Session 5: Conclusion

Now You See Me
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Session 5: Conclusion

Now You See Me



“We would like to call the first witness, Kim Jonghyun.”

“Could you please describe how you came to the conclusion that Choi Minho is the perpetrator of the crimes against Kim Kibum?”

Jonghyun scrunched the fabric of his pants and took a deep breath, looking up to see Key hunched in the seat while his lawyer stood to the side, waiting for Jonghyun to answer his questions. He tried to catch Key’s eyes but the boy had his face towards the ground as he did his very best to disappear in plain sight.

“There were several clues leading to my eventual conclusion,” he began,  “But first you must ask yourself the question: why someone would stick with his schizophrenic boyfriend who has tried to kill himself multiple times? Is it love? Or is it something else? Something much, much less than love? We all want to believe the storybooks, as I did at the time as well. But just think to yourselves how often it is that a person really sticks by their partner in situations like these. Some of you may be hesitant to pass verdict on a case between two boys. But I ask you to think of it this way. There is one victim, and one perpetrator.

“It became apparent after I discovered the fact that Kibum was being abused, that someone close to him had to be the cause. You can see the evidence of his injuries in the photos supplied to the court, as well as from the doctor’s examination. After this discovery I asked Kibum’s mother to begin writing down who had been in close contact with Kibum in the week before our next session. Only two people had been in contact with Kibum in that time frame, Key’s friend Jinki and his boyfriend, Minho. Judging from Key’s reactions to Jinki, I surmised there was little issue there. However, Kibum jerked when I mentioned Minho’s name. Kibum also had a fresh injury, and was drugged with benzodapines – which can be confirmed with the blood test results. The only person who had been in contact with him within the time frame was Minho.

“I based my conclusions on this, and decided it was time to call the police. I give all of this information with the explicit consent of Kim Kibum,” Jonghyun bowed his head and waited for the questions to continue. He looked up briefly and saw Key staring straight back, and for a moment a small, soft smile graced the other’s features before it disappeared – Jonghyun was sure he was the only one of have seen it.


“We find the defendant, Choi Minho, guilty of domestic violence. We find the defendant guilty of ual assault…” The list went on with a couple more, along with a few they hadn’t found Minho guilty off, but that didn’t matter. All they needed was that guilty verdict.

Jonghyun had the satisfaction of seeing Minho’s pale face go even further, fully draining of color. Jonghyun suspected Minho himself had more than a few mental issues, but he found himself in the situation where he really didn’t want to help. Much as it was his job to cure people of psychological ailments, he wasn’t going to be putting himself in the place of having relations with one his clients ever again. Besides, he wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to keep his hands away from strangling Minho if they ever had the misfortune to be alone together.

Jonghyun followed Key and his mother to the hired car, making sure Key was properly settled, before sitting in the backseat with him. When the doors closed and the car began to move, he heard a heavy exhale from beside and turned to see Key, ever so stiff and reserved throughout the ordeal, collapse like a puddle of goo, tears flowing in torrents. Knowing he was taking liberties – especially with Key’s mother in the car – he wrapped an arm around the boy’s waist, pulling him flush against his side. Moving his hand up he gently nudged Key’s head to lean against his shoulder, caressing his ha

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Finally got a poster ;P


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Chapter 5: *Sigh* This really moved me, well written, lots of emotions, sooo many feels! Thank you!
Chapter 5: oh my! i stumbled across this story and said why not check it out. now i'm happy i read it:3
good job~
Chapter 5: Wow!! This was really good ^^ I enjoyed it a lot! I absolutely adore the graphic you used under the text, it's really beautiful and adds to the story's feel!
theeKPOPlover #4
Chapter 5: Oh my god i was looking for another jongkey fic but came across yours and hell this fic is so friggin good!
Even though this story was a little short I really enjoyed it. You have wonderful writing skills and the story was really good. I was really happy at the end to know Key and Jonghyun got their happy ending and the artwork for this story is wonderful. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 5: That's the way to do it, Jonghyun- ; v ;
I hope they have a happy ending together.
Kicks Minho in this story u-u
Chapter 5: *added to my favorite list*
You're a really good writer and this story was sooo good!
Pipi92 #8
Chapter 5: This story was great, good job :D
And love the fluffy ending ^^
Btw I will surely check out your other stories :D
Chapter 5: This story is just awesome. It was totally interesting up until the end. Good job authornim! :) good luck on your other stories. :)