Let's Play

Let's Play

One normal day for Suho means that Chanyeol will barge into his apartment and attack his fridge after he comes back from college, bringing his friend Baekhyun along with his Xbox tucked under his left arm. Chanyeol is his neighbor since ever and Suho doesn’t feel bothered by his attitude and welcomes them into his home with a smile.

What brings Chanyeol at Suho’s every day is nothing more nothing less than his huge plasma television and home theater that makes his videogame afternoons a wonderful experience, including the fact that he always wins in games against Baekhyun and likes to be a show off in high quality graphics. Then when his clock reads around 7pm he waves goodbye to his favorite hyung and leaves the house with Baekhyun following behind.

In fact, Suho likes when they go play at his television, he spent most of his time working on his college assignments in the living room and he often feels alone but when the boy’s arrive the mood is lighten up, Chanyeol’s loud laugh and Baekhyun’s snarky attitude over Chanyeol’s actions makes him happy.

Chanyeol is the type that always insists and asks Suho to go and play something with them but he declines it every time with a smile, he doesn’t want to make the kid look pathetic in front of his friend, because being quite honest Suho knows how to kick some asses with his gaming skills and he’s not even joking. Back in high school he used to save his lunch money and go to arcades after classes with his friend Minseok that now is studying in China.

He feels that Chanyeol must feel bothered about going back and forth with his Xbox, Suho decides it would be nice to buy one console to leave over at his apartment. At the time when Chanyeol arrives with Baekhyun he finds Suho fidgeting on how to install the videogame on his television, face palming at how slow he can be sometimes, Chanyeol goes over him and finishes installing everything.

“I didn’t know you were into videogames, you always reject my offers” Chanyeol says, not really looking at Suho but instead appreciating their new entertainment.

“I can be good a playing too you know” rubbing the back of his neck Suho grins at them.

“Really? Why don’t you play with us this time then? Please?” holding his hands together Baekhyun looks at Suho with pleading eyes.

Shrugging his shoulders Suho agrees, why not have some fun too?

“I have an idea, let’s bet something on” Chanyeol adds after a few minutes with mischievous eyes “Between, which games you bought for us to play hyung?”

“The seller told me this one was the latest tendency among the teens” the eldest takes from a bag one colorful plastic box and with a ta-dam sound he shakes it in front of them.

“What the you got Mario Kart?” one groan of frustration is heard.

Suho scratches his head, what was wrong with the game? It looked fun and he was willing to play it, race games were his forte(and still are) and he wanted to show to Chanyeol how good of a gamer he was.

“I’m not playing this game, you two can have fun” Chanyeol throws himself on the couch and waits to watch them play.

“Suho hyung, loser has to pay for a date, what you think about this bet? Do you accept my challenge?” Baekhyun smirks at Suho and crosses his arms.

“Accepted” grabbing the joysticks they sit on the floor.


“I claim Princess Peach!” screams Suho excitedly while choosing their characters.

“Are you serious?” Chanyeol shouts incredulous.

“I’m Luigi” Baekhyun screams back.

“Now choose one track Chanyeol”

Clicking at Cheep Cheep Lagoon track, chosen by Chanyeol, the screen shows the starting line. The whistle announcing the start echoes and the game begins. Most racers surpass Princess Peach, which was Suho’s plan to show the boys how much they underestimated him.

Ranking in almost last, Suho decides to put his strategy in action, also because Baekhyun was laughing his off over Suho’s position and how he kept on entering the water and hitting the cheeps in the middle of the track on purpose, but he didn’t need to know this.

Diverting over everything and knocking his opponents, Suho reaches Baekhyun in the blink of an eye and now Baekhyun is getting nervous, he couldn’t lose, not when he spent all his money on the mall yesterday.

When Princess Peach cheers after passing Luigi, Baekhyun gets desperate and in the middle of his despair he loses control of his kart and hits a palm tree and then listening to the winning music and a jumping Princess Peach dancing and jumping on screen, Baekhyun falls pasting his face to the cold hard ground, he just lost to ing Princess Peach.

“Baekhyun its ok, I forgot to tell you guys a bought another console, I got this Wii for me so I can exercise with that Wii fitness the guy told me was nice” Suho says pointing at a box at the corner of the room “Let’s use the PS3 I bought and play for real now”.

Jumping in enthusiasm Chanyeol ignores what Suho just said and don’t waste time anymore, running to install the new videogame so they could start playing as soon as possible.

“Which game you bought for the PS3?”

Shaking another plastic box in front of their eyes, Suho grins from ear to ear.

