; e p i l o g u e

Beginnings and Endings

She was waiting.  Waiting for what, she couldn't quite put into words.  "Seo Joohyun.  Just what are you waiting for?" she murmured to herself as she lightly hit herself on the head.  A guarantee?  A promise?  What exactly was it that she was waiting for?

Each day they filmed another episode of We Got Married, she realized she was falling more and more for a certain childish man.  Every day she came back home after filming, Seohyun realized she missed being with one Jung Yonghwa.
"Unnie, what's it like to be in love?"
Hyoyeon looked at her roommate like she had grown a third eye.  "Am I hearing things?  Is Ms. Joohyun really asking for love advice at this very moment?"
"Unnie~!  Don't tease me!" Seohyun pouted as she covered her face with a pillow.
Hyoyeon laughed, "Alright, alright...  Well..." Hyoyeon looked thoughtful for a second before breaking into a shy smile.  "Being in love...  Well...  Being in love makes you do stupid things and think stupid thoughts."
"What?"  Seohyun scoffed.  "Being in love sounds terribly impractical!" Seohyun lifted her face from the pillow and stared at the older girl.
"Well...  That's the thing.  Love is terribly impractical."
Seohyun was starting to realize the wisdom behind her roommate's words.  At this moment, she was daydreaming of a romantic walk along the beach with a certain male singer.
"Yah...  Hyuuun...  Stop staring into space and look at me..."  She was snapped out of her reverie by Yonghwa's words.  They were currently shooting wedding photos for their virtual marriage.  The cameras were rolling and Seohyun had been zoning out.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she blushed before bowing to Yonghwa and the wedding photographer.  "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what pose it is that you wanted me to do...?"  Terribly impractical indeed...
The photographer attempted a smile. "Are you tired?  We'll take five and continue shooting later."
Terribly, terribly impractical indeed.
The last thing Seohyun wanted to do was to bother people, and yet, at this instant, that was precisely what she was doing.  "Stupid, stupid Joohyun..." she muttered to herself as the make up artists touched up her face.
"Who's stupid?"  She turned around to be greeted by the face of her pretend-husband.  "You know, you've been zoning out more and more often.  Are things okay on your end?"
The make up artists left the room and left the virtual couple by themselves.  Seohyun looked longingly at the curtains, hoping for someone's, anyone's face to randomly pop in.  Alas, no one came by, not even a cameraman.  She was left alone with the last person she currently wanted to run into.
"Hyuuuuun~  Are you ignoring me?" he pouted as he waved a hand in front of her face.
"Sorry, Yooong~  What were you saying?"
"Aish, you really were ignoring me.  Geez~  I was just asking whether or not things were okay." Yonghwa became straight-faced.  "Seriously though, are you okay?"
Seohyun blushed as she realized he was worried about her.  Hopefully, Yonghwa wouldn't notice the extra rouge added to her cheeks.  "I'm fine, oppa.  Nothing out of the ordinary."
"Are you sure?  You're not sick or anything, are you?" He tentatively raised a hand to Seohyun's forehead and felt for a possible rise in temperature.  "Well, I guess you don't have a fever...  I'll just go get you a glass of water."  With that said, he left the room.
Seohyun felt her forehead.  "Don't have a fever..." she mumbled as she felt for the faint heat of Yonghwa's hand on her forehead.  She shook her head.  "No, no, no!  No!  I am not going to get swept away by all of...  This..."  She tried to take her mind off of certain terribly impractical thoughts by humming her group's latest single, but that all went to naught as Yonghwa came back with the glass of water he had been speaking of earlier.
"Here, I hope it'll help you straighten out your senses...  Hahaha." Then he left, leaving Seohyun alone with the glass of water.  She resisted the urge to splash it over her face and gulped it down as if she had been left dehydrated in a desert for decades.
She was doing homework when she heard Hyoyeon laugh.
"What's so funny, unnie?"
Hyoyeon smirked.  "I don't know whether it's been conscious or subconscious on your part, but you've been humming C.N. Blue's 'Love Light' for the past half hour."
Seohyun grabbed a nearby stuffed animal and threw it at the giggling girl before returning to her homework.
Today was the last day of filming.
As she and Yonghwa both reminisced and exchanged gifts, Seohyun couldn't help but feel a part of her insides collapse.  She didn't want to say goodbye and that thought made it tougher on her as she was being walked back to her dorm by Yonghwa.  As she struggled to hold onto the presents that he had prepared for her, Seohyun tried to control her tear ducts; she felt like once she started she wouldn't be able to stop.
