
"Inspirational" Drabbles

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”

There were sirens. And lights. Lots of lights. But he can’t comprehend all of these. There were also lots of people, some were crying and others frantically screaming. But his senses were too numb to acknowledge. All he can feel is pain, lots and lots of pain. And his body is too numb to move. He can’t move. Even breathing is a chore. And he never thought of it that way before. Ah… before. Just yesterday he was happily laughing with his hyungs. And now, he can see one of his hyungs – the one he respects the most – outside the windshield of the car. He got thrown out when their car crashed.

“KYUHYUN! KYUHYUN!” his Leeteuk – hyung shouted. He felt a lone tear falling from his eye. Even though he could see his hung struggling but he still thinks of him. He wants to call out – to reach out but he can’t. his body won’t listen to him. All he wants to do is close his eyes and sleep. But he knows when that happens there’s a possibility he won’t wake up again. And that can’t happen – he won’t let that happen. As he was in the middle of his struggle, a certain saying from his horse hyung floated in his mind.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”

And just like a dehydrated person drinking water for the first time, his will came crashing to his veins. The will to see another day, the will to be with his hyungs again, the will to dance, the will to sing but most of all the will to live. He could think of these depressing things later on. And instead dwelling on the past, he should struggle and look forwards to the future. But first things first, he shouldn’t think of anything other than to live.

Word count : 316

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Chapter 6: oh~ very interesting
even though it kind a short but still the feeling of depressing, sadness etc can really be feel in this fiction
it is very good~~
ilabya17 #2
Chapter 1: oh my god this is both inspirational and depressing. ;u;<3
I love it!!
Chapter 2: AH THIS IS PRECIOUS. ;u; i hope you write more suju. i kinda miss reading suju fics. :)