Chapter 1

Frozen for 200 Years

Baekhyun is a hard worker, a college student going through lots of trouble, drama , work , test , exams. He was stressed and miserable. As usual he would go to his secret place, a hidden area somewhere near  the forest, a place behind the trees and the bushes.

The place was beautiful, absolutely amazing. This place was the only thing that took Baekhyuns stress away, it was the place that made him escape reality and live in his own world of fantasy. It was his never land, a dream world.

He pushed the bushes a side, and revealed the area. It had a lake and a mini waterfall, beautiful trees, and wonderful animals. Baekhyun sat on one of the rocks, and watched the water flow, feeling the warmness of the cozy air , the touch of humidity, listening to the sound of nature and the whisper of the wind blowing against his cheeks. Everything was sparkly and wonderful. The reason why he liked this place so much is, everytime he goes here, its all new to him, even though he has been there several of times. The place amuses him more, every time he comes, it excites and suprises him. The place will give him the same exact feeling it does the first time he came.

Just sitting on the solid rock, just looking at the beauty and wonders. An abnormal figured caught his attention. It looked like a body laying down dead or drowned. Did someone also know about this secret place maybe? But the body, didn't move, maybe he was sleeping? It looked like it was washed out from the lake.

He decided to have a look too check if the guy was okay. Walking up to the body he could see that his clothes were ripped, his ears were big, his lips were round and his eyes were closed. This guy looked dead.  He grab the body to the sun and waited till it was warm.

After a long wait, to his suprise the guy was alive, he realized this when the guys eyes started to flutter.

" hello? are you okay" Baekhyun asked

The guy started to cough endlessly, then he looked up at Baekhyun and moved away terrified.

"Its okay I wont hurt you " Baekhyun giggled.

"me. where? " The guy asked. Baekhyun was a little amused at how his voice did not match his sweet face. He looked confused, started looking around like he didn't know where he was.

Baekhyun then thought that it's possible to survive from being frozen, he could've been frozen fro who know how long. He figured that this unusual man did not live here, maybe lived a long time ago. Or maybe he had amnesia? But judging by his clothes, accent, and the way he speaks he was most possibly frozen from this lake and just happened to wash out today. Also when Baekhyun tried to introduce him self and held his hand out for a simple handshake, the guy looked at his hands like he didn't know what he was suppose to do.

"what's your name? " Baekhyun asked.

The guy just tilted his head, he was still confused. Baekhyun just started to make some gestures with his hands hoping that this guy will understand sooner.

"Ch- Ch"

"your name starts with a Ch? you can't remember?... hmmm" Baekhyun said whiled holding his chin. "Okay then, I'll just call yooouu... hmm Chanyeol? "


Baekhyun smiled and nodded "yes , from now on we will call you Chanyeol"

Chanyeol just gave Baekhyun a gaze, like he recognised him. His eyebrows were angled, and his mouth was gaped a little. He went closer, his face so close to Baekhyuns, just scanning it. Then his fingers were suddenly feeling  Baekhyuns cheeks.

"a-alive" Chanyeol said whispering.

Baekhyun just smiled and held his wrist. He took Chanyeol to his house, figuring he had no where to live. Baekhyun seated him on  chair and looked at him. "you need a make over."

Chanyeol looked like a caveman, a cute one. Baekhyun had prepared a warm bath, as he tells the other to get in. He grabbed his hands, it felt cold, the guy looked pale. Baekhyun bathed him, he took one of the shampoo and applied it on Chanyeols long hair. Chanyeol just started to play with his hair forming weird shapes, he started laughing, which made Baekhyun smile. When he took the soap and moved it towards Chanyeols skin, he started screaming, Chanyeol looked scared of the soap, trying to run away from it. Baekhyun just held him tight telling him to calm down.

After bathing him, he started to trim his hair. Made it short , simple and added a cute quiff at the end. He took some of his clothes from the cupboard, and searched for the largest ones he had. Baekhyun had to help dress him too, which he did not mind doing. In the end, his largest clothes didn't seem to fit Chanyeol either. The pants were too short, and when he lifts his hands, you could see his belly button.

Baekhyun looked as the guy ran around the house, discovering the new world or house. He starred at Chanyeol who was astonished by the moving picutres on the tv and was admiring the wooden surface of the chair. Baekhyun wanted to know more about Chanyeol, he disturbed the guy who was admiring the chair and seated him on the sofa, where he started feeling the smooth material.

"you like it?" Baekhyun asked, giggeling a little.

"this..where?" Chanyeol asked, not making eye contact.

"That is called a sofa"


Chanyeol then looked up at Baekhyun. They stayed silent. Chanyeol again tilted his head. He gazed at Baekhyun, it was a pleasant gaze, a little friendly, but a little off-color.

"a-alive" he said deeply.


