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Hi there, I'm Toastest! I'm a reviewer at ♠ Reviews & Relishes ♠. Do support me there! :)


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relish (n)

great enjoyment ; zest



About Me

I never usually do this sort of thing, but my profile looks really forlorn with nothing below my wall posts. So here I go!

I'm gonna start with my otp: 2min. It's my sole ship, really, I can't find myself loving another pairing besides it. I love reading 2min fics. Fluff is really cute and all, but my heart likes being ripped to pieces for some reason, esp by Cereal and some other authors. Good fics are always worth staying up late to read imo.

I give my sincere thanks to the authors who give me so many tears, laughs and grins at 1am, snuggled in my blanket. Feel free to recommend good 2min fics or authors on my wall if you'd like! I love it when fics make me go

Now you should get to know me, no? My username is toastest because I love eating toast! Toast goes with so many things, like eggs, butter, bacon, sausages, honey, kaya... mm okay best not to drool on my keyboard. I'm a weird little fart with odd body proportions, currently trying to lose weight. So, like, for me, eating time is anytime. But toast is on the top of my list, because you can eat it when it's warm or cold out. It reminds me of breakfast in the West! I mean, I live in Singapore, and I am so fascinated with the West don't judge pls.

Look up a list of books sold in Singaporean shops. We don't really have much good sources of entertainment that originates locally, so our entertainment department mainly comes from Europe, America etc. I'm influenced by movies (esp American ones) and books (esp American ones) and I want nothing more than to go to Canada or somewhere nice in the West and snuggle in a cosy home with a fire/electric heater (the sun is our heater here in Singapore) when it's snowing out and I can drink hot chocolate and eat toast (TOAST YOU SEE the stereotypical breakfast) and stick my knife+fork into eggs and sausages and oh no I'm rambling again. All you lovely gorgeous people, tell me this is what you do at least once in a while in, like, winter, which sounds so fantastic. BE GLAD YOU HAVE WINTER. Online I see lots of people talking about how winter is a pain in the neck but I believe that sweating your off 24/7 is far more painful. And you have mountains, forests, mother nature! They're all beautiful.

I've never actually been to Europe or America, but I have been to Japan once during wintertime, and it was so beautiful! And I was like omfg I can finally write a bit of winteration (I like to make words up, too). Why do you think so many stories written by Singaporeans all over this website is about winter? BECAUSE WE TOTALLY NEED A BIT OF DAT SNOW, PEOPLE.

I'm gonna be frank: I really want to go abroad to the West. I mean, if you haven't already inferred that, y'know. Some lovely people here have told me what it's like in their countries and their stories are so heartwarming and amazing! Okay I know some of you may or may not tell me that it's not all that in all countries here, o toast u so silly.

I'll let you know that well that isn't really the matter; you could say that I'd love to get out of Singapore more often. I'm not saying I dislike my country; in fact, I think Singapore is actually pretty cool. I mean warm! Haha. Get it? k but yeah it's a great place. I just have my weird obsessions and heavily clouded views. When you think of Asia, do you imagine mathematical Japanese and Chinese people? That's not true all round! (Although I actually like maths a lot.) Anyway, I always look forward to the December holidays, since, well, we don't have summer, do we? It's basically summer all year round whelp.

Don't you feel the same way too? I mean, about other countries? No? Is it normal, to, y'know, want to get out of your..?

I'm down with something, I know that. *headdesk*


I apologise for rambling - yeah it's a habit if you haven't noticed - but if you've had the patience to read till here, I congratulate you. Now reread the second word of each paragraph.









(If you get it, we must be friends. Like, I insist.)

Um ok so here's a more proper introduction:

I love making videos!! As in the editing part, not the acting part. I am a penguin in front of a camera. An awkward one at that.

I love reading stories, but I also love poetry! Both reading and writing it. But not the it's-so-deep-the-sunlight-can't-reach-you kind of poems. Those make my head hurt. I like some local poets like Gilbert Koh. If you've written any poems, don't be afraid to share them with me! I don't bite, unless you're holding a donut.

I don't listen to any music genres in particular; I like a song as long as it's good. I have a soft spot for songs with saxophones in them. Or, like, anything produced by Kurt Hugo Schneider and ScottBradleeLovesYa (check their channels out on Youtube!)

Also, I play softball, even though I really don't look it. I'm a pitcher! 

Okay I think that's it! Talk to me!