Cold Shoulder

Can You Trust Me?

{a/n: LOL. OMG. i just had to put this picture up. haha, i thought it was so funney. xD oh and sorry for the REALLY late update guys...i just can't think of anything for this story...check out my other story too! If you guys love Homme then you'll love Homme + 1, hehehe, or if you like MBLAQ's Lee Joon, click here!}


{In Hyuna's eyes...}

The rain had stopped sometime past seven in the evening. The others and I had eaten dinner early because Seulong was apparently paranoid of eating late.

"Fat burns less at night," he told me. I made a mental note of that in my brain. Don't eat dinner past eight.

Maybe I could lose some weight during my stay with them...

It was already past nine, and while the others had dispersed into their rooms, Changmin stood in front of the kitchen sink, washing the dishes that had piled up from who knows when.

I watched from the doorway, suddenly feeling nervous about trying to talk to him. Earlier today, I had tried to be seductive. He was doing laundry this afternoon with Jinwoon's help and I had knowingly thrown my underwear into the batch of clothes he was going to put into the washing machine. It wasn't hard to spot out the pink from the mountain of boxers.

"What is that?!" Jinwoon had exclaimed when Changmin held up the tiny piece of fabric between his pointer finger and his thumb. I couldn't tell from my perspective, but it didn't seem to have even fazed Changmin. He just threw the underwear into the machine and turned it on.

So I had at least sat -less for an hour in his room, hoping that Jinwoon would not stop by. I rummaged through Changmin's drawers and picked out a pair of his clean boxers. As I put them on, I let out a little laugh because I had realized something. This is just like indirect .

I continued to think evil thoughts until I had seen him later on, before dinner. When I had watched him prepare the food for us, all the dirty thoughts vanished and were replaced with sweet, innocent images of hugging and holding hands.

The others had looked at me funny as I walked into the living room in Changmin's boxers, however, Changmin himself seemed completely unaffected.

For a second, I remembered my old boyfriend. The ex who had claimed that I was obsessive and crazy. But I wasn't the one who got drunk onto the point when if he got mad, he would just begin to curse at me and accuse me of cheating. Sometimes, I had even taken a couple of hits from his fists.

That's why I liked Changmin. Because I knew he wouldn't do such a thing. Maybe I can't prove it right now, but the way he takes responsibility in doing the housework and even washing the was...admirable.

"Do you want some help?" I asked, popping up from behind him. He didn't reply. He didn't even bother to look my way. Instead, Changmin concentrated on his dishes. He was nearly two-thirds of the way done.

"I can soap them for you!" I continued to offer. Yet, he continued to ignore me.

I crossed my arms in indignation. I felt as though I had just been unfairly chastised. Why is he ignoring me?!

I slid my hands onto his shoulders and squeezed them lightly. "Brr, Changmin. You're shoulders are cold!"

I was trying to imply that he was giving me the cold shoulder, but I realized that this was Korea and what I had just used was an American term.

He shook me off, clearly annoyed at my attempts to talk to him.

I angrily put my hands on my hips. "Hey! Why won't you talk to me!"

For a moment, there was only silence except for the sound of the water running over the soapy dishes. He suddenly turned his head to me, catching me off guard that he actually responded to my voice.

"I take you to my house from the kindness of my heart, yet you try to get in my pants while I'm sleeping, basically show my friends that I like to have one-night stands, and then you wear my clothes and do whatever you like to me without my consent," he said, his voice trembling a bit. "Why should I be talking to you?"

I looked down at my feet. "Well...if you put it like make me sound like such a bad person..."

I felt his eyes linger on me for a couple of moments before he returned to washing the dishes. Man...

I turned around and began to walk away into Jinwoon's room with compunction stabbing at my chest.

{In Changmin's eyes...}

After I had finished washing the dishes, I was thinking of going into my room to relax a bit before going to sleep. I was going to be out for the next couple of days to and show up as a special guest at a variety show.The producers had called me a week before about it, and of course, I had accepted the great offer. Not only was he being provided with food and a room in one of the best hotels in Jeju Island, he was also going to get some publicity time.

