My girl. 

"Hi, you must be Nara. I'm Sehun, nice to meet you." he held out his hand to Nara.

Nara smiled back and return the shake politely, while saying, "Oh, and you must be the other guy. I suppose you guys knew each other?"

"Yeah, we do. In fact, we're in the same group. Right, hyung?" he grinned.

I just return his grin and said, "Yeah, we are. It's not that much of a group, really. Just a bunch of boys hanging out together. We're close, though."

"Oh... that's great, then. You guys won't be awkward anymore." she smiled, and continued, "Oh, and let's get started. And Luhan, Sehun. You guys should get changed first. I'll be on the entrance while waiting then."

As she walked away, I shoved Sehun, "Yah, what are you doing here?!"

"I already said it before, I'm here for the job!"

"Or for the girl?" I raised my eyebrow in curiousity.

I can already see him fidgeting and finally answered quickly, "What girl? I clearly don't understand you sometimes, hyung. Why are you here either?"

"I'm here for the job, of course." Or maybe for the girl.

We looked at each other for a while before going to Mrs. Lee. 

I know one thing for sure now. 

We're both here for the exact same reasons.


Nara's POV


NOW I'm even more surprised. The other guy doesn't look as if he's in need of money, either. He looked like another celebrity walking into the shop.

He even smiled while entering, as if his life is perfect and flawless with no troubles at all.

I sighed as I started to think. This is gonna be a nightmare, cause, I'm pretty sure, that, starting from now on, many girls will barge into our shop with one stupid reason. Of course, the reason is none other than to see those two handsome idols. 

How would I know? Cause I've went through it, and pretty sure today I'm gonna meet at least another idiot again. I'm not boasting, being selfish, or what, but seriously, any girl in the world could've died if they're in my position right now. Well, call it lucky, but you haven't really been through it. You're gonna have to smile and say thank you, then held out your hands for the presents. EVERY SINGLE DAMN DAY.

And it's not only for once. If another guy has the nerves to do it, you're gonna have to repeat those steps again, until the end of the day.

It's really sweet, but I'm not here for popularity or presents. I'm here to work, and sometimes those guys need to save their money for useful things rather than buying presents for me. Trust me, I'm NOT that kind of girl. 

"Hey, Nara, how do I look? Do I look weird?"

"Nara, do I look good enough to attract customers?"

My thoughts was cleared away when I heard those voices. Well, well, it seemed that the idols have gotten out of their clothes. And got changed to our................................................. uniform............................................... 




I literally blinked, like, a hundred times. 

"SO? HOW IS IT?" they said together.

"You guys looked great." I smiled a little bit. I wanted to shout right there and say, "YOU GUYS LOOKED HOT!"

But, yeah, you know me. But seriously, they looked awesome. Luhan put on a tie while Sehun just keep it casual and styled up his hair. This is like, a model photoshoot or something, yo.

"So, uhm, let's start. Sehun, you'll be right there, and Luhan you'll be there." I said while directing them.

It's already 9 :40, customers should be arriving. And so, they arrived. 

This time, it's a couple of girls. Oh and my nightmare was right, they started squealing and gushing about how good-looking they are, while they also said, I was such a lucky girl to be working right here with them, and blah, blah, blah.

They started to took out their phones and took pictures of them and started to call their friends. 

Within a minute or two, girls started arriving, and oh my, this was just the BEGINNING OF TORTURE.

I can see Sehun and Luhan's troubled faces, and boy, it was really funny. Well, now they know what does it feels like to be living such a troublesome life ;)





Supershort chappie, I'm really sorry :(

I really hope you guys will still subscribe and leave me comments.

I will try my best to update soon :D


Love, capitalskyline




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vaeliselva #1
Chapter 2: update soon^^
apsj4ever #2
I like the idea, please update soon, neh? ^^