Session 4: Crime

Now You See Me
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Session 4: Crime

Now You See Me



“Hello…Key,” Jonghyun murmured quietly to the boy sitting like a statue hewn from diamond, across from him. Yes, diamond was the best choice. Beautiful, of course, sparkly and shiny. But harder than almost anything, impenetrable. That thing that could drive men insane…or perhaps itself insane. Jonghyun had been beating himself up the past few days, thinking of everything he had done wrong, out of character, and against general practicing guidelines.

He had kissed him! Ok, so not in the traditional sense, he wasn’t anywhere near the boy’s face…but all the same the gesture had been intimate and no one could mistake it for innocent. The warm embraces to stop Key from killing himself, the brush of his lips over the wounds, and overall…the fact that he had completely missed the ever so obvious signs Minho showed of being the culprit!

Granted, Jonghyun was fairly sure it would have taken anyone else this long to figure it out anyways. But he wasn’t supposed to keep himself at the standard, run of the mill level. People came to him because he was efficient. He certainly hadn’t been this time.

Many would tell him to stop beating himself up, he’d only had three sessions with the boy, after all. But Jonghyun knew he should have figured it out by the second, and had the case closed by the third. By wasting a week he had caused Key incredible pain and mental stress. Jonghyun might as well have wielded the knife himself, or stood by and watched the torture as a show.

Finally the knock on the door came and Jonghyun jumped to his feet. In his secret heart of hearts he wanted nothing more than to wrap the boy in his arms and never let go, hold him until the both realized they were meant for each other. But he couldn’t do that. It would be against every principle he had ever learned. He would be taking advantage of a mentally deranged patient who couldn’t possibly know what he was getting into. And thus would end this one sided love, fated to have everything go wrong in the worst possible ways.

“Hello Key,” Jonghyun tried not to be nervous as he smiled falsely and ushered Key inside. He didn’t sit down with the boy, instead he retrieved the papers he needed, the case files, the blood test results, Ms. Kim’s letter of Key’s activities. Evidence in a growing lawsuit just waiting to happen. He hopped Minho got taken for everything he had, and rotted in jail for life. And if everything went as planned, Minho would be. While the money and somewhat revenge received would go towards caring for Key, leaving him well off,  Jonghyun knew the damage dealt was insurmountable in its worth.

“Hello Jonghyun,” Key replied, startling Jonghyun from his reverie. The slight tremble in the voice, the watery brown eyes ready to spill over, even with all that Jonghyun could not help but give a true smile this time. Key had greeted him. A first. There should be a celebration, with fireworks and confetti and all manner of good things raining from the sky.

“I have the results of your blood test…would you like to hear them?” For some reason Key seemed fairly normal today, perhaps the lack of contact with Minho? Or just the calm before the storm as Jonghyun had so often seen? One of the worst things that Jonghyun now knew the signs of, was the false sense of coherency and life just before the patient took matters into their own hands, no matter how much help they were given. Jonghyun didn’t want this to be a lull in a raging storm. He’d rather Key still be miserable and chaotic as opposed to that one last clear moment before darkness.  He couldn’t be sure, of course, but he had his suspicions. The boy had been suicidal before, and hadn’t seemed to be leaning away from the idea, judging by their last session.

“Yes please,” it was a low whisper, and Key lowered his head. Jonghyun wanted to sit next to him, let him feel the warmth and comfort another body could give instead of pain. But given Jonghyun’s track record he was much more likely to scare Key off into another tantrum. Jonghyun unfolded the paper to distract himself, running up and down the words in a skim before he sighed, breath huffing out to push his bangs lightly before they settled back into place. Something told him if he spoke the diagnosis aloud, Key wouldn’t believe him. And so, without a word he handed the papers over to Key, who grasped them with shivering hands.

“Are you cold?” Jonghyun couldn’t help but ask, breaking his short lived vow of silence.

“N-no,” Key jerked slightly as he looked up to answer, only to accidently find his gaze meeting Jonghyun’s. “What’s…benza…benzod…”

“Benzodiazepines?” at Key’s hesitant nod, Jonghyun launched into an explanation,

“It’s what I was talking about in our last session. It can cause a form of amnesia, which won’t allow you to remember the events eit

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Finally got a poster ;P


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Chapter 5: *Sigh* This really moved me, well written, lots of emotions, sooo many feels! Thank you!
Chapter 5: oh my! i stumbled across this story and said why not check it out. now i'm happy i read it:3
good job~
Chapter 5: Wow!! This was really good ^^ I enjoyed it a lot! I absolutely adore the graphic you used under the text, it's really beautiful and adds to the story's feel!
theeKPOPlover #4
Chapter 5: Oh my god i was looking for another jongkey fic but came across yours and hell this fic is so friggin good!
Even though this story was a little short I really enjoyed it. You have wonderful writing skills and the story was really good. I was really happy at the end to know Key and Jonghyun got their happy ending and the artwork for this story is wonderful. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 5: That's the way to do it, Jonghyun- ; v ;
I hope they have a happy ending together.
Kicks Minho in this story u-u
Chapter 5: *added to my favorite list*
You're a really good writer and this story was sooo good!
Pipi92 #8
Chapter 5: This story was great, good job :D
And love the fluffy ending ^^
Btw I will surely check out your other stories :D
Chapter 5: This story is just awesome. It was totally interesting up until the end. Good job authornim! :) good luck on your other stories. :)