My Angel

My Angel - YunJae One-Shot~


A/N: I really hope you guys enjoy reading this one-shot (:


My Angel



The dreamy sun beamed from across the empty space, sending its bright light into the world, hoping for a better day to come up, for a cure to heal the scars, for new souls to be born... And others to be caught.


He slowly opened his sleepy eyes as his face shone remembering the previous night.. The unending love sessions they had.. The intoxicating emotions.. The love they both shared.. And the need of each other.

‘I’m sorry’

He turned his face to see the sleeping beauty next to him. He felt the heat stirring his heart at the sight.

‘I didn’t want to’

His generous lips curved into a smile as his lustful eyes gleamed with passion and traced his soft and pretty features.

‘But I didn’t have the choice’

He lifted his hand to touch the other man’s peaceful face but he suddenly stopped himself from doing so. He didn’t want to wake him up.

‘Will you forgive me?’

He took a deep breath to stop his heart from racing too fast and calm his aroused self as he inhaled his scent.. The scent he loved the most.

‘For leaving you like this.. Please forgive me’

“I love you Jae” He whispered without taking off the smile that was painted on his lips.

‘I love you. I always did’

Yunho got off the bed as carefully and slowly as he could trying not to make the single noise. He then put on his boxers and headed into the bathroom. He spared a glance at the lazy frame lying on the bed before he closed the door.

He let the hot water relax every single muscle in his tired body as he smiled at himself thinking of what they would do next. He was so lost in his thoughts wondering what Jaejoong would give him for his birthday. And yes, that day was his birthday.

‘Birthday , birthday kiss, birthday in the bathroom, birthday French kiss, birthday chocolate cake, birthday creamy Jaejoong..’ He smiled at the thought as he felt himself harden.. That was a mystery how could he get himself aroused just by imagining the body of his beloved. But he ended up calming down himself.

[A/N: Listen to THIS while you're reading.. It will make it sound more realistic]

He wore his clothes and stepped out of the bathroom to find Jaejoong still in the exact same position he left him in. It was surprising how Yunho woke up first. Since they got married, Jaejoong had been used to wake up earlier and make them breakfast.

“You’re still sleeping?” He chuckled “Jae~, I’m hungry. Won’t you make me my birthday breakfast?”

Usually, Yunho’s voice makes him more than awake.. Just by hearing his voice, his heart starts beating wildly, his breath fastens and his eyes gleam. This time, he just.. didn’t move a finger.

“What? Are you playing hard to get?” He moved closer into him “I’d be more than glad to eat you instead of the breakfast you know” He sat beside him on the bed as he started worrying “Jae? If you’re playing a game on me I swear I’ll..” He stopped talking as he noticed his bluish lips. “Jae?” His breath quickened as tears started building up in his eyes. “Jae? Please wake up” He shook him lightly. “It’s no fun honey.. It’s not funny what you’re doing” But he got no answer. “Honey? Answer me please. Open your eyes” He put both of his hands on Jaejoong’s face. His eyes widened. He was cold as ice. “No” He pulled back as a tear rolled down his cheek. “This can’t be true” He stood up “No” He stepped back and leaned against the wall behind him. “No... No...” He was whispering repeatedly as he sank to the floor, tears falling down his face nonstop.

‘I’m sorry Yunnie’

He was dead.

“Why didn’t you take me instead?” He yelled.


4 months had passed since he died, since the one and only person he truly loved died. He couldn’t get used to it.. He could imagine him smiling at him, telling him that he loved him, touching him.. But when he woke up in the morning feeling the empty place next to him, reality stunned him... The fact that he couldn’t see his face, hear his soft voice, feel his sweet kisses anymore, was torturing him. It was the life out of him, slowly, painfully. It was killing him.

He spent his nights crying his heart out. He spent his days overworking trying to forget his sorrows. But he never could.. How could he? Everything around him was reminding him of his husband. Everything.

He could imagine him standing in the kitchen preparing their dinner. He could imagine him sleeping on the couch waiting for him to come back home. He could hear him singing softly. He could smell his scent wherever he went. Jaejoong was stuck in his mind even more than he already was.

