2 : 00 AM

Can You Trust Me?

{a/n: hey! i redid this chapter because I didn't like how the first one went...anyways it kind of gets a little mature the more it goes down, but I honestly don't even think its that bad...sorry for redoing it...i'm so stupid. LOL}


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“Hyuna!” my cousin, Minjoo, called from meters away. “I’ll meet up with you later, okay?!”

The club lights were blinding and the music was deafening. I was lucky enough to have even heard Minjoo call my name.

How I got here, I’m not so sure. It felt like just minutes ago when I had been sleeping in Minjoo’s room. She was four years my junior, which meant she should be at least nineteen by now, but I didn’t see how she was even permitted to go clubbing at this age. She had wakened me up at one in the morning to dress me and drag me to some club in the heart of the city.

Bodies were mingling on the dance floor, on the couches, at the bar. Bodies just lay about, everywhere. At first, this scared me. But as soon as I started dancing, I felt the friction that moved through everyone else and I started to actually enjoy myself.

Back in America, I had been so stressed out just from relationship problems with my boyfriend that I wanted to get away. Or maybe I should say ‘ex-boyfriend’. He had dumped me the week before because he said that I was, in his exact words, "a crazy over-obsessive ". Even if I call him up now, he'd say that I was wrong for thinking that he was cheating on me, when all this time, I knew the truth. I knew that he had been going out late at night to meet up with girls he had met at the club or somewhere else.

I mean, I still feel hopelessly lost without him, even though he was a jerk. I had even thought of considering marriage with him. And to have him just suddenly break up the relationship...

I felt tears in my eyes. Damn it. Even after all the suffering I had to go through, I would definitely go back to him in a heartbeat. Am I his dog?

I stopped dancing to the music, suddenly feeling an urge to just do something crazy. I mean, I was here to relieve some stress, wasn't I? I checked my cell phone. It was 2AM; might as well since the timing is right.

{In Changmin's eyes...}

The drunk, but still extremely hot, girl that I had just met minutes ago now had her hands all over me. The two of us were on one of the couches that were lined up along the side of the club.

"Can I please take those off?" she whined, probably talking about my glasses and my hat. Her slender hand began to move down my stomach, rubbing against my sculpted abs.

I smirked. "Sorry, you're not allowed."

She couldn't argue any further because my fingers began to work up her thigh. I heard a soft moan escape from between her lips.

As I began to feel that things were getting hot, all the colorful strobe lights suddenly focused on a something in the middle of the dance floor. My attention was inescapably diverted. I pulled my hand away from underneath the girl's skirt and began to stare as some girl climbed up onto the middle platform. The DJ, sensing that this would be some good entertainment, switched tracks and found a better suited song for solo dancing.

As the music pumped on, the girl, wearing a simple and tight black dress that showed off her long legs, started to dance wildly. For a second, I thought that she must've been insanely drunk. But as she danced to the beat of the music in her sequined high heels without falling off the platform, I realized that she was completely sober.

I pushed the drunken girl off my body, letting her drop to the floor with a thud. I heard her groan in protest, but then fall quiet, probably having fallen asleep.

I was still watching as the mesmerizing girl on the dance floor began to shake her hips. Immediately, I was attracted to her defined curves and her round baby-face. Her long and straight black hair fell past her shoulders, only stopping past her at least C-cup s.

Wondering if they were fake or not, I felt myself get hard. I guess it didn't really matter either way, right?

{In Hyuna's eyes...}

When I got off the platform, the people around me gave a loud approving cheer. I can tell that they had enjoyed my performance.

I felt a bit woozy from the dancing. Honestly, I had never danced that hard in my whole life. I tugged at the bottom on my dress, hoping that nobody saw my underwear when I was up in the platform.

"Black?" someone asked in a hushed tone from behind me. I quickly turned around, startled to see a tall man wearing a pair of glasses and a baseball hat. He had a pleased smile stretched across his face.

{In Changmin's eyes...}

She seemed confused.

I smiled. "Your underwear."

She gasped, suddenly turning a light shade of red. She brought her hands to , but she started to laugh. "Oh God...You saw it?"

"Don't worry. I think I was the only one," I said, winking at her.

She looked down at her feet and shyly ran her fingers through her hair. She mumbled, "How embarrassing..."

Around us, people were still dancing, completely ignoring our existence. It was almost as though the two of us were in a whole different world.

I extended my hand out to her. "Would you like to dance?"

She looked up and, giving a sheepish smile, took my hand.


We arrived to a chilly motel room. She tightly hugged my arm, her fingers intertwined with mine.

She had told me that her name was Hyuna and that she had just arrived from the States only hours ago. On hearing that, I felt safe enough to take off my hat. I hoped that she didn’t listen to any Korean music.

For a second she looked at me strangely, and then she said jokingly, "I like your hat hair."

She walked over to the bed, silently taking off her heels. With her back turned to me, she slowly began to pull up her dress, teasing me with her legs.

I closed the door behind me, letting the room go dark.

I heard the bed creak from her shifting weight.

{In Hyuna's eyes...}

As I lay on the cold sheets, I felt his skin rub against mine. I could see the faint silhouette of his muscular body leaning over me. His face was only centimeters away from mine as he whispered,

"Can you trust me?"

I scoffed at the thought of it. I had been dumped so many times before that the word trust had begun to lose its true meaning.

"I don't know," I answered. "Do you think I can?"

I heard a light laughter and I sensed that my answer had amused him.

But I think he knew. He knew that I did.

I trusted him as his lips crashed down against mine.

I trusted him as his hand slid up my thigh.

And I trusted him as everything else turned into a blur, only leaving me the memory of how our bodies rubbed against another's and the lingering scent of his subtle cologne.


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dannyskye #1
OO YAY! I got so excited when I saw this was updated. :D
dannyskye #2
I hope you continue soon! :D
dannyskye #3
lmao. haha. I can just imagine how frazzled Changmin will be once Hyuna keeps trying stuff. hehe. keep at it! I really like this fic.
dannyskye #4
Poor Hyuna!
ohfudge #5
thankss!!! hehehe, i love him tooo!! <3
dannyskye #6
You write well! :D Changmin is my main bias so it's awesome to find a story about him! :D
ohfudge #7
:D thanks for the subscriptions guys! its really encouraging!! i promise to get more chapters up soon! :)
Ooo~ changminnie~!! :D