
"Inspirational" Drabbles

“As we follow where faith leads us, we find new beginnings and new life”

                “… go in peace and serve the lord.” Kibum heard the priest as he also said his answer. It was a good thing that he decided to go to mass that day. The priest’s homily really stuck on him.

“As we follow where faith leads us, we find new beginnings and new life”. And that’s all he needs. He was still having troubles on what he should do to his life.

“Excuse me,” someone said. Kibum looked behind him and saw a man in a business suit. He was holding on to a calling card. “Do you want to be a singer?” the man’s question shocked Kibum. Is he being scouted? That question still didn’t left him even after the man left and gave his calling card.

“SM Entertainment?” Kibum muttered in a question as he stared at the card in his hands. He looked back towards the church and smiled.

“So this is what you what me to do.” Kibum said before he left, placing the card on his pockets with the sole intention of calling back when he arrives home.

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Chapter 6: oh~ very interesting
even though it kind a short but still the feeling of depressing, sadness etc can really be feel in this fiction
it is very good~~
ilabya17 #2
Chapter 1: oh my god this is both inspirational and depressing. ;u;<3
I love it!!
Chapter 2: AH THIS IS PRECIOUS. ;u; i hope you write more suju. i kinda miss reading suju fics. :)