“What the , another racing game?” Baekhyun curses at the Need for Speed cover.

“I thought you guys would like it too, my bad, that’s the only one I bought” Suho looks down sad that he made another wrong choice.

“Whatever let’s play and see who’ll win this time” Baekhyun says with confidence, but crying inside because he doesn’t want to lose.

After 3 hours of racing, crashing cars and angry screaming, Chanyeol only watches the whole game cheering and jumping on the couch, Baekhyun and Suho are all sweaty, hungry and tired, their hands aching from all the playing and since Baekhyun declared defeat they decided to end the day while Baekhyun rolls on ground whining at his misery.

 “It’s ok Baek, you can’t always win, you know” feeling Suho pat his back, Baekhyun gets up groaning.

“Our date is in two days, I’m going to choose the place” Suho gets up too and goes back at his usual place to finish his assignments, leaving behind a moping Baekhyun and a grinning Chanyeol snickering at him.


At the very next day Suho goes back at the mall and buys another game, he decides it’d be better to make a research and found out that Chanyeol would like something more like BioShock Infinite or the latest from the GTA series and since he couldn’t pick one he gets both.

When Chanyeol arrives he is more than excited and delighted with the games Suho got and Suho notices how Chanyeol came alone this time.

“Where’s Baekhyun?” pouty Suho asks feeling like it must be something related to yesterday.

“Helping his mother” rushing to the television and turning it on Chanyeol doesn’t say anything more and leaves a thoughtful Suho behind.

Passed 6 pm Chanyeol waves Suho goodbye.

“Chanyeol, tell Baekhyun to be here at 6 pm and to dress up well” nodding Chanyeol leaves and Suho closes his door.


Today Chanyeol didn’t appear at Suho’s house as habit and not having his living room filled with laughs is something unusual because even sick he comes to play his games, something important must’ve happened.

When his wristwatch shows 5 o’clock Suho takes a shower, applying more product than normally, sprays his favorite Kenzo fragrance with mucho gusto, indeed he smells more than good and he is hoping Baekhyun will like it too. To be honest Suho is curious about Baekhyun, he always comes with Chanyeol but they never get to talk and he is willing to get to know him better tonight. The bell rings when he finishes styling his hair up; Suho checks himself in the mirror smoothing his black suit one last time and quickly goes to the door.

Suho finds Baekhyun wearing one nice mauve dress shirt with black pants and a blazer, his outfit was simple yet it makes Suho’s voice get stuck in his throat.

“I-I, be right back” stuttering Suho makes a run to get his wallet and fans himself, he did not know he would feel this attracted to the kid.

Taking a deep breath he comes back composed and smiles, gesturing for them to go.

Walking side by side in the sidewalk they take around 30 minutes to reach Suho’s choice for a date, one fancy French restaurant Baekhyun isn’t even able to pronounce the name which Suho was very familiar with.

“Goodnight Mr. Kim we didn’t know you were coming tonight, the usual table?” the waiter asks bowing politely. Slightly confused Baekhyun looks over at Suho fidgeting with his hands.

“Mr. Kim is my father; just call me Joonmyun, please? Any table available would be superb” bowing again the waiter guides them upstairs to their table, located near the balcony with a full view of the lighted streets of Seoul.

“Let me” gracefully smiling Suho holds the chair for Baekhyun who is feeling a little out of place surrounded by all these wealthy families and businessman and all the silverware posted on the table are making his head spin.

Suho sits right in front of Baekhyun and asks for the menu, that comes as fast as he lifts his right hand. “What would you like to eat tonight?” Suho asks while eyeing the whole menu.

“I don’t know, I can’t understand a thing written in here” Baekhyun tilts his head suddenly feeling dumb and trying not to faint over the pricey dishes.

“It’s alright, I don’t really understand too, but I know what each dish is, can I ask for both them?” Baekhyun nods and Suho calls the waiter back.

“Are you ready to place your order, Mr. Joonmyun?” Suho nearly face palms but holds the urge to do it in front of the employee, that’d be rude.

“Yes, I’d like to have gratin dauphinois, same for him. Which wine would you recommend to be accompanying this dish? “Suho hands the menu back at the waiter.

“We have the Pinot Choir, the Margaux and Pinot Gris Alsace. They’re all really tasty and strong well match for the dish, but for you I would go for the Pinot Gris, we have the one from 2008, white wine with subtle weave of green pear, apple, white peach and fleur de sel flavors, showing a fine balance throughout. Would you like it sir?” the waiter finished his monologue, which Baekhyun barely filters the word apple.

