Girlfriend Tag Part 1

Girlfriend Tag LGBT Version

Hope you guys enjoy this! 



Amber sits on the bed with her legs crossed as she starts up the webcam program on krystal's laptop. At this time, Krystal enters the bedroom with a bottle of lotion in her hands. She usually apply lotion after she showers.

"Soojung-ah, come here. It's ready."

Krystal puts the bottle of lotion on her desk and joins her girlfriend on the bed. Amber push the laptop further to the edge of the matress, so both of them would fit in the screen.

"Okay, ready?" Amber warns Krystal and begins recording.

"Hello, What's up!? *hands up in the airWelcome to our girlfriend tag video. *looks at Krystal* Why are you not excited?" 

Krystal just experienced second-hand embarrassment from watching Amber's introduction, which left her speechless momentarily. "Oh my god, please start over again. That's was so embarrassing."

"No. *pause* I like it this way."

"Fine then. Go on to the first question." Man~ the lil princess does sounds y, but we all know that she like to treat Amber this way.^^


1. How did you two first met?

Krystal takes the floor. "I first saw you in the practice room. *thinking hard* It was free practice time for trainees. There was a lot of them in that room, and you were hanging out with the boys, so I thought you were one of them. But then, you greet me and told me your name was Amber, that's when I realize..."

"That was the first time you saw me? I actually saw you a couple times around the trainees' building. People told me you were Jessica's sister, so I was like 'Does that mean she speaks english?' *getting hyper* From that point on, I was determined to become friends with you because I finally found someone that can speak english and understands korean. My korean at the time, I thought maybe I could gonna depend on you for the next year or so."

"Your korean still ." Damn...Krystal...your comment... SO Freakin' True!

The llama bites down on her bottom lip as she stares at Krystal. The two share a moment of silence. 

Amber then looks into the camera, "Don't worry, we have this love-hate relationship. She's usually not this mean." Krystal nods and put her left arm around Amber's neck. In return, Amber wrap her right hand around Krystal's waist. The two bodies sway to the left and right continuously as they move on to the next question.


2. Amber, what's  your first impression of Krystal? 

"Umm... my first impression... *krystal is anticipating it to be something good* I was surprised that you didn't look like your sister." What a disappointing answer...


3. When did we start dating?

"I offically asked you to be my girlfriend a few days before our debut. But before that, there was a long period of flirting *takes a quick glance at Krystal* and we Heheh..." Amber and Krystal suddenly got shy and burst in laughters.

Amber's face quickly blushes, while Krystal is busy covering her own face.

"Sorry guys, *apologizes to the camera but still in a laughing mess* I just thought of-" Amber laughs again and turn away from the webcam. Amber's laughter is also causing Krystal to laugh. 

The two finally gather themselves and resume recording again.

"You seriously took too long to confess?" Ohh~ is Krystal complaining?

Amber finds her girlfriend's complain ridiculous. "Well, I wasn't sure if I get to debut. There was a million other things going through my mind back then. What if we started and I didn't make the group?"

"Still... you should have asked earlier. I was so fustrated."

"Then why did you not confess to me?" Amber quickly snaps back.

"Well, I'm a girl."

Amber pouts, "I'm a girl too!" Since the llama is an outgoing tomboy, she got the burden to act like a 'man' in certain situations. In her younger years, being inexperienced with the concept of love, Amber has her own worries and insecurities. This llama is very much a shy one.

4.  Does the rest of the group know about your relationship? If they did, what were their reactions?

"They all knew; even before we directly told them that we were dating. *looks at Amber* Who did you told first? I told Sulli first."

"I told Victoria unnie first. *chuckles* Her response was funny. She said, 'Doesn't eveyone know you and Krystal are dating already?' I guess we were really obvious. *looks to the camera* But we didn't hold hands in front of our members; I don't know how they knew beforehand."

"Yeah, we tried to keep our relationship a secret, but I guess it was no secret afterall. *puts her hand on Amber's shoulder* Or is it because you kept on staring at me the whole time?" Krystal sure loves teasing Amber.^^

Amber decides to play along, "Yeah, you were so beautiful that I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Would you like to teach our fans how to be pretty, princess?" She tries to embarrass Krystal with her ridiculous request; of course Krystal did not give in to it.

"Anyway, back to the question." Amber grins when Krystal switch the topic.

The lil princess continues, "All our members were supportive, which is something that we both are thankful for. They tried to cover for us, but Luna did not do a good job of that... right?" Krystal waits for Amber to give a response, but all Amber did was staring at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Amber is still not done with the joke. "Because you're so pretty *laughs* I mean...look at those big sparkling eyes, and that perfect nose. Even your lips look delicious. *krystal is in the process of hiding her face in her hands* Why are you covering your face?" Amber teases. 

Finally, Krystal puts her hand down and makes a fist with it. "Oh my god, do you want to get hit?" 

Amber immediately stops, "Okay, okay, don't get mad please." We all know Krystal is just pretending to be angry, but Amber doesn't want to take that chance.

Soon enough, they hugged and the lil princess smiles at her servant again.





Coming up...


"I knew you had a big tongue when..."

"You got pissed..."

"Jealous? I tried..."

"I hate..."


"Don't tell them that!"


Part 1 was for setting the stage. After this introduction we should get down to business.^^ Part 2 will be... interesting...just maybe...

P.S More questions are appreciated since I have not start writing part 2 yet.











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Chapter 5: Ang cute nmn sobra... nakakamiss
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 5: I love it!!! Thanks part 2 please
kpoplover_160 #3
Chapter 5: Kryber is awesome I love this soooo much <3<3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 5: I want to see more about that 100 charged gif but I can't find any.:(
Of all KryBer gifs that was the very intriguing Gif for me. I mean they really look together there!!!!!T^T
15lehna #5
Chapter 5: is it weird that i read this story like 5 times and i still hope that there will be more chaps ?
106GGx #6
Chapter 5: Gaaahh.. why did i just find this now. Your story left me with a million questions i might ask huhu.
Chapter 5: I really love this story !!!
Good Job Author shi /thumbs up/
You should do more if this ^_^
Chapter 5: U should do more of this author. U have a wild imagination.
Chapter 5: LOL! at the first gif where amber and krystal were trolling, whos that? The one who tapped amber. Hahahaha and the last gif was super obvious luna!! Hahaha...