Yunho looked paler than ever, he lost weight and had dark circles under his eyes. He lost every taste of life.

He didn’t care about his health, he didn’t care at all. It didn’t matter anymore. Life didn’t matter when Jaejoong wasn’t around. He was really tired. He didn’t get enough sleep. He couldn’t get over it.


Until, one day. He met him again. For the first time in months. He met him in his dream.

Yunho was brought to the hospital after he collapsed at work. The tiredness was the main reason. His coworkers took turns to take care of him while he was still unconscious. He hadn’t woken up for days...

Everything was blurry around. Everything seemed to be so bright, so white. He was standing there, clueless, emptiness was filling his broken heart and he could see nothing but white. He looked around.. Turned everywhere.. But he couldn’t see anything, anyone.

He then heard footsteps coming from behind. He turned back to find the very familiar beautiful face smiling at him weakly.

“Hi Yunnie”Jaejoong said with a soft tone filled with love.

Yunho kept staring at the man moving towards him. His eyes softened at his gaze.

“H-How?” He finally managed to say “I am dreaming right?”

“Yes you are” He answered.

“Jae” His eyes pooled with sudden appearance of wet crystals and his lips turned into a smile.


“Take me with you. How could you go and leave me this way?” He whispered the last part, but it was loud enough for Jaejoong to hear. He approached him and pulled him into a hug. “I can’t Yunnie.. I’m not the one who takes decisions up there”

Yunho let tears fall freely down his face as he tightened the hold. Afraid that he would disappear again. Only God knows how much he missed that feeling.. The feeling of being in his lover’s strong yet warm embrace, of knowing that he was around, and that he will find him next to him when he opens his eyes. “You look so real” He said between sobs. “Even if this is a dream.. I don’t want it to end. I want to stay here with you”

They pulled back and Jaejoong put his hand on his lover’s cheek wiping his tears with his thumb.

“I can even feel the warmth of your hand” He whispered.

“I am real Yunnie” He said as he looked straight in his eyes.


Jaejoong gave him the sweetest smile “They sent me here..”

“They? Who are they?” He asked a bit confused.

“All I know is that they send us, who left without having the chance to say goodbye, back.. They give us one last chance to say anything we want to” He explained.

“So.. You’re alive? Will I find you next to me when I wake up?”

Jaejoong shook his head lightly “No... I’m not”

Yunho lowered his head “Tell them to take me with you Jae.. Life is not worth living without you. Tell them that I can’t live without you. Tell them that I die every second knowing that you’re not around anymore. Tell them that it’s impossible for me to live without you... Please” One tear rolled down his cheek as he lifted his head to look into his eyes “Please” He whispered.

“You have to live. Live for both of us. Live for me”

“I can’t”

“You can. I know you can.. Be strong for me Jung Yunho” Yunho just kept silence staring at him as Jaejoong took his hand and placed it on his chest. “Will you?”

He nodded.

His heart started racing again as he felt his touched fading away. He was fading away. “I will. I promise”

“I’ll be waiting for you” Jaejoong smiled at him as he placed a tender kiss on his shivering lips. “I love you”

“I love you too Kim Jaejoong”


Yunho opened slowly his eyes which made them twitch in pain because of the sunlight coming across the window. He smiled at himself as he let one last tear fall on his pillow. ‘I’ll never forget that I love you, my one and only Kim Jaejoong’ He closed his eyes again. Forever.





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Chapter 1: ahhh. damn that song. TT.TTT . joongie died.

Geez, im crying out loud here~ Uwaaaaaaahhhh. ~!
Chapter 1: I thought that yunho would live not die? Cuz jae said that yunho should live for both of them so y does he die right after?
jennykittyli #3
congrats ouo
congrats on the random feature ^_^
cocktastic #5
congrats on the random feature!
hnubhli #7
Chapter 1: I freaking much....I'm not one to read other stories other than EunHae and JongKey, but this was really good. It touched my heart, and I like that. Congrats on getting your story featured! (:
congrats <3