Lee Jaehwan, M.D.

KPop Oneshots: On The Random III {Closed!}

Today felt like hell. You didn't want to do anything but stay in bed. Each time you stood up you felt dizzy, or if you made a simple turn you felt dizzy. You weren't sure what was going on, but you felt perfectly fine yesterday as well as the day before. You decided to give the medical clinic a call and they were able to schedule you an appointment that afternoon to see the doctor. As the time approached, you dragged to get into the shower and put on some decent clothes for the twenty minute drive down to the clinic. Upon arriving there, you checked in and took a seat in the waiting room. You sighed, picking up a magazine from the table nearby and began to read it. Almost twenty minutes later, they called you in.

The nurse checked your vitals as well as other measurements and sent you into one of the rooms until the doctor would arrive. You heard doors open and close, the sound of the nurses gossiping and telephones ringing. You hoped that the wait wouldn't be much longer. In about ten minutes, the door opened, and the most gorgeous looking doctor you ever laid your eyes on entered the room. "Ah, Ms. ________, nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Lee." He says, shaking hands with you. "I understand you're here today because you've been feeling light headed." Dr. Lee sits down, turning to you. "Yes, every time I stand or even the slightest turn makes me dizzy." you nodded. "I see. How long has this been going on for?" He crossed his legs, writing.

"This started this morning, right when I got out of bed." You replied. "Are you seeing your cycle?" He asked. You blinked in shock, but realized that he needed to know these things since he is a doctor and he's trying to help. "Yes, I am." You nodded. The doctor nodded and continued to write. You wondered what he thought about the entire situation. "Well, since blood loss can cause light headedness it is a possibility that your cycle could be the cause of all of this. Another possibility is dehydration." Dr. Lee spoke. You nodded, processing the information he was giving you. "Are you eating properly?" he asks. You reluctantly shook your head. "I've been eating, just not the good stuff." You said biting your lip.

He nods, standing up to check your vitals again. "Everything checks out...the only thing I'm guessing is probably losing blood from your cycle. Do you take iron pills?" He asks, writing again. "No," you shook your head. Dr. Lee nodded and got a separate piece of paper. "I'm going to prescribe you with some iron pills, okay?" He wrote down the prescription and called it in. While he was on the phone, you studied his features. 'Wow he's gorgeous...I should start coming here more often...' You thought to yourself as he hung up. "Okay, I called it in, the prescription should be ready by the time you get there." Dr. Lee says as he hands you the paper. But you were still lost in your thoughts, and Dr. Lee had to snap you out of it. "Ms.______?" You jumped, turning to him. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" You smiled sheepishly.

"Aigoo, she's so cute when she's like that-wait, snap out of it Jaehwan, you're working!" Dr. Lee cleared his throat. "I've called in your prescription, it should be ready when you get to the pharmacy." You nodded and stood up, taking the paper from him. "Thank you very much Dr. Lee," you bowed. "I wonder if he's single...probably not, he's too good looking..." You thought to yourself as you exited the room. "Okay Jaehwan, it's now or never..." "There's one more thing," Dr. Lee stood. You stopped in your tracks to look at him, nervousness consuming you. "Yes?" you asked. "Would you like to go out with me to dinner tomorrow night? Say, seven?" Dr. Lee bit his lip, a bit nervous. You blinked in surprise, a bit shocked by his question. "Yes, I would love to," You smiled sweetly.

Dr. Lee smiled back, sighing in relief. "Great, I will see you then~" he nodded, waving. You bowed once more before turning to head towards the pharmacy. Several thoughts were going through your head as excitement took over. "Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm going out on a date with a doctor! He's so gorgeous! What am I going to wear?" You entered the pharmacy, greeting the receptionist politely. You received your prescription and went home with a big smile on your face, suddenly feeling better than you did earlier that morning.

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KPop Oneshots III is closed for now. Sorry guys!


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LennyV #1
Chapter 1: I wanna get sick too!!!! Just to see Dr. Lee Jaehwan ~
Chapter 6: Woahhh, this is so cool ~
Kai and Kris, the y ones ;)
Thank you so much for your hard work Ash :)
Chapter 3: It was so so good sweetie ;) The all plot was really well written and the scene in the plane... Oh my! I'm not dissapointed. :3 Seungho, you damn piece of , why I love you so much, I totally want to meet him in an airport now. Thanks again for making my request <3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh I like it.It cute and funny at the same time. xD
Thank you authornim! <3