"m-me save y-you"

Baekhyun was still a bit confused, and it was hard communicating with Chanyeol. But he figured it was hard because Chanyeol was a sleep over time. Baekhyun looked deeply into Chanyeols eyes. They were teary, big , they were asking for help. He felt pitty. Imagine waking up to a brand new world, not knowing the new technologies, the language and the new wonders of the world.

But even if he looked confused, you could even see a tint of happiness within.


Baekhyun just showed Chanyeol around the house.

For the past week, Chanyeol was taught to eat with a spoon and fork, how to use the bathroom not bushes and how to use a pillow. For Baekhyun, looking at how little Chanyeol knew, was a little cute.

It was night and tomorow he will finally show Chanyeol the world. The new beauty and not the world he once knew. He went to his bedroom where he saw Chanyeol laying uside down, his feet on the pillow. He drooled and his eyebrows were furrow. Maybe the bed was too soft for him. Baekhyun thinks he's a cave man, but for a caveman he was pretty scronny, and a little too happy. But he didn't live in Chanyeols time so what does he know?

He grabbed the pillow from Chanyeols feet and placed it under his head- then he slept warmly beside the giant, as he puts his arms around Chanyeols slim waist. It was just a week with Chanyeol but he already cared for him.



Baekhyun woke up a little light headed, he noticed that the pillow was not below his head but under his feet. He sat up as he stretched his arms outwards, and start to slightly tap the side of his head reducing the small head ache.

He continued to strech but after a while he noticed that he was being watched by big eyes. Baekhyun looked to the side and gave a tinted smile.

"Chanyeol " He  chuckled. 

Chanyeol just looked down, legs crossed and fingers fiddling with the floor covering. Baekhyun walked to Chanyeol and just kneeled. He watched as the guy fiddled with the rug. Baekhyun just let out another smile, and just observed him. He noticed the wrinkle beside Chanyeols eyes, and perceived the the slight twitch on his left eye- also when Chanyeol laughed because he spotted paint on the carpet- Baekhyun saw that every time Chanyeol let out a laugh, one of his nostrils lifted more than the other. Baekhyun thought maybe he was a little malfunctioned, but Chanyeol was still perfect some how. 

Suddenly Chanyeol stopped laughing, when his stomach started to grumble. Chanyeol wheeped, he started screaming at Baekhyun and pointing at his own stomach. Chanyeol seemed like he didn't know what the noise was.

"haha it's okay your just hungry" Baekhyun laughed.

"hungry?" Chanyeol said, tilting his head to the right.

Baekhyun looked straight at Chanyeols eyes. They were shiny and his pupils were really round. He pulled the giant who repeated "hungry" in excitement. They reached the kitchen and Baekhyun seated him.

"here Chanyeol a knife and a fork remember?" Baekhyun smiled.

"knife and fork, to eat!" Chanyeol gave out a wide grin. 

"haha yes"  Baekhyun sat as he waited for their bread to finish toasting. He watches as Chanyeol starts to use the fork and knife as weapons, role playing a war scene.

"die!" Chanyeol screamed making the knife jump up and down, "no! " he cried, it was the fork replied to the knife.

TING! a loud noise came from the toaster, signalling Baekhyun that the toast was done. Baekhyun then fried some bacon for them and made some eggs.

"Bacon and eggs! " Baekhyun said, placing the plates on the table.

"Bacon? " Chanyeol asked, sad eyebrow.

"yes, it's good!"

"NO! I not eat you! " Chanyeol said, as he hugs Baekhyun.

"haha , no I'm Baek-hyun, that is Bacon " Baekhyun pointed at the plate.

"Oh..OK!" Chanyeol sat back on his seat, relieved that he doesn't have to eat Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun just laughed at Chanyeols silly reaction. They both started to eat. 

It was just 20 seconds, Baekhyun was looking down spreading the jam on his toast, he looked back up at Chanyeol whoes mouth is all crusty and his cheeks big like a balloon- Baekhyun looked down at Chanyeols plate and everything was gone. 

Baekhyun laughed again, "you want mine?" He took his bacon and placed it on Chanyeols plate. 

"no ! Baekhyunnie eat" Chanyeol said, shoving the Bacon at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun just laughed, but he saw the serious look on the giants face so he decides to eat it. 

Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun who was eating the meat of off his hands. "I feed Baekhyunnie, so Baekhyunnie not hungry?" 

"haha yes" Baekhyun smiled.




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update soon ~~
Aw! so fluff <3
Pabo-sshi #3
I really love this story!! It's cute, too!

Please update soon!!^^
EpicUsername #4
Aww Chanyeol and his fork !
So cute :3 update soon author-nim ;)
BabyBangHimDae #6
Chapter 2: OMG this is so cute :)) update soon!
BabyBangHimDae #7
Chapter 1: Please update soon<3
Kaismyseoulmate #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Hi there, toastest from Reviews & Relishes here! Just to let you know, we're very happy to receive your request, but we won't be doing the review until you get at least 1 or 2 chapters posted.
Thank you!
this story look nice ^^ update soon