I am Yours

Suho's Scenario : Love and Hate
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As soon as you heard the ding sound, you quickly went to the oven and put on the light pink mitt oven glove. You took out the tray from the oven and immediately you scowled. Even after the fourth attempts, the cake that you baked still failed. “Stupid cake. Why is it so hard to make one?”You muttered as you dumped the flat cake into a dustbin. You looked around the messy kitchen and heaved a big sigh. This won’t do. I need help. You glanced at a male who was across the living room and contemplated whether wanting to ask his help or not. It is better than nothing. Unsurely, you walked towards the male.

“Uhm, excuse me?” You tapped his shoulder softly. The male turned to you and stared at you with his piercing eyes. With tall statue, good looking face and intimidating aura, he could scare anyone who makes eye contact with him. At first, you admitted that you were scared of him, you felt bitter towards him because he helped Suho captured you. But it changed when he helped you when you tried to escape. Well, he didn’t exactly help you out, it was Suho’s maid. Nonetheless, he helped you by pretending not to see you when you ran away. But then again, it was useless. You were still stuck here with Suho.

“Kris, do you know how to bake?” You asked him as you bit your lip. Please say yes. You crossed your fingers with hope.

“Bake....?” He stared at you.

The next thing he knew, you and him were now in the kitchen, baking a cake. You stared at him in awe as he expertly stirred the dough.  “You should stir the dough evenly if you want your cake to rise.” He spoke quietly. Dumbfounded, you nodded at him. The corner at Kris’ mouth curved upward at your amuse face but he quickly put on his poker-face back.

Thanks to Kris, the cake rose up perfectly and you were able to decorate it prettily.  Sometimes, he helped you to frosting the cake. After you finished decorating the cake, you put it on the refrigerator.

“Yay. It is all done.”You clapped excitedly and went to Kris. “And it is all thanks to you.” You gave him a soft smile.

Ba bump

Kris’ heart thumped loudly inside his chest. He closed his eyes in frustration. Get a hold of yourself, Kris. You should not be like this. His eyes slowly pee

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Spectrum_Gurlz #1
Chapter 3: Sequel please TTTT
Chapter 3: Authornim make a sequel for Kris and Eoojung. Even though I love Suho, Kris deserve a chance.
sanalyvaj #3
Chapter 3: Really why did she kill Suho!!! I would be happy to be woh Suho! Lol. But yeah if I killed suho I would kill myself too. But it was a nice story! Except the part where my Suho bae dies but its all good lol.! Good job authornim!
Chapter 3: it's so...
i like the storyline..
kangsoohee #5
Chapter 3: Oh my God :(
Why did she have to kill Suho :(
nananeko #6
Chapter 3: oh god. me ?? killing my own bias ? jashdjashgdjah but i really love this story . i'm kinda like this obsession story. hehe *don't judge me*
Chapter 3: I feel speechless when reading this.. but, it's a good story author-nim :)
Chapter 3: Wow. I actually feel good that the girl stabbed Suho. I MEAN LIKE HELL WHY WON'T I STAB SOMEONE WHO MAKE ME SUFFERED FOR FEW MONTH CLAMING THAT HE LOVE ME? SooJung, you go girl!

Annnnnd. God bless you in this story, Kris XDD
Good story, Author-nim! ^3^
Chapter 3: I feel sorry for Suho... He wasn't that obsessive to me. He really loved her. Too bad Kris took the blame for her. This was a really great story Author-nim, I hope you make more stories as good as this or better!
lohsna #10
Chapter 3: suho is.. Quite nice? I didnt see why she wasnt fully in love with suho