chapter one : the dazzling newbie

Pots, Flowers, Love, and Luhan

Nara's POV


"Nara, dear, would you please pull out the 'OPEN' sign in the front door, hon?" Mrs. Lee smiled to me as she started to set the shop. I quickly nodded and replied her smile. 

As I walked to the front door and tried to hang the sign, someone suddenly opened the door and had successfully made me scream with full surprise. 

"Whoa, don't scream, please, aigoo, please listen to me first, I don't mean to-"

"I'm really sorry, but who are you and what business do you have here? No customers had ever appeared before 9." I quickly cut whoever it is in my most polite voice ever. Sorry, but I freaking hate it when someone scared the hell out of me.

I hang the sign and tidied my uniform, then turn to look at the stranger... Which is to my surprise, handsome. Amazingly handsome, and no offense, but this guy looked like a celebrity or someone rich.

"Okay, will you please hear me now, miss?" the stranger smiled, clearing my thoughts away. He held out a paper and showed it to me while saying, 

"I'm Xi Luhan and I'm here to take the job. This shop needs another florist, right? Well, here I am, above 19, loyal, kind, polite, and attractive. Well, I'm not quite sure about the attractive part, but I really need this job, so please?" he finished his sentence.

Then before I could open my mouth to speak, Mrs. Lee came rushing and asked, "What's happening here? Why do I hear you scream, Nara?"

"Err, let me explain, please. I was just about to enter the shop when suddenly I heard the scream and realized I have just scared a florist here. So I tend to apologize, my name is Xi Luhan, above 19, kind, loyal, polite, and um, quite attractive.. and I am applying for this job. May I?" he started to be nervous.

Mrs. Lee examined him for a while and smiled, then clapped her hands twice.

"Well, Luhan, dear, you are so welcome! Now, now, Nara here can always help you if you're confused by anything, so don't worry! So.. what are you two waiting for? Let's start working! Oh, and Luhan, I'm Mrs. Lee, the owner."  she smiled and head back to the cashier, leaving me still surprised and taken aback of what have just happened.

Luhan pat my shoulders and asked me with his super wide eyes, "So.... um, hi, who are you?" He grinned awkwardly while shoving his right hand.

I just smiled back and shake his hand while answering, "I'm Nara Kim and you can call me Nara. I work here for years and now ready to help you if you need something." 

"So, yeah, Nara-ssi, um, can I start by asking... uh, everything?" he blinked and laughed nervously while scratching his neck.

"You're way too awkward. You can just call me Nara and drop the formalities, it's not like I'm older or something, I think we're about the same age. And since you wanted to know about everything, I'm just gonna make it quick. First of all, you need to change. I know it sounds a little bit weird, but that's the rules here. You'll be receiving your uniform from Mrs. Lee later on. Then you need to know the rules. We, as florists here will only need to help the customers indoors, not outdoors. The delivery will not be our duty. We need to smile everytime. I repeat, everytime. And we'll be working with other florists too, of course, but they're gonna be working on a different day. Each day, there will be 3 florists in the shop, and for our permanent schedule, we'll be working on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays full-time. The florists that are working on the same day will be called a team by Mrs. Lee. Weird, yes, but this is how it goes. And the other florist will be coming sooner or later." I finished what I'm saying in one breath. 

"Wow, that's so detailed and all, but who's the other florist?" he asked.

"About that, don't ask me, cause I don't know. He have just applied yesterday and was asked to come today. And yes, he's a guy, but I am totally clueless about his identity because it was Mrs. Lee who talked to him, not me." 

"So all this time you've been working alone?" his eyes widened in surprise.

"No, but my partners are mostly girls, and for some reason, they didn't last long because of me." My face fell. Of course they didn't last long, jealousy took their hearts over.


"Don't judge me or laugh when you hear this. They're actually jealous of me. Everyday there's always different guys who asks for my number, or my address, gives me presents, but they didn't do the same for my partners. Eventually girls like them can't stand it, and decided to leave and find a new job." While explaining this, my expression started to be stiff. It wasn't easy remembering such a memory.

"Oh... But, to be honest, you're kinda attractive in my eyes." he smiled, his doe eyes twinkling.

I don't really know why, but I'm pretty sure my heart's beating as fast as hell when he said that just now.

"So.. yeah, this is my first time having guys as my partners..." I just grinned, shrugging off the bad memory that went flashing just now.

"Oh... But don't worry, guys is fun to have with!" he chirped happily. 

I laughed at his behavior and tapped his shoulder, noticing someone has already arrived, which is quite easy, cause he's not THAT tall. Lol.

I tapped his shoulder once more time to make sure he realized that "the other guy" has arrived.

"Yah, Luhan, look!" I finally whispered. 


"Luhan hyung? What are you doing here?"









SO???? That's the first chappie, guys ;)

Please, please, comment! :D


I'll be waiting ;) And y luhan awaits you below ;)


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vaeliselva #1
Chapter 2: update soon^^
apsj4ever #2
I like the idea, please update soon, neh? ^^