
It has been four weeks since Sehun and Lu Han had met each other and the counts of Polaroid has been getting more and more. Lu Han wouldn’t skip a night not going to the grandmother’s restaurant, just to let Sehun choose something from the menu for him and he admits, Sehun has quite good taste buds.

Lu Han would always walk Sehun home and every single night, another printed Polaroid would be added into his stacks.

It was another Friday night, meaning that Sehun would end his shift early and walk around town with Lu Han together, sometimes just stop and sit somewhere. They sat on the bench, holding their cups of hot drinks to collect the warmness from them. The winter wind blows and Sehun shivered a little.

“Are you cold?” Lu Han questioned, shifting nearer to Sehun.

“Come closer, here,” He grabbed Sehun’s left hand with his right and placed them in his pocket. Lu Han’s thumb rubbed soft circles on Sehun’s knuckles, making him blush.

“There, are you feeling better?”

Sehun nodded.

“We should take another Polaroid tonight.” Sehun commented and placed his cup on the floor so it won’t spill out. He used his right hand to put his Polaroid camera out and turning it on by pulling the lens open. Sehun pulled his and Lu Han’s tangled hand out of Lu Han’s pocket.

His eyes looked through the viewer. Snap.

The Polaroid came out and Lu Han smiled to himself at the excited Sehun as he shakes the not-fully printed Polaroid quickly, wanting to see the results.

“Hyung, it’s nice.” He showed Lu Han the Polaroid, smiling as bright as sunshine.

“Of course it’s nice. You’re holding hands with me. What’s even better?” Sehun giggled hearing Lu Han’s words, his cheeks turning pink from the chilliness and embarrassment.

Lu Han held his chin, making sure Sehun is facing him. “You’re cute, do you know that?” His thumb touched Sehun’s soft plump lips and he swore they felt like babies’.

“Lu Han, I think I like you.”

“I think I like you too.”

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lispunicorn #1
Who shots luhan omfg? And that girl is???