But suddenly remembering that Hyuna was waiting for me, I shuddered and settled myself on the couch in the living room.

It was already at least ten by the time I closed my eyes. Even though the rain had stopped just a few hours ago, I heard it start up again. Tonight's rain seemed even harsher than the one from the past night.

I tried to think about hotel room service and three days of independence. No snarky Jokwon. No loud Jinwoon. No dieting Seulong. And thank the Lord, no Hyuna.

I eased into an alluring sleep, finally feeling able to lower my guard.

{In Hyuna's eyes...}

Jinwoon was nice enough to rummage through one of his drawers to find a brand new tooth brush just for me. He even offered that I could borrow his clothes if I ever needed to.

"I know how Changmin hyung can be..." Jinwoon said. "Kind of a jerk..."

But I felt bad enough. It seemed as though I had done more bad than good by coming back to Changmin. I felt that I was pushing Jinwoon out of his comfort zone by staying in the same room as him.

After I had finished brushing my teeth, I returned to the well dark room, hoping to see Changmin in bed, but he wasn't. Instead, I saw Jinwoon was already sleeping with his arms spread in opposite directions and his mouth half open. I sighed, sinking into the bed that smelled of the man that I wished to be with.


It was sometime in the early morning when I woke up. I could hear the downpour of the rain, like a waterfall that crashed into the roof. It was unbelievably cold for this hour. Feeling the air conditioner right on my bare arms, I shivered and collected the blanket around me, trying my best to warm up. How could Jinwoon sleep so peacefully in such freezing conditions?

Thoughts of Changmin sleeping in the cold living room rushed back to me. Quickly, I grabbed the heavy blanket and lifted it over my shoulder so it wouldn't drag on the ground. Without much of a thought, I struggled my way over to the door and managed to open the door with my foot. Quietly, I slithered my way into the even colder living room.

I made my way over towards him, listening to the soft breaths of air he would inhale and exhale.

Bending down, even in the numbing darkness, I could see the rise and fall of his built chest.

He hadn't wanted my help earlier, so what made me think that he would want any of my assistance now?

I was trying to use the surface of the couch to help myself back up when the side of my hand brushed against his bare arm. Feeling goosebumps, I stared back at him again, contemplating.

In the end, I decided to throw the blanket over his body. I carefully tucked him in, trying to cover every inch of his body with the soft fabric.

Sitting on the ground beside the couch, I leaned my head on the couch cushion and silently gazed onto his face. A deep sense of yearning struck me in the heart. I wanted to embrace him so badly. I wanted to press my cheek against his warm chest and melt into his comforting body.

I let out a sigh. It seemed as though things like that were only a distant dream now.

{In Changmin's eyes...}

I awoke the next morning entangled in a ball of blankets. Or at least what I thought were multiple blankets.

I rolled off the couch to find myself next to Hyuna.

"Geez," I mumbled as I sat up and realized that she must've fallen asleep here. I looked around at the blanket that she had gotten from my bed and I stared at her still body.

I tried to put together the pieces of what she would've attempted to do last night. I glanced down at my pants to thankfully find them still on. Momentarily, I almost wanted my pants to have been somewhat touched. Cause even in this dim lighting, with the rain still pounding against the windows, she was still...attractive.

Sweet Jesus, why does she have to be so provocative?


"Mornin' sweet pea," Seulong said teasingly to Jokwon when he walked in with his hair messed up and dark circles resting beneath his eyes.

"Oh my gosh," Jokwon cried. "The thunder scared the out of me last night! AUGH!"

He was about to continue on his rant about the storm when he saw Hyuna walk in. He quickly silenced and sent a couple of daggers at her with his piercing eyes.

I turned my back towards them and headed into the kitchen to get some rice and other side dishes for breakfast. I had the feeling that Jokwon was ready to pounce the girl. I heard Seulong try to distract him with another comment about last night's storm.

