Lost in Seoul

I used to be a ghost....

Is Sunday and I'm really bored...my parents had to go near Busan where we have small ranch..they said they need to go twice a month  but because of me they didn't go and is important to check if everyting goes well...they also said that at the ranch are given riding classes....mum told me that I have a horse there too and I was supposed to learn riding in the summer break...I love horses..I guess I'll have a lot of fun learning how to mount..

Since I am so bored how about I go and explore a little the neighbourhood?!...sounds good^^now what should I wear since I can go wearing pyjama:))..let's see how about this dress?..no too short....this pants?...hmm to tight..oh this dress is ok is just a little above the knees..this girl  and her clothes(sight)...and then again all the girls I saw when I was returning from the hospital were wearing this type of clothes...the world had changed now I need to change too and adapt to it...

The dress Hyo Mun chose was giving a fresh feeling,it was covering her shoulders letting at sight her white arms...the dress> http://www.google.ro/imgres?q=korean+fashion+dress&um=1&hl=ro&biw=1024&bih=635&tbm=isch&tbnid=QIpNG2NKoJfPTM:&imgrefurl=http://peonydreams.blogspot.com/&docid=Dtk1C6ZihrsaCM&w=291&h=400&ei=4PRUTqamM8nNsgb-5ckj&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=784&vpy=237&dur=5832&hovh=263&hovw=191&tx=120&ty=163&page=8&tbnh=154&tbnw=120&start=125&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:125

I like it..is pretty decent:D

Hyo Mun started to walk in her neighbourhood amazed of how everyting has changed in the last  66 years...she didn't realised that she was going further and further...she was walking now for two hours.....is like she was spelled by somebody ..she kept on walking looking at the people on the street,the shops, the coffees, everything was fascinating....she stopped then scared in the middle of the street....

Where am I right now..God I must be crazy..(she asked a girl what time is it)

Girl:is 6:35 pm


Eottoke????I am walking for almost 3 hours.?!!?!!?!now how in the world am I going to find the neighbourhood I live in.my house???She was hungry and had no money...she was feeling like a lost puppy..near the place she was Hyo Mun saw a park..great I'm going to rest on a park banch at least..She was staying there for about a half an hour sighting..thinking how stupid she was..it was getting cold also....she heard a small bark in the bushes behind her..but it wasn't a strong ..it was a shy bark...the bark repeted with even less force than before....Hyo decided to look in bushes..there was a tiny dog....he was looking scared and it was shivering....Hyo grabbed the cute dog and started to caress it...

Poor you....you're lost just as I..well at least I'm not alone....soon after Hyo took the cute dog from the bushes a voice stared to shout"Roo! hey Roo where are you?Roo answer me!Roo!" the dog started to bark again this time with all the power he had...

You must be Roo...aren't you?it seems like your master is looking for you.....at least you'll be going home soon....

After just a minute in front of Hyo Mun appered a guy with a blue hoodie,black skinny jeans...he  looked at Hyo Mun then at the dog,then he smiled and said:

So here you were Roo!you bad boy you left me....(Roo jumped from Hyo's lap and soon the guy embraced him)you like cute girls more then me eh?if you run away again I'm not going to look for you anymore:))

Hyo was looking at the scene in front of her like she was watching a movie..and when she heard the cute remark she blushed a little....

The Guy:Thank you very much for taking care of Roo...Gamshamnida...

Hyo:you welcome..at least he's going home..sight

The hoodie guy sat on the bench and looked at Hyo with a intrigued look.....by the way is kind of late for a girl to be alone in a park now and you said that at least he's going home..are you lost?

Hyo looked at him with her eyes full of hope..as she was looking at him Hyo noticed that he was very handsome and besides that he seemd so familiar..she was sure she saw him somewhere..as she was staring at him a small smile appeared on his face..then she woke up from dreaming-land...

Hyo:yes..and I have no idea how to go back home...I don't even know my adress...my parents are not at home so they won't notice I'm missing...as she said that her eyes become teary.....

Guy:poor you but how can't you don't even know your adress?

Hyo:I had an accident not long ago and I'm suffering of amnesia...

Guy:Mianhae..I'm sorry..how about I help you?

Hyo:eh(surprised by his offer)but how?(just then her stomach made a loud noise)

Guy:First let's go and have something to eat it seems that a war is talking place in your stomach

Hyo smiled .... well I'm a little hungry....

G:a little?!(he said laughing)I think you are very hungry:))..by the way what's your name?

Hyo:I'm ...(she was thinking to say her old name) I'm Kang Hyo Mun:)

G:(hmm she didn't recognized me...that's weird....no is not you babo she has amnesia so even if he knew me she has no idea of I am now...but I like it more this way) I'm Kim Jonghyun:D nice to meet you(he introduced himself giving her a beautiful smile)

Hyo:oh(so that's why he was looking so familiar ..he's one of the boys from the pictures hanging on my wall!wow..nice if Hana would be in my place she would go crazy:)) }


Hyo:Nothing...you have nice name Jonghyun-shi.

J:thank u,you're name is beautiful too...but let's not be so formal.....how old are you?

H:I'm 17^^

J:good then call me oppa:D since I'm older then you...


Hyo:ok Jonghyun oppa^^

J:now let's go and eat something..I know a good resturant a few meters away.

Hyo:Let's go then.



How was it?she met Jonghyun and it seems like he's her saviour....



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200895 #1
JuJu-Beezz thank u for your support:D u are very kind^^
Update whenever you can! ^-^ I think you deserve more subscribers though!!
200895 #3
I am glad u like my story so much K-Poplover5 ....I`ll try but is hard because I`m very busy with school:(
I like your story new reader update please* Does Taemin's aegyo, Minho's flaming charisma gaze, Key's laugh, Jonghyun's puppyeyes, Onew's smile*
200895 #5
I am glad I`ve made somebody happy^^you also made me with your comment
luckilife #6
waaa I miss this a lot seriously LOT<br />
Anyway Thanks for update
Hahaha "asians don't have blonde hair...or red". Can't wait for Shinee to come ^o^<br />
Update soon!
200895 #8
thank you^^
the story is interesting! Keep it up!
I laughed at the (laughing awkardly) part kekeke ^.^