“That’d be great, make it two glasses, thank you” the waiter bows one last time to Suho and leaves.

“Did your brain really process everything he just said?” astonished Baekhyun asks to Suho.

“Not really, I usually just agree with whatever he recommends” Suho stiffs a laugh with his hand “plus my dad is the one who orders everything”.

They fall into a comfortable silence appreciating each other’s company. Baekhyun’s hands are getting all sweaty because inside he feels really nervous; he never had the chance to talk to Suho since Chanyeol introduced him to his neighbor.

“We never got to talk properly”

“Not even once, one prove is that I didn’t even know your name was Joonmyun” Baekhyun laughs and Suho follows suit.

“Chanyeol is the only one that calls me like that, aside from you, since we were kids until now, he’s too lazy to use Joonmyun, he said it is too long and that Suho is easier and being cheesy as he is he said I was his protector” Suho chuckles.

Their dishes come in a few minutes and they chat happily, Baekhyun gets to know more about Suho and Suho gets to know more about Baekhyun and they are feeling at easy now, all the jitters Baekhyun was feeling at the beginning vanished. Not counting how delicious the food tastes.

Much for Baekhyun displeasure they finish eating and now they have to leave and worse: Baekhyun will have to pay. Before making his wallet cry he decides to quickly pass by the bathroom. He stands up and goes to relieve himself.

When he exits the bathroom he finds Suho leaning against the wall waiting for him.

“Ready to go?” Baekhyun is taken aback and mouths what? at him, slightly confused.

Suho laughs at the clutter expression on Baekhyun’s face and pats his shoulder.

“I paid for our dinner; I wasn’t planning on make you pay, since I chose one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, plus” Suho chuckles “I have this fidelity card because I come here often with my dad, so the meal was almost free”.

Baekhyun sighs with relief and doesn’t notice the giggle Suho releases after saying it, because the card is only valid for desserts and they didn’t eat any.

“Can I pay for ice cream then?” with hope stamped in his eyes, Baekhyun looks at Suho.


Putting his left arm around Baekhyun’s shoulders, Suho leads them to the nearest ice cream parlor by the park, leaving unnoticed a blushing Baekhyun under the city night lights.

Baekhyun pays for their ice creams and they decided to sit somewhere in the park.

With the cold breeze and the rustling of trees, Baekhyun thinks he’d be relaxed and at easy, but instead his hands are shaking a little and he is afraid to say something stupid.

“Did you like the dinner?” Suho asks him taking one spoonful of ice cream.

Like? The dinner was awesome, food was great and “I like you” as soon as these three words leave Baekhyun’s mouth, he covers his face with his hands.

Suho reacts at this sudden confession the opposite as he thought he would, he put an amused smile on his face and waits to see if Baekhyun is going to say something more.

Not hearing any words leaving Baekhyun’s mouth, Suho’s laugh fills the atmosphere and when Baekhyun lifts his face to look what made the latter so entertained he is met with warm lips pressed against his own.

Suho closes his eyes and circles his arms around Baekhyun’s shoulder holding him closer and making the boy’s eyes go wider. Not feeling any reply, Suho breaks the kiss.

“Sorry, got too carried away” Suho doesn’t have time to keep talking or to feel ashamed when Baekhyun grabs his shoulders and seals their lips back together with more strength than necessary. The abrupt move knocks the air out of Suho’s lungs taking him by surprise while Baekhyun takes advantage and bites his lower lip, sliding his tongue inside Suho’s mouth, tasting the chocolate flavor he got.

When Suho finally comes back to his senses, his hands find their way to Baekhyun’s soft brown locks and back, drawing their bodies nearer emanating heat and making this experience intoxicating. Suho swallows a moan that escapes the younger’s mouth and halts the kiss giving some space for Baekhyun to catch his breath.

Panting heavily Baekhyun puts his left hand at his chest and notices how easy he could felt his fast heartbeat through his clothing.

“I like you too. More likely to say I started to like you not long time ago, but I’m willing to make it grow in me” Suho says with one heartwarming smile while fixing his now messed up hairstyle and then putting his left hand on top of Baekhyun’s.

“The ice cream fell to the ground” Baekhyun points out, trying to hide his flaming cheeks and the hard fluttering of his heart. Suho chuckles softly and gets up, extending his arm waiting for Baekhyun to take it so they can go back home.