"I slept pretty well..." Jinwoon said as he walked into the living room. I heard Hyuna give a little laugh.

"Jinwoon, you are too cute," Hyuna said. I turned around with my arm full of bowls to see her pinching his cheeks.

"Jinwoon, you're like...the Great Wall of China. Nothing gets through you, man..." Seulong retorted.

"ANYWHO! Where's the food, Minnie~! I'm so hungry!" Jinwoon hooted, refering to my nickname.

When I arrived at the living room table, Jokwon had already set out all of the spoons and chopsticks. That is, all except for Hyuna's, who looked a little sullen. I didn't really question Jokwon's rudeness, and so I went back to retrieve an extra pair of chopsticks and a spoon for her.

She hesitantly looked up at me with eyes full of appreciation before digging into her bowl of rice.


When the other three members had left to go meet up with JYP at the gym, I began to pack for my weekend trip. Hyuna stood at my room's doorway, silently watching over me.

"Stop that," I said, finally zippering my duffle bag shut. "I hate it when people watch me..."

I turned around to meet eyes with her.

"Why are you so kind?" she asked, her lips trembling.

I was about to give a serious answer when she added in, "It turns me on."

I scoffed and turned back around to pick up the duffle bag. Swinging the bag around my shoulder, I began to make my way towards her.

"Where are you going?" she asked when I walked right past her.

"Someplace you don't need to know about," I answered, heading towards the front door.

"You can't just leave me!" Hyuna said, sounding as though she was being abandoned. "I'll go with you!"

I left, not giving a response.


In the taxi ride the JYPE Building to talk with my manager about my variety show appearance, I think I was content. Content to the point that I was finally able to breathe and relax. For a second, I wondered how she would do without me. Would Jokwon bully her? Would Seulong be able to stop it and help her out? Would Jinwoon take her side?

But I shouldn't have been thinking about that stuff, because I was going off on a vacation. Or, somewhat close to a vacation. Though the weather was still a bit gloomy in Seoul, once I got to Busan and took his ferry to Jeju Island, I knew that it would all be smooth sailing from there.


I heard the horn go off. It was a low vibrating noise that seemed to welcome me to Jeju Island. The people began to make their way off the boat with luggage cases rolling behind them. In the sky, the clouds and somewhat disappeared, leaving only a clear view of the bright sun that beat down its rays onto the foreheads of the excited visitors.

I, too, followed the crowd of gravitating people, slowly getting pushed out onto the island. Almost in a clumped line, everyone walked towards the little fishing town, only taking a couple glances off into the far edge of the island where it looked uninhabited. From the town, one would have to take a bus to one of the closeby cities that had a hotel. I took a bus that headed straight for the hotel that I was going to be staying at. The producer had told me that I was given a room that had a nice view of the beach (where they would be shooting the show) and the ocean beyond it.


I dragged my luggage down the hallway that lead to my room. I double checked my card key that read my room number before actually sliding it into the slot. There was a small beep before clicking open. I gripped the handle and pushed it open, feeling the cold air from the room inside slap against my face.

Then I was almost knocked backwards by a force that pushed against my chest. Shocked, I let go of my luggage, letting it fall flat on the floor behind me. 

My mouth dropped open, and I couldn't help but stumble over my words. "W-What are you doing here?!"


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dannyskye #1
OO YAY! I got so excited when I saw this was updated. :D
dannyskye #2
I hope you continue soon! :D
dannyskye #3
lmao. haha. I can just imagine how frazzled Changmin will be once Hyuna keeps trying stuff. hehe. keep at it! I really like this fic.
dannyskye #4
Poor Hyuna!
ohfudge #5
thankss!!! hehehe, i love him tooo!! <3
dannyskye #6
You write well! :D Changmin is my main bias so it's awesome to find a story about him! :D
ohfudge #7
:D thanks for the subscriptions guys! its really encouraging!! i promise to get more chapters up soon! :)
Ooo~ changminnie~!! :D