Chapter 10

Tomboys Don't Cry

At the HK hotel, the girls all shared one large room and chose to bundle rather than to draw straws to determine who should sleep in a chair or on the floor. Jin removed a portion of their shared bedding, and spread out a little personal area for herself in the furthest corner of the room.

Carol was trying to talk her out of changing the sleeping arrangements when Chris walked in. Seeing what Jin was doing, Chris laughed, "Are you serious? Jin! You're making way too big a deal over this."

Jin remained tight-lipped. Carol shot Chris an exasperated look.

* * * * *

The night's tension continued to be felt even through the girls' slumber, if much sleep was had at all.

At breakfast, Milk took Jin aside and asked, "Do you want us to stop dating?"

Jin pursed her lips and said with defeat, "No. It's weird to imagine either of you with someone boyish. But - you really want to be together, la?"

"No, we're doing this to tick off out leader." Milk's sarcasm hit a nerve. Jin said, "Yes I AM the leader. I don't want what I've worked so hard to create to be destroyed because two band members start a romantic relationship with each other. That could cause all kinds of drama."

Milk reasoned, "So, like Chris said yesterday - this is all about you and your project."

Jin sighed, "Okay, no then. I care about you and Chiao too and if you're happy together, what can I say? I should be a supportive friend. You've been close for a long time, maybe it was inevitable. WEIRD. But inevitable."

Milk felt somewhat relieved, "So you won't stay mad at us?"

Jin offered, "I'm not mad that you're dating, really. I'm worried about MissTer."

Milk said, "I can see that. But what can I do other than give you my word that we'll be discreet at public appearances?" She informed that Chiao now felt that she couldn't come to a friend with happy news. She felt like her honesty was rewarded with anger and lack of compassion.

Jin scratched her spiky hair, "Well, I'm sorry for that."

* * * * *

Before beginning their meal, Jin tugged at Chiao's sleeve to get her attention.
"Hey. I'm sorry for yesterday."

"That's fine. Now I know when to keep certain things to myself," Chiao refused Jin's eye contact.

"Hey," Jin tried again, getting no further response.
"HEY! I'm sorry. I already spoke to Milk and I'll repeat this to you. If you two make each other happy, that's fine. I just need your promise that this doesn't end up on Facebook or worse. As band leader, I need to know MissTer is safe. But as your friend, yes, I thank you for your honesty, even though it made me mad. Please don't hide stuff from any of us. We're friends. We're a team. As your friend," Jin put out her hand, "Congrats."

Chiao muttered, "Fine, fine," and shook Jin's hand heartily. "It was never my intent to make out with Milk on national TV or to tell fans about my cute new love interest," she told her leader.

Jin nodded, "I know. Forgive my selfishness. I love you both, you know that, right?"

Chiao nodded, and both girls joined the others for some grub.

This hotel served champagne with their morning meal. Chris saw the opportunity to toast Milk and Chiao's new "upgraded" relationship. Carol hesitated to raise her glass, but seeing Jin lift her own, she followed her example. She stated, "I have no idea what you find attractive about another tomboy but to each his (her) own."

Chiao grinned. Milk hugged her by the shoulders and felt much more at ease than she'd felt in a very long time. Chiao daringly gave her a peck on the cheek. The crowd response was less one of disgust and more supportive jeering.

Chris called out, "More! More!"
Milk barked under her breath, "Shut up!" her cheeks pink. Chiao smiled. Peace was restored in the MissTer camp.





The following chapters are not chapters at all. They are reviews this fic received. Please have a look and give some love to the reviewers!!

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LOL I have no idea how I found this fic but it's good that I did XDD
As you can tell from my username, I usually stay in the SNSD fandom, though I do listen to some C-Pop and J-Pop and other K-Pop ^^

MissTer is a cool band!!!! :DDDDD
They're talented and I'm sure if I'd take the time to obsess over them, I'll become a hardcore fan XDDD

Idk but, I really like how this was written and shtuff :D
And I read the too and I was like "hell yes OTL " lololol

Now... *looks shamefully at my own fics

ANYWAY, just wanted to let you know that even someone who isn't even THAT into MissTer (though I do love them though! D; ) still loves this fic and...*cough cough...the part...*cough cough.


Keep up the good work ^^
KauType #2
@Duda: Read some of her other fics! Even better!
DudaBelo #3
Amazing! The BEST fanfic of MissTER i've ever read!
_loveless #4
OMG! These last two chapters made me flail. I loved the fluff in Chapter 5. LMFAO at Milk saying "You should stop smoking." MIAO/CHILK <3