Luhan - Shooting into your Heart

You're never lonely with Exo!


The boys celebrated another goal they made and with that their soccer team finally won. They all ran to the boy standing in front of the goal and hugged him tightly. Soon that particular boy was flying in the air because his teammates celebrated him.

“Luhan you did it!”

“We won! Wohooo!”

Laughter and manly screams could be heard around the whole field. After the little celebration, both teams friendly shook their hands and smiled at each other. That game was a great game for every one of them.

“These boys…always celebrating it into that eye catching way” The trainer turned his head to you and waited for your reaction to the scene “Don’t you think so my assistant?”

“Well, I think they deserved it”

After a relieved sigh, he nodded beside you with a proud smile at your comment. Then the trainer clapped his hands together and called all of the players to him. Soon they all gathered around you and the trainer.

Smiles were on each of their faces and when they saw you all of them bowed.  You bowed back and smiled back at them.

Only one boy didn’t do so but you expected it like that.

Luhan just smirked at you and proudly went to your side. He was the only one that didn’t respect you like the others did and was even quite naughty around you. The girls looked up to you and liked your personality. The boys respected you because of your confidence and strong appearance.

“So, did you like my shoot? I was great right?” Luhan poked into your sides and began giggling like a little kid.

You sighed.

Yes, he was the only one that had the guts to bug you and even flirt with you. Even though he didn’t stop poking you, you didn’t even blink. Your face only showed annoyance and he noticed it. His smirk got wider and soon he started tickling your whole body.

That broke your poker face and you started laughing hysterically.

Your laugh encouraged him to tickle you more until you grabbed his hands and glared at him. Luhan stared at you and wanted to continue but your grip was stronger. After some struggling minutes he gave up and you let go of his hands.

But that idiot didn’t learn anything and when you turned your attention away from him, he flicked your forehead. Luhan briefly noticed that your forehead was slightly hot but then he saw your angry face. Soon you ran after a laughing Luhan while cursing at him.

“The Quarrel couple is at it again”

“They are so cute together!”

“When will they date?”

Whispers stopped you two from running and both of you shouted “No we aren’t a couple and we never will!” at the same time.

Everyone looked at you with their mouths open and soon they started laughing about your cute but same reactions. That made you two only more irritated. You felt hot after all the running and sweated a little bit. But you didn’t make a big deal out of it and glared more at Luhan.

“Luhan! Go back to the field!” the trainer rescued you from him and you angrily stomped away from him. Luhan ran back to the field and began to train with his teammates but he never let his eyes off you.


You helped the other girls cleaning up the field and they were all thankful. Together you all cleaned up really well and fast. Suddenly someone shouted “Watch out!” and the next thing you saw was black.

Luhan stopped playing and his eyes widened at the sight of you getting hit by a ball at your head. In the next moment you fainted and his body reacted by running to your side. You unconsciously lied on the ground and your face was red. He touched your forehead and noticed that you were burning and sweating like crazy. Just then he lifted you up bridal style and ran to the school infirmary.


You woke up after some hours of a long sleep in an unfamiliar place. When you looked around, you recognized it as the school infirmary and tried to get yourself into a sitting position. A cold weight was on your right hand and another hand supported you while trying to sit. You slowly turned around and saw a worried Luhan looking at you. His hand was still on yours and out of reaction you took your hand away from his.

Sadness flashed through Luhan’s eyes and you suddenly felt bad.

“How long did I slept?” you broke the silence but he avoided your eyes.

“For five hours…you got a ball at your head and even had high fever” he stood up from his seat and sadly looked to the ground. Then he smiled at you and said his goodbye before going out of the room.

You didn’t understand why he suddenly got so sad but you really felt bad and soon your headache got back.

“Oh, you’re up? Did the nice boy left?” suddenly the nurse entered and looked around the room to find Luhan.

“He already left…how did I get here?”

“You don’t remember? Oh right you were unconscious…that boy carried you all the way here” she measured your temperature and nodded satisfied when she saw that your temperature got down. Soon she let you out of the infirmary and you went home.

But your mind was full of Luhan’s hurt face and guilty feelings.


On the next day you stayed behind in your classroom after the class ended to catch up the things you missed after you fainted yesterday. Many of your classmates wrote the notes for you so it was easier for you to write. Still, it was pretty late and the sun was going down. The classroom was painted in a beautiful orange and the sunlight warmed you up a little bit.

“You’re still here?”

Startled you looked to the door and saw Luhan leaning on it and watching you with emotionless eyes. He slowly walked to you and sat down into a stool across of you. Silently he watched you while scribbling something into the table and didn’t even look into your eyes.


You mumbled that word fast but clearly and looked down in embarrassment. Luhan stopped scribbling and you felt his stare on you. Just then you looked up again and saw him smiling lovingly at you.

“T-That doesn’t mean t-“

Your mind went blank when you felt hot lips on yours and your eyes stared at deep beautiful brown eyes. Slowly you closed your eyes and surprisingly replied his kiss.

It was sweet and beautiful.

When you opened your eyes, a cheerful Luhan met your eyes and he sweetly kissed your forehead. For the forehead kiss you bend your head a little bit down and saw his scribbling from before on the table.

He wrote: “I’ve always loved you and someday your heart will be mine”

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Hermin #1
Chapter 15: Hot
miso26 #2
Chapter 4: that was wow hot
miso26 #3
Chapter 2: so sweet even thought at first i wanted to cry
--peperokiss #4
My current feels..
; - ;
Just lovely.
Chapter 6: hehehe.... cute Tao!! love it!!
Chapter 1: so sweet.... like it!!!