"Take care of it.  Think of it as me." he pointed to the bear in Seohyun's arms.
She laughed softly.  "Is he my new husband?"
They continued walking in silence.  To the cameramen, it must have looked like a comfortable one.  For Seohyun, it felt like with every step she took, she was heading towards her own execution.
"We're here." Yonghwa stated as he gestured towards the building looming ahead of them.
"We're here," she echoed.
They shared a nod and joked about all the stuff she was carrying.
"Thank you, really... Thank you." she bowed her head stiffly in Yonghwa's direction before turning around and heading inside.  Once inside, she dared to turn back around and saw him waving at her.  She smiled shyly and returned the wave before acting selfishly.
"Ah...  What to do?  I can't leave." She stated casually.  "I don't want to leave you," she whispered the last part to herself.
"Yah, it's okay...  Just go," He replied, equally as casual.
This would be the last time they would be together...  As a couple...  Virtual or not, Seohyun wanted to drag out this moment as long as she could and savor it.  She walked back out, to Yonghwa's slight surprise, and bowed with watery eyes.
"Aish, just come here..." Yonghwa murmured so that only she could hear.  Then, he embraced her with one arm while all of Seohyun's brain function stopped.  "Take care, Seo Joohyun." he whispered.
She nodded into his shoulder before they parted and Seohyun could breathe again.  She walked into the building as Yonghwa started walking away.  They waved and waved, before Yonghwa turned first and Seohyun could only see his back.  She made her way up the stairs, until she was finally certain the cameras couldn't see her.
Then,Seohyun sat down and cried.
"Seohyun!  Welcome back!  How was the last day- Omo, why are your eyes red and puffy?  Are you alright?" Tiffany ran over to Seohyun and hurriedly wrapped her in a hug.  "What's wrong, Seohyun-ah?"
Hearing the commotion, Hyoyeon came out too and joined the group hug.  "Did Yong do something to you?"
Seohyun hurriedly shook her head. "I think I love him...  I really, really think I love him." she started to cry again when she thought about how the YongSeo couple was no more.
"Well, think about it this way.  It's not really over just because MBC says it is.  Geez, Seohyun...  And you're supposed to be the practical and realistic one!" Tiffany said with puffed cheeks as she pinched one of Seohyun's.  "You can always bump into him backstage while waiting for performances to begin.  And they promote in Japan sometimes, so you guys can meet overseas as well!"
"It's not the end at all," Hyoyeon agreed as she attempted to ruffle Seohyun's hair that had fallen out of her ponytail.
"I-I guess so..." Seohyun wiped away some of the tears that had spilled over.  Tiffany gave her shoulders a squeeze as Hyoyeon walked her to their shared room.  As Seohyun dropped the gifts onto her bed and began changing into her pajamas, Hyoyeon stopped her.
"Wait...  What's that?"
"What's what?"
"That...  That piece of paper." Hyoyeon pointed at a white, slightly crumpled, piece of paper that was lying on the floor.
"I don't know, trash?"
"It fell out of your jacket hood though."
"My... jacket... hood?"  Yonghwa had embraced her with one arm...  Did he perhaps put something within her hood?  Anxious, Seohyun hurriedly knelt down to pick up the note and read what it said.
<You know how to reach me.
Call me if you need me.
And do me a favor...
Need me.>
"Oi...  Seo Joohyun...  I'm guessing you saw my note?"
"Can I take this as a 'yes' to my subtle proposal of no longer being simply a virtual couple?"
"Well...  I need you..."
"So I guess saying 'yes' would prove most convenient, hm?"
"Aish, you can be so stubborn sometimes...  Seo. Joo. Hyun."
"You can be so childish sometimes, Jung. Yong. Hwa."
"Yooooong~" She gulped.  "I love you."
"I love you too, Seo Joohyun." And just like that, it felt like all her worries were lifted.  Those magical words were all she had been waiting for during this time.
"Good night, oppa."
"Sweet dreams, Seohyun."
And sweet dreams did she dream.
Terribly impractical...

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this two-shot (even if it isn't technically a two-shot since you could've read one part without having to read the other but whatever haha).  After the first season couples, Khuntoria and Yongseo were the ones that finally made me watch WGM again.  Thus, I decided to write this ^^
Comments/Critiques are very welcome~  Again, thank you for reading! *bows*
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AWWW so cute!!
Aw, I like the yongseo one! :)
Thank you for your kind comment, tunfish ^^
tunfish #4
sooo sweet<3<3<br />
love the stories sooo much! :) <3