The Mirror


A conversation, that's all it took and a unique bond was formed between the two. Both trying to overcome similiar feelings and yet feeling like they were drowning with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

It was a familiar scene to Eun Sun, one that she had learned to welcome with open arms. It was only on nights such as this one that she could drop the mask of happiness that she wore to cover up how she truly felt about everything that seemed to be piling on her shoulders.

When a hooded man walks past her and sits opposite of her she pays no heed to him thinking he would just sit there like the others who have seen her. That is, until he starts talking out loud and then asking her why she is there especially at this time of night. 

A bond is formed and a life long friend is made.


Eun Sun never felt like she could fill the shoes she has been expected to fill ever since she could remember. Everyone expected her to be a clone of her mother and know exactly what she wanted in life and to succeed in making it happen. Her mother had practically knew she wanted to be a lawyer while Eun Sun can't seem to find anything that calls out to her except the one thing her mother had always considered Eun Sun's 'hobby' and had said 'It's a nice hobby but not something you could make a living off of.'

Ever since then she has put on a mask and tells everyone she dreams of becoming a lawyer just like her mom. 


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