
"Inspirational" Drabbles


“A journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Confucius

                It was his life long dream. And naturally, people will do anything for their dream. He can’t understand why his parents can’t accept that. But he won’t let that hinder him. He doesn’t care if his parents disown him for doing this. But he doesn’t want to have regrets later in his life. No, that would just be too sad. And Cho Kyuhyun doesn’t do halfhearted things. He doesn’t care if he has to juggle his Law classes and training. He is beyond the phase to care. Just thinking about singing his heart to people gives him vigorous energy. A certain saying floats to his mind on what he’s about to do.

                “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It was by Confucius. And he can really relate to it right now. And it was what drove him to do this. With that in mind, he entered the glass doors of SM Entertainment.

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Chapter 6: oh~ very interesting
even though it kind a short but still the feeling of depressing, sadness etc can really be feel in this fiction
it is very good~~
ilabya17 #2
Chapter 1: oh my god this is both inspirational and depressing. ;u;<3
I love it!!
Chapter 2: AH THIS IS PRECIOUS. ;u; i hope you write more suju. i kinda miss reading suju fics. :)