The way back home is full of giggles, chuckles and laughs, Baekhyun’s flustered face doesn’t match his brave move a few minutes ago and Suho finds it really endearing, how he’d rub the back of his neck and play with his fingers not looking him in the eyes. At the time they arrive at Suho’s doorstep the clock shows it is almost midnight and he doesn’t want to send Baekhyun home, roaming the streets late at night isn’t something clever and safe to be done, at least not alone.

Then Suho invites Baekhyun to stay the night at his house, the slight blush on Baekhyun’s cheeks colors the rest of his face and Suho perceives how Baekhyun must’ve had misunderstood what he just said.

“Not like that.” Suho shakes his head and hands looking like one inflatable doll in the wind. After a few minutes of awkward silence Baekhyun clears his throat and accepts Suho’s invitation and gets into the apartment ing the top button of his shirt and lying down on the couch.

Not pleased with his guest sleeping on the couch, Suho forgets to turn the lights on and stands next to Baekhyun trying to lift him up, failing miserably and leading both to the ground, falling on top of his soft carpet. Right there shoulder with shoulder, weariness takes over, sending both to sleep.


Today is Saturday, which means Chanyeol will be arriving in the morning, usually when Suho is having his breakfast, entering the apartment without banging on the door, since he has a spare key for emergencies what if you’re choking to death and nobody is there to Heimlich maneuver you hyung? or what if you forget to take toilet paper with you hyung?, so being the nice friend Suho is he gave him a copy.

Baekhyun wakes up, pain shooting through his back and the sunlight blinding him, he finds himself curled up against the couch and alone laid on the floor. He gets up and sniffs the faint smell of food and the sound of something frying coming from the kitchen.

Leaning on the walls, Baekhyun slowly makes his way to the kitchen scratching his eyes and yawning as he arrives at the door to find Suho wearing his blue apron arraying two plates of pancakes for them.  Baekhyun helps Suho to set the table and they start to eat.

“I have two questions, you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to but you like me since when? And why you weren’t here the last two days?” Suho chews on his piece of food and looks at the boy in front of him.

“I think when I first met you I got infatuated by your looks and at each passing day I got to know you a little more and all the infatuation turned into something more. I tried to hide it though.” Sipping his juice he continues “And I wasn’t here because I was trying to earn some money to pay for the dinner by helping my mom” Baekhyun tells and eats the last bit on his plate, getting up and heading to wash the dishes.

Suho shoves all the food into his mouth and follows Baekhyun to the kitchen. While Baekhyun earnestly washes the dishes, Suho circles his arms around him and rests his chin on the younger’s shoulder tickling his belly, making soap fly around the kitchen and Baekhyun to hit his head in the cabinet and yelp in pain.

Desperately Suho turns Baekhyun towards him and pleads sorry, his attempt to act sweet ended up like this and to show how sorry he is he kisses him, more passionate than last night when he was a little dazed.

He can hear the low sound of the front door closing and he suspects it must be Chanyeol arriving to his daily videogame playing, but the sudden guest doesn’t stop him from deepening the kiss.

One loud MY EYES startles Baekhyun whose broke the kiss and looks at the source of the scream which was Chanyeol peeking through his fingers.

“Stop gaping at us Chanyeol” Baekhyun hisses and turns at the sink to finish washing the dishes and distract himself while Suho just laughs, like always.

“Hello Chanyeol, I thought you’d arrive earlier like usual” Suho speaks and pats his shoulder since he can’t reach the top of his head.

“I didn’t want to break into the house and find anything weird like clothing everywhere or people, so I gave you guys time to get ready and” not intending to hear the rest Suho clasps his hand onto Chanyeol’s mouth.

With the plates properly cleaned, Baekhyun dries his hands and motions for them to follow him back at the living room. He sits on the carpet and clicks the power button of the PS3.

“How was last night?” Chanyeol wiggles his eyebrows at them and elbows Baekhyun’s ribs.

“I’ve never felt so full” Baekhyun scrunches his nose at the pain at his sides and closes his eyes and smiles sweet revenge Chanyeol.

Suho bursts out laughing at how Chanyeol’s expression changes from teasing to entirely terrified in seconds.

“Too much information” covering his ears Chanyeol starts to sing song lalalalalala repeatedly.
Baekhyun and Suho high five, now it’s finally their turn to annoy the hell out of Chanyeol.

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Chapter 1: Baekhyun's never felt so full sent me... ROFL ?
Chapter 1: ive never felt so full omg im wheezing
inspiritmuhan #3
Chapter 1: I loved this fix so much!!!! Lolll
Chapter 1: Eeeeeee so cutie:))) I ship SuYeol but SuBaek is just so cutie that it made me forget a while:)) lolol good job:) really loved it from beginning to end:))