

            “I like you.” Zhang Yixing’s bright, brown eyes gleam with confidence as he brings it upon himself to confess his feelings. Kim Jongdae’s deck of cards falls out of his hands and he stares straight at Yixing. It doesn’t take long until Jongdae falls out of his chair and lands on his bum. Do his ears lie? Is this actually happening? Did the adorable, insanely cute Yixing actually say ‘I like you’ to Jongdae?

            “Hey Jongdae, aren’t you going to say anything?” Jongin pipes up, smacking Jongdae’s head in the middle with a karate chop.

            “Yeah, don’t just sit there and stare. Didn’t your mom teach you not to be rude?” Sehun sneers as he hits Jongdae’s head in the middle, this time with a fist. It doesn’t dawn on Jongdae that he’s not saying anything because words are sticking together and sentences are being formed into a beautiful, long speech in Jongdae’s head and he’s thinking of how wonderful they sound and how Yixing might like it.

            “If this is how you’re going to treat a confession of love, then you don’t deserve it you stupid ape!” A cute blonde boy appears next to Yixing, tugging him away from Jongdae and the crowd of people who magically gathered around Jongdae’s desk without him noticing.

            “No,” Jongdae finally croaks. He swallows his spit, desperate to get rid of his aching, dry throat to talk to Yixing. He hears Yixing let out a small “Wait, Luhan,” and turns around. Tears threaten to roll down the teenage boy’s cheeks and it breaks Jongdae’s heart more than it should.

            “No?” A tear escapes Yixing’s eye. His frown tugs down further. Jongdae clutches his chest for dear life.

            “No! Not ‘no’ as in no, but no as in don’t go because I want to you to stay!”

            “Why?” Yixing his head to the side. Jongdae gulps.

            “Because I like you too and I want to say yes! Yes, I want to be your boyfriend,” Jongdae says his answer a little too fast and it makes him sound desperate, but whatever because he could care less about what some of his classmates think.

            “I don’t want to make this any awkward than it is, but Yixing didn’t ask anything about wanting you as his boyfriend. He just said he liked you. Chill out, ape” Luhan glared with his tiny eyes, shooting Jongdae with invisible bullets. He adds ‘piu, piu,’ sounds for effect and smirks when he sees Jongin and Sehun join in the fun. His mouth opens in realization. Jongdae wants to dig into a hole and die of embarrassment. His classmates start to laugh, even Luhan rolls his head back and grabs Yixing’s arm so he doesn’t fall on the floor.

            “Stop it Luhan. That’s not a very nice thing to do to my new boyfriend.”

           “What?” Luhan gives a look of disgust to Yixing.

            “You heard me, Luhan. It’s very rude of you to do something like that to my boyfriend,” Yixing pouts. Luhan rolls his eyes and scowls at Jongdae. Jongdae shoots up from the floor and charges towards Yixing with open arms. He hugs him with a tight grip like there’s no tomorrow. Yixing’s face is covered with a huge smile and he can’t help but to hug Jongdae back.

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iwantyoubaek #1
Chapter 1: Omgggg sekailu and jongdae are sooo cute and awww yixing ♥
nightingalesatnight #2
Chapter 1: These two are idiots, I love them. By the way, is this finished because if it is you should mark it complete, if not then I will look forward to more.
parvitasari #3
Chapter 1: Awww so cute.. Jongdae confession omg.. And luhan just leave them alone.. Or r u jealous??? Hmm hmm hmm?
Chapter 1: Luhan you meanie. Leave the Chenlay alone. Jongdae is so cute, being so clumsy.
nikdae #6
Chapter 1: Awwww. The world needs more fluffy cute Chenlay.