Suho - My Angel

You're never lonely with Exo!

Happy Suho Day!

It was late in the night when you went home from a long day in university. Your friends already went home but you stayed in the library of the university to finish your project for next week.

“I want to sleep” A soft sigh escaped your mouth when you realized you had another twenty minutes to walk to your home. “This project takes away all of my energy”

You waited for the street light to turn green and nobody else was beside you. Some people around you were in a hurry to also get home and you noticed just some cars passing by.

When the lights finally turned green, you started walking without looking at the streets. You were just too tired.

But it was a careless act.

Suddenly you heard a woman scream and the next thing you saw made you halt in your walking.

A car with enormous speed was driving into your direction and it looked like the driver lost the control over the car. Out of shock you couldn’t think straight and just stood in the middle of the street with wide eyes.

Was that the end for you?

Screams could be heard but the only thing you heard was your fast and loud heartbeat.

Just then you felt a weight on your body and in the next moment you were flying to the side of the street. You didn’t realize that you were holding your breath until the whole weight pressed your body to the ground. Now you saw that this weight was a person and he was holding you so tightly to the ground, like he was scared to lose you.

“Are you alright?” The stranger suddenly looked up and you met his scared dark eyes. Even though it was night and you barely saw anything, you noticed his twinkling eyes and they gave you a feeling of protection.

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out except a nod. The stranger helped you up and a warm smile grazed his lips what made you blush.

“I’m glad you’re alright but be careful next time” The smile still lingered in his face and he his stare got deeper. So deep that you felt awkward and averted your gaze to the ground.

“Thank you I will do that.” Your voice came out a little shaky than expected and the stranger raised his brow in a mocking way but his smile came back as fast as before.

“Well, I hope this time you say the truth. Bye!” He walked away with his hands stuffed in his pockets and you could still hear his shy laugh.

“This time?” Somehow you got confused why he said that because you can’t remember that you met him before. If you had met him before, you wouldn’t forget him so easily. Like come on, everyone would remember such a handsome face and gentle smile.

While you were lost in your thoughts, the tiredness in your body came back and remembered you what you actually planned to do.

“Ahh I’m too tired to care for that! Let’s go home already!”

After you got home, your bed welcomed you immediately and fell asleep. What the weird thing was; the stranger from before appeared in your dream and his laugh lingered in your ears like it was the only thing in the world for you.


The sun shone brightly and many students were outside with their friends to enjoy the warm weather. But you stayed in the library again and excused yourself from going out with your friends who planned to picnic.

“Will I ever finish this damn project and enjoy my young life?” You looked at your left hand and saw your note of how many books you had to find and read today. A lonely and sad sigh escaped your mouth and your shoulders went down. “My life just answered me with a big No”

Luckily the library wasn’t full with students so it was easier to find the right books.

…or you thought so.

You had to scan the whole library four times to finally gather five books and one was still missing. Slowly you looked up and saw a shelf which would be suitable to find the book there.

And you were right.

From the bottom you saw the cover of the searched book and wanted to reach out, but you noticed it was too high to reach. A ladder was behind one of the shelves when you searched for one. It was quite wobbly on the ladder but you wanted the book so bad that you ignored it.

Just when you got the book and wanted to get down, your feet slipped and you lost your balance. A short whimper escaped your mouth and you closed your eyes to wait for the impact on crashing to the ground.

But it never came.

Instead of the pain that should be in your whole body, you felt warm hands holding your waist and legs. A light chuckle could be heard and you slowly opened your eyes.

“What was with I will be careful next time?” This voice was familiar to you and you met the same gentle eyes that you met yesterday in the night.

It was the stranger and now you could see his handsome face clearer than ever.

He had perfect features and his small mouth suited his sharp jaw. His skin was pale and for a moment he looked like an angel for you when his cheeks went up from the smile he gave you.

This smile that melt you inside.

“It’s you again…” Your wide eyes stared at him longer than needed and somehow you saw how his cheeks reddened a little bit from your stare.

He cleared your throat and this signaled you to snap out of your daydream. You awkwardly brushed a strand of your hair behind you ear and looked away.

“Here for your project again?” He held your book and walked to the table where your other books were.

“How do you know that?” You followed him still a little bit wobbly from standing on the ladder but your curiosity was bigger.

Why does he know that?

“Maybe I will tell you that today” He sat down on your table and made himself comfortable with one of your books. “But before that my name is Joonmyun but in your case you can call me Suho”

“Suho? What do you mean in my case?” You sat across from him and eyed him with a curios face. Suddenly he laughed and leaned forward where you could feel his warm breath on your skin.

“You’re so cute and adorably when you are curious”

Suho continued to lean forward and your eyes closed on their own while you waited what came next. But his shy laugh made you open your eyes and you saw Suho trying to control not to laugh louder in a library. Suddenly his finger poked your nose in a cute way and he laughed even more when you started to pout.

“Seriously you are too cute! I choose the right one”

Even though you didn’t understand one thing, seeing him laugh like that made your heartbeat faster and you couldn’t stop yourself from falling into the charm of this weird boy. He talked in mysteries and laughed about everything you did.

But he saved your life two times and you were grateful for that. Somehow it was like heaven send him to you, to save you or to lighten up your day with his warm and shy laugh.

“Choose the right one for what?” Your eyes twinkled after realizing that you already fell into his charm and they didn’t stop adoring him in all ways.

When you asked him this question, he stopped laughing and got serious. Suho leaned more forward and grabbed your hands on the table. They fit perfectly with your hands and you wondered why his hands gave you such comfort with a simple touch.

“To protect my sweetheart…I will be your guardian angel from now on”



Hehe hopefully he will enjoy his birthday and who can resist the cute smile of our awesome leader? >\\<

Thanks to all my new subscribers and welcome^^

And thank you very much --peperokiss for upvoting!

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Hermin #1
Chapter 15: Hot
miso26 #2
Chapter 4: that was wow hot
miso26 #3
Chapter 2: so sweet even thought at first i wanted to cry
--peperokiss #4
My current feels..
; - ;
Just lovely.
Chapter 6: hehehe.... cute Tao!! love it!!
Chapter 1: so sweet.... like it!!!