Together Let’s Build A Blanket Fort

Together Let's; Drabble Collection




“Yeah, Sunny, Sooyoung, and Xiumin will be there too, mom,” Taeyeon said as she placed the dishes back to the rack. She saw her mom nodding. “So, can I have a yes, mom?” And she got it. “Mom, my friends will be staying over tomorrow. Is it okay?” this time, it was Suho who’s asking. “Why not. I’m sure your girlfriend, Taeyeon, is included too, right?” Suho nodded sheepishly. “S’okay, as long as it’s not only the two of you,” his mother said. “Anyway, I’ll be gone to Incheon for 3 days, so the house’s all yours.” Though Suho’s palms were sweating, he nodded excitedly, and skipped to his room. “Taeyeon-ah, it’s a yes for me. How about your plan?” Suho asked on the phone. “Mom said okay too. Let’s have fun tomorrow, Suho-ya!” Taeyeon chirped. Suho nodded again, and exclaimed a loud ‘yeay’ when he realized that Taeyeon couldn’t see him nodding. “Oh and one more,” Suho said, sinking himself deeper beneath his blankets, “My parents are away.” The next day, Taeyeon arrived at Suho’s residence around 1 P.M. at noon with her backpack filled with clothes and some board games that they’ve decided to play ‘till midnight. When Suho opened the door, Taeyeon greeted him with a huge smile. “Afternoon!” Suho grinned back and said, “Afternoon, girlfriend.” Yes, Taeyeon came alone, and Suho was alone too. Both of them lied about having a slumber party with their friends. It’s just a slumber party for two. Because both of them knew that both parents won’t let them. But what else could they do? The night fell, Suho and Taeyeon were bathed and in their pajamas. “Suho-ya,” Taeyeon scooted, “Let’s do something before we sleep.” Suho’ heart jumped. “S-something? Like what?” For whatever the reason was, Suho’s face became slightly pink and his heart beat faster. Taeyeon smiled, “I’ve always wanted to make a fort! I think your blanket is big enough for a fort for two.” Suho sighed full of relief. And so, they went to build a fort from a blanket. They failed for a couple of times before finally succeeding with a very comfy blanket fort, surrounded by pillows and cushions. “Suho, this is amazing,” Taeyeon said, lying on her tummy. “I can’t believe that we made up stories to get our parents’ permission,” Suho giggled and buried his face on the pillow beneath him. Taeyeon did the same. But soon her smile disappeared as she saw Suho inched closer, and she closed her eyes. They were barely inches away before their lips met, but the fort suddenly broke on top of them, and they were covered by the thick blanket. Muffled laughs were heard before they removed the blanket, and after that, they smiled at each other, thinking how ridiculous they were.


Build A Blanket Fort: done!




[a/n: heeello! i'm back with another update. because midterm is already finished hell yeah bish. so yeah, hope you'll like this chapter, because--again--i personally like it kk. whatever guise just comment haha. depressed cause you dont like this fic bye]  

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Chapter 26: so sad that you have to end this story :(
anyway, i love these drabbles
they give me so much feels orz
thanks for sharing this amazing story
author-nim, fighting! :)
whateverlah #2
Chapter 26: I respect your decision tho its sad to see this drabbles collection is end alr.

This is one of my favorite stories tbh ^^
exotaeng_ss #3
Chapter 26: Aww......
Chapter 25: <3<3 They're always cute!!
exotaeng_ss #5
Chapter 25: I just read chapter 24 and 25 because i've got exams lately....

Tae is so cute >_<

And the pet names are just sooo funny >_<

U know what, when i was still a little kid, i named my cat as puppy and my dog as kitty...
Because i can't tell the difference of a dog and a cat when i was a kid...
I'm just a stupid little kid...

I just wanted to ask, which one do you prefer, caramel popcorn or the salty popcorn?

사랑해요 <3
kiyoong #6
Chapter 24: Lol. I really laugh hard with the pets names, PIZZA and ICE CREAM.

What an interesting name they have. Unlike me, I named my pet fish, 'PUPPY'. Can you believe it? I just called my fish a dog. xD
exotaeng_ss #7
Chapter 23: Hehehehehhehehehehehehehe

Tae have a trust issue heree
I'm grinning ears to ears like a maniac


사랑해요 ~
Chapter 22: When I read this chapter,I want to see Sutae playing guitar in real!! Anyway hwaitaeng author-nim ^_^
exotaeng_ss #9
Chapter 22: I'm sorry for not leaving a comment on the chapter 21, i was so busy (>_<)
Btw this story is soooooooo CUTTTTEEEEE~
I love love love love love this story.
Cheesy Monkey is a cute //funny nickname~

You just made my day purrfect~


Chapter 21: I don't know what to say cuz each chapter are full of cuteness and fluffiness! Hwaitaeng author-nim!^_^