Chapter 3

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

During her last lesson, math she counted down the minutes un till the bell rang. And when it did she couldn’t hold in her excitement. She waved good bye to her friends and then ran out the class room. “Miss Cho!” the teacher called before she could disappear out of site. “Could you come here a second?” Joanna sighed and then turned around to see what the teacher wanted. “Yes, miss?” she said walking up to her desk. “we have a new student starting here on Monday. His first Language is Korean. And being Korean yourself I thought you could help him out a bit.” Joanna nodded. The teacher smiled. “Good then, that’s sorted. You will look after him” Joanna smiled back at the teacher. Maybe it would be nice to have someone else who spoke her native tongue in school. Any who, now that was over Joanna could continue making her dash home. As she ran down the street she could only think about one thing. Ye Sung!


Eventually, she reached her front door. She paused and took a deep breath before taking hold of the handle. She slowly turned it and pushed the door open. “I’m home!” she called. – no answer. She frowned and walked into the living room. There was someone sitting there – but not her mother nor her father. It was a young teenage boy with jet black hair. He was facing away so Joanna couldn’t see his face and he couldn’t see her at all. Then it cam to her. It was Ye Sung. She walked up behind him and tapped him on the head. He span his head around startled. He had earphones in – probably the reason he didn’t hear her in the first place. He pulled the earphones out of his ears.


“## Joanna’s point of view “##



“Hi” he said in Korean. “Hello” I didn’t know what else to say. Since I last saw him he had become more…well…bigger. He stood up and greeted me properly. Bowing down to show me respect and I did the same. He had gotten so tall! And he had more style now. And also his body was in such good shape! I didn’t fancy him or anything I was just amazed at how different he was. There was an awkward silence. Ye Sung giggled and scratched the back of his neck. “You’re a lot prettier then I remember.” He complemented. I smiled a little embarrassed. “Ah, thanks. You look a lot better, too” He nodded thanking me. “Ummm…your mum’s gone out. She’ll be back soon.” “Oh! I forgot! You’ve been stuck with my mum all day! You poor thing!” Ye Sung laughed. “She’s not that bad.”


“Hey, you want help with unpacking?” I asked a little later. Ye Sung nodded. “Yes please!” We went upstairs – I paused. “Where did my mum say you were sleeping?” Ye Sung blinked a few times and then looked up as if he were trying to remember. “3rd door on the right.” He said recalling what my mother had said to him. Oh, no. My mum wouldn’t have done that. I was really worried now. “What’s wrong?” he asked me. “Nothing, it’s just…well, that’s my room.” Ye Sung bit his lip. “Oh. I didn’t know.” I shook my head. “It’s ok.” I opened my door to see my mum had already set a sleeping bag up on the floor. That evil… my mother